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FFXII Learning Grid

For those of you who have played Final Fantasy XII, you know what I'm talking about. For those who haven't, I'll try to describe what I have in mind as best I can.

You earn LP points in battle to place towards a learning grid. Then, you purchase the ability to use Magic/Techs from a shop keeper, then apply them to the learning grid. You also learn how to use weapons and equip armor in this manner as well.


You purchase Cure, so that shows up available on each person's learning grid, and it costs 5 LP points to actually implement it.

Equipment wise, you would be able to use sets. Such as if you had a variety of leather equipment. This is how it might be set up on the grid for one part:

Leather Armor
Leather Hat
Leather Shield

This way if you had any Leather equipment at all, you could use it. And say all that is worth 20 LP.

Those are just examples, and I hope that someone knows what I mean. Also, this must be RTAB compatible, as that is the Battle System that I'm using. For something like this, it may not even matter.

If you need a clearer description of what I'm looking for, I will try to explain better. Thanks for any help. I think it's somewhat similar to the Sphere Grid that someone made awhile ago.

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