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[FILLED] Just a little tiny script I need ^^

Hey ppl, how ya'll doing ? ^^

ok ok, as I got absolutely NO rgss knowledge I was just wondering if someone could make me a little script that shows hero's level at the upper-right side of the map screen, just that, only the hero's level, nothing more. ^^

Oh, and if possible, let the hero's lvl number be the number #1 variable value, that would be awesome! :D

like that : LEVEL X .........where X = variable #1 value

simple as that =)

thanks a lot !!
class Scene_Map
  alias leveldisplay_main main
  def main
    @level_display_window = Window_Base.new(480, 0, 160, 56)
    @level_display_window.contents = Bitmap.new(128, 24)
    @level_display_window.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 128, 24, "Level #{$game_party.actors[0].level}", 1)

Just insert below Scene_Map
Change this line

@level_display_window.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 128, 24, "Level #{$game_party.actors[0].level}", 1)


@level_display_window.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 128, 24, "Level #{$game_variables[1]}", 1)

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