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[FILLED] Animated/Changing Battle Back

heres an example i threw together to show you kind of what i was talking about with 4 pictures

What I was looking for in particular yet couldn't find, would be a script that allows for an animated battle background (For instance, fading in between pictures to create a dynamic background effect) or even better, a 'hyper speed' type of effect (which could be done with transitioning alpha channels as well or could be scripted like the star effect you see on your windows screensaver.)

Ideally, it would be something like this:

In the script a max picture variable, for instance, if you want to transition between 2 images then you can use 2, or for 10 images -you get the idea. Additionally, a variable that would allow you to choose the time between the picture transitions and one that allows the length of the transition.

The amount of pictures would then be added into the script which would show picture, wait the specified amount of time begin to fade in the next picture and once the next one has reach 100% of it's maximum opacity, then erase the former one. Then procceed down the list until the maximum number had been reached and loop the whole process.

This would be used only on certain battles, so if it could be called from a script in battle that would be perfect.

----To make it even better, you could work it so where you have files labeled bg_x where x is a number 0-whatever. Then instead of specifying the number of pictures that would be used, you could just specify a number range saying "In this battle loop the pictures bg_20 through bg_50 with a 2 second transition and 2 seconds between transitions.

I hope that wasn't all too confusing, however, I am not familiar enough with the syntax or placement of scripts within RMXP yet. In return for help with this however, I would be willing to lend my skills with flash items or graphics which may be needed. :yes:

Also, if there was something that did this effect out there and I was too negligent to find it, then a link would be perfect.

Thanks very much,

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