It doesn't matter what you use, if it's an image then you can crop a portion out for whatever in a script, that's why I'm asking.
Well here's what they do with the character set in the Window_Base script.
# * Draw Graphic
# actor : actor
# x : draw spot x-coordinate
# y : draw spot y-coordinate
def draw_actor_graphic(actor, x, y)
bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(actor.character_name, actor.character_hue)
cw = bitmap.width / 4
ch = bitmap.height / 4
src_rect =, 0, cw, ch)
self.contents.blt(x - cw / 2, y - ch, bitmap, src_rect)
Change the first line of that method to this, or just create a new method just like that but with this for the first line. This shows the battler instead of the characterset.
bitmap = RPG::Cache.battler(actor.battler_name, actor.battler_hue)
For the next line, change the 4 to the number of columns there are on the sprite sheet, for example, on the RTP charactersets there are 4 across, thus being a 4 there. For example if there are 6 across on your spritesheet, change it to 6 like this.
For the next line, change the 4 to the number of rows there are on the sprite sheet, for example, on the RTP charactersets there are 4 down, thus being a 4 there. For example if there are 10 down on your spritesheet, change it to 10 like this.
For the next line, change the 0s to the x and y pixel location of where the sprite starts. For the top left of a 128 by 192 sprite you just keep the 0s, but for the bottom right sprite of a 4 by 4 128 by 192 pixel sprite, you'd change it to this.
src_rect =, 144, cw, ch)
Sorry if I didn't help you enough earlier, I was just going to do it for you, myself, but I guess not.
Here's just an example of showing the 3rd down, 4th sprite across on a 8 by 10 sprite, 256 by 320 pixel spritesheet.
# * Draw Sprite Battler
# actor : actor
# x : draw spot x-coordinate
# y : draw spot y-coordinate
def draw_actor_sprite_battler(actor, x, y)
bitmap = RPG::Cache.battler(actor.battler_name, actor.battler_hue)
cw = bitmap.width / 8
ch = bitmap.height / 10
src_rect =, 96, cw, ch)
self.contents.blt(x - cw / 2, y - ch, bitmap, src_rect)
Don't worry about editing that last line, from what I can see, it should be fine. Just add this method to Window_Base and in the Window_Status script, just change draw_actor_graphic to draw_actor_sprite_battler, or whatever you named the new method.