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[FILLED] a multiple slot autosave script

Basically a want a script without the save menu, but COMPLETELY TOGGLED through events. As in, the script doesnt automatically save when teleporting to a new map unless I call the script to autosave. But with the autosave, I want there to be an option as to which slot it saves in(not an option for the player, but an option in the script toggle). Basically my game will have 2 autosave slots, one that saves at the beginning of every chapter and another that saves throughout the chapter(to prevent people from "cheating" on optional quests by reloading if they lose, I want to autosave after the result to prevent that).
Dont link me to the current autosave script, it doesnt do this and it isnt togglable which makes it largely buggy and incompatible.
Thanks if anyone can pull this off.
You don't really need a script for this, just script calls.

dummy = Scene_Save.new
filename = dummy.make_filename(index)

Just call that whenever with a call script, and replace index with the index of the save file, 0 to 3.
K this is ALMOST what I want. But it has a problem. For some reason it calls the menu after autosaving. As in, it autosaves, then you're taken to the menu with the cursor over the save option. Is there any way for it to go straight to the game? This was the aspect I assumed I'd need a script or script edit for.

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