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FFMQ Version: 0.1
By: Fustel

The reason I placed this game here is that it is not meant to become a complete game for now... and not in its present form. Its purpose was to to allow me to re-create the Final Fantasy Mystic Quest gameplay. The real project should be something like (Fustel Famous Magical Quill' (or something like that...)
So, it is not a complete game. It has no intro, no real world map (just routes), lacks some effect (like the grapple), is only playable 'til the Wintry Cave, and some texts may even be in French. But it has of the original FFMQ mechanisms, wich include (although the list may not be complet... feel free to try and discover all of them)
  • World Map routes
  • Ammunitions
  • Tools
  • Height management
  • Jumping
  • and others....

Just feel free to try & comment this little things. I promise I'll take your comments into account... although it may be 'not before a loonnngggg time'


Some Snapshots


Previous Tool : L button
Next Tool : R button

Jump : C button

Credits and Thanks
All graphics & musics ripped by myself
All scriptings done by myself
... and everything else done by myself



Ok, so Im gonna need to you to put up at LEEEEEASSST one or two screenies just to show this isnt a virus or something. Nothing personal, just looking out for our members. I'll give you 24 hours to add some, please, or ill have to lock this until you put some up. Thanks for your help!



No worries :D I like the nostalgia of you shots, but the maps tend to be very vacant. Look at the forest map for example and compare it to the map in the actual FFMQ. Try to fill it up as much as possible so it looks more broad.
Please be more sprcific. I recreated EXACTLY the same maps, using close looking tile or ripping them when necessary.
But, perhaps as a near-blind person, I missed some details ? Or perhaps this feeling of vacancy may be due to the absence of the HUD, which is not yet implemented, and hide a fair portion of the screen ?
Try FFMQ xith ZSNE, hiding the layer #3 (the HUD layer), and tell me.



That might be it. It may just be because of the specific area of each dungeon. I havent played FFMQ in a while, but I just remember it being less spacious on the maps. Perhaps Im just wrong though.
Fustel":29f41tzl said:
Please be more sprcific. I recreated EXACTLY the same maps, using close looking tile or ripping them when necessary.
Yeah, I've never played the game, but basically if it was 16x16 when you copy a map from it you have twice the empty space all of a sudden, since you're using 32x32.

EDIT: Excuse my maths, you have FOUR times the empty space.
Pokémaniac":10aqwfb2 said:
Fustel":10aqwfb2 said:
Please be more sprcific. I recreated EXACTLY the same maps, using close looking tile or ripping them when necessary.
Yeah, I've never played the game, but basically if it was 16x16 when you copy a map from it you have twice the empty space all of a sudden, since you're using 32x32.

EDIT: Excuse my maths, you have FOUR times the empty space.

Err... do you know that the ripping process includes the enlargement of 16*16 tile to 32*32 tiles, so that the tilzs basically ovvupy the same space in the maps ??
Yes, but, you have 4 times the ground space. A lot of old maps were pretty blank because just the walls and such occupied a good bit of the screen.
I still do not see the point. My map, as well as the original, is 27*25 uasable tiles (plus 8 on each side to have it scroll on every move). The RMVX map has 32*32 pixels tile, which are enlargement of the original 16*16 picels tiles. The number of tiles is the same in each map, and each tile is as filed as the original one.

But perhaps are you are misleaded by the lack of the HUD wich makes the usable screen shorter in height and look like it is brader. Look at the point I had with moog.
Okay, but your eye isn't going to take in everything as a relative. You have the same amount of tiles, but each floor tile is taking up 4 times the eye-space, so it looks like the empty bits are 4 times bigger.



how cute. ah, man, this makes me feel all nostalgic - I loved MQ as a kid. :)

this probably doesn't apply if this is just a casual, fartin' around kind of project - but keep in mind it looks pretty odd and inconsistent when you mix the RTP graphics with ripped graphics at different resolutions like that.
Moxie":3ufhxu9r said:
...but keep in mind it looks pretty odd and inconsistent when you mix the RTP graphics with ripped graphics at different resolutions like that.

That's one of the reason it stays as a casual. The RTP will never be enough for this game (unless a soft-hearted grapher takes the time to redraw all the pics...), and a full ripping will look... well...like old FFMQ :tongue:

As I said, the real reason for this one is scripting, scripting, scripting.... It is there I imagined all those silly BDR script. And I will release more once I re-read and re-worke all of them.

Until, one day... 'Fustel FMQ'...
Pokémaniac":1vqar2ul said:
Okay, but your eye isn't going to take in everything as a relative. You have the same amount of tiles, but each floor tile is taking up 4 times the eye-space, so it looks like the empty bits are 4 times bigger.

Taken 2 screens of the same size (say 54.4 cm width), each displaying the same map 17 tiles wite. This make eache tile 3.2 cm wide.

Game A, running on Screen A, has 16 picel-wde tiles. That makes a pixel 0.2 cm wide.
Game B, running on Screen B has 32 picel-wde tiles. That makes a pixel 0.1 cm wide.

As the Game B tiles are 2x enlargement of the Game B tiles, each pixlel of the Game A uses 2 pixels ef the Game B.

A Game A pixel on Screen A takes 0.2*1 = 0.2 cm
A Game A picel-equivalent on Screen B takes 0.1*2 = 0.2 cm

This is equally true for height.

Therefore, each game A pixel takes the same screen-space, and therefore the same eye-space whatever the display mode (16*16 or 32*32), providing the second is 2x enlargement of the first. Which is the case.

Sorry for the lengthy demonstration, but I still do not see the point...
I'm just saying a single pixel from a 320*200 has the same size as 2 pixels from a 640*200.

Errr... we are speaking of virtual screen pixels, not real pixels, aren't wi ?

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