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FFX-2 Skill System but Without the Jobs

For those who haven't played FFX2, the skill system on there is like this:

You choose a job. Then, when you go to the Skill menu, you can view the skills, and select a skill you wish to learn. When it is selected, you can use it. But when you deselect it and select another, it cannot UNLESS the AP has reached the amount that the skill requires. After this, the skill can be used along without it being equipped. When certain skills are learned, others are unlocked that can be learned, these with new AP>
AP is gained through battling, but the AP goes ONLY to the equipped skill.

Now, I need this system... but without the part of jobs / class changes. All I want is this so that when you go to the Skill menu, all skills that are available appear with the AP and AP to Master next to them. You can then select the skill you want to master through battles, which is coloured in blue. The skills that have been fully learned should be coloured in yellow. Skills that cannot be selected to equip / use as of yet should be coloured in grey. The rest of the skills, white.

Could somebody make a system like this for meh?

If you need more detail, just ask.

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