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FF3 Esper and FF8 Junction Combined!

Hello to anyone daring to read this request, for it is a large request and anyone willing to take it on is a true hero.

My desire is to mix the Final Fantasy 3 "esper system" and the Final Fantasy 8 "Junction system." I have already started doing this, using only events (because I know NOTHING about scripting), but there more I make the system, the more I'm realizing how difficult this will be. Here is my system that I created using only events.


Here's a mirror


I'd like to be able to access the esper menu from the main menu, and within the esper menu, be able to either equip an esper or check on the status. The status is basically the level of the esper, the spells that they give you and the stats they increase (exactly like the demo).

If someone is willing to do this, I can give them all the little particulars (like which espers give which spells and how much they increase certain stats)

In my demo, the characters can only hold 2 espers at a time. I'd like for them to hold atleast 3. Also, the max level for the espers is 15, I'd also like to change that to 25-30.

Also in the demo, the backrounds of the menu are red and black. This doesn't have to be like this at all. If you need to use graphics in the making of this script, I can do them ALL for you. That part I don't need help with. I need help with the scripting.

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'm sure other people could use this too.

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