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[Filled] Randomized Battler Flipping

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To have add some originality.

Randomized Graphic Flipping

Flipping the Battler Graphic. Preferably defined my hashes. Should include a way to make a graphic be flipped on it's x axis(if math is involved)
class Sprite_Battler
  Randomly_Flipped_Actors = []
  Randomly_Flipped_Enemies = []
  alias_method :seph_flippedsprites_init, :initialize
  def initialize(viewport, battler = nil)
    seph_flippedsprites_init(viewport, battler)
    unless battler.nil?
      if (battler.is_a?(Game_Actor) && Randomly_Flipped_Actors.include?(battler.id)) ||
         (battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy) && Randomly_Flipped_Enemies.include?(battler.id))
        self.mirror = rand(2) == 0

Insert somewhere below the rest of your scripts. Add actor ids into the Randomly_Flipped_Actors array and enemy ids in the Randomly_Flipped_Enemies array. If the battle appears in those arrays, it will randomly be flipped.
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