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FFTA Battle system

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Simple battle system, screenies coming, anyone ever played should know what i'm talking about, but NOT Isometric.
Hate to burst your bubble, but making a tactics battle system is not simple. I think there has been a tactics battle system in the works for some time now and I'm pretty sure it's not perfected yet. (If it is, I haven't seen it yet)
the thing is fft is 3d. rmxp is 2d. even if you made all the rules you just cant perfectly replicate 3d in 2d. however if you made a tile set with diagonal tiles that are elevated and made charsets that move diagonally you can have a basic fix angled 3d effect. of course if I knew about scripting I would make a script to go along with graphics like that^^;; (i see a project coming up)



Their is an existant Tactical battle sytem by Squall aka Selwyn but its beta and it was only a tester to show off, but basically you wont find a fully functional one anytime soon.

Also i'd like to point out that FFTA isn't 3d it is 2d
Mac;127937 said:
Their is an existant Tactical battle sytem by Squall aka Selwyn but its beta and it was only a tester to show off, but basically you wont find a fully functional one anytime soon.

Also i'd like to point out that FFTA isn't 3d it is 2d

it has different angles if you remember the camera moves around when its different peoples turns meaning its either 3d or a really complex 2d with not only sprite directions but map directions. I would say its probally 3d though



If you want this script, you're just going to have to wait until Selwyn finishes. This is the sort of project that would take months, it's not something someone is going to do as a request on the spur of the moment. Not even our resident scripting masochists Trickster and SephirothSpawn.
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