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FFX aeons???

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I would realy appreciate it if someone can make a script (or a tutorial)to mimic the aeons of Final Fantasy X. So you can:

-Raise stats
-Extra Menu in main menu called:"aeons" where you can read stats and abilities
-Learn abilities


I'll explain a bit for him. In FFX you can summon aeons in battle to help you fight. After the battle, everyone who participated gains experience including the aeon. Woohoo the aeon levels up and what not... but it doesn't learn skills that way.

You use items as a way to teach abilities and skills. In the screen shot, the player is teaching the ability Dark Attack to an aeon. The left side of the screen is the abilities it can learn and the right side is what is required to learn the skill. He requires 6 "Smoke Bombs". The "(#) -> (#)" is showing the number of the item in stock and the number after purchasing this ability. Once the aeon learns an
ability that skill is darkened on the left side and cannot be selected.

Other then buying abilities, the player can purchase stat ups. (i.e. HP+15%)
They, too, require items. Each skill/stat-ups require different items.

I hope this has helped.
Good luck ArcanaMagek.

Thanks Dr Weazel!!!:yes:



I don't know about you, but if I was to try to make a... whatever the hell it is (menu system? I'm not even sure)... I wouldn't be able to. I have no clue how anything works besides how one screen looks.
I think you can do it with events... you create a bunch of chara, with graphics of the eon, and then u can work a bit on an event sistem that can exchange your character with the eon... to make it easier you could 1 - use just 1 hero to cast eons, so i'ts easier on events 2 - assign certains eons only to certain heros.

Simply, you put a skill that removes your hero from the party and puts a eon instead. Try it... tough u could have some problem but i think it can work.
For the level up of the eons is a bit more difficult... invent something. Like, for instance some items that can raise their stats or things like that.
I'll explain a bit for him. In FFX you can summon aeons in battle to help you fight. After the battle, everyone who participated gains experience including the aeon. Woohoo the aeon levels up and what not... but it doesn't learn skills that way.

You use items as a way to teach abilities and skills. In the screen shot, the player is teaching the ability Dark Attack to an aeon. The left side of the screen is the abilities it can learn and the right side is what is required to learn the skill. He requires 6 "Smoke Bombs". The "(#) -> (#)" is showing the number of the item in stock and the number after purchasing this ability. Once the aeon learns an
ability that skill is darkened on the left side and cannot be selected.

Other then buying abilities, the player can purchase stat ups. (i.e. HP+15%)
They, too, require items. Each skill/stat-ups require different items.

I hope this has helped. :D
Good luck ArcanaMagek.
And i almost forgot it has to be compatible with DVV's RTAB (this is not a BUMP seph)

BUMP com'on people :'(

The next time you break the rules on bumping, I will be closing this thread, I've had enough.
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