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Landarma;139324 said:
Actually, making menu command and menu status window like that is not that hard, if you know how to do. (by the way, you want GBA resolution?)

Well, I have a windowskin ripped from that exact screenshot, but I guess I dont' want that resolution. Thanks in advance.
Last time I checked the Main Menu screen of the Menu is not a CMS

you didn't show screens of the other menu's (Skill, Item, Equip, etc.)

What do the options Order, Config, Quicksave do?

So much more can be explained here and you can't do it with just one screenshot and 4 lines.
About some menu options:
Order: You can change party members position here.
Config: Literally, config. You can set battle speed, wait/active, message speed, window color, blahblah.....
Quicksave: I never used that option....(emulator users don't need that.. cough) Besides, original SFC version doesn't have that feature.
I'd actually like to see this script as well. Here are some photos:

The main window. Battlers are shown on the left and the options are on the right, underneath that is the playtime and Gold. The party has 5 members max, shown from top to bottom, and the character in the middle is the leader. All of the options on the right can be included.

The "Custom" section is where you change options for your game, such as windowskin, or tint of windowskin, etc.

Form changes the party formation, or order that they appear in. 'Change' swaps the rows. THe way formations work is:

(from the top) The top, third, and fifth characters are on the front row. The second and fourth characters are the back row. When you click change, it swaps these positions.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v411/ ... yIIUv1.jpg[/IMG]

The item screen. This shows all of the items in your inventory, there are 2 columns for items to be displayed. You are able to re-arrange items, as well as toss them. There is a trash can at the bottom, to throw out an item, you rearrange it but 'swap' it with the trash can. TO rearrange items, you select one item, then select the spot where you want to put it. To use items, you swap an item with itself.

When you select the same item twice, it brings up a list of party members, from which you can select a character to use the item on.

Items not usable on the menu are greyed out.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v411/ ... IUv1-1.jpg[/IMG]

From the main menu, you select equip, and the pointer goes to your party so you can choose the actor to equip.

The equip screen. The 3 stats you see, top to bottom are attack, defense, and magic defense. You can also scroll through party members if you press L or R (Q or W i suppose in XP).
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v411/ ... IUv1-2.jpg[/IMG]

This is the status screen, the stats could be swapped to show the 4 character stats (based off their label in the character DB).
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v411/ ... IUv1-3.jpg[/IMG]

The magic or 'Skills' screen is similar to the items screen, however, at the top it shows the user's HP SP and face. When you select a skill usable on the menu, it brings up a list of the characters in party for you to use the skill on. Skills not usable on the menu are greyed out.

The CMS is fully animated, though, its hard to describle in words, and is not that important of a feature to matter.

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