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FF2 Stats increase system

I could be wrong but I only know of it coming from Final Fantasy 2 for the NES and from FF1+2 DoS. anyways.

The system I'm asking/looking for is basically depending on your actions in battle depend on what stats increase, this of course takes away the use and need for EXP and I personally think it adds a bit of strategy to the battles. Also I don't know if this has already been done besides ParaDog's version(see below for why I don't want it) and if it has could someone link me to it? If not heres(hopefully) a good run down of how the system works.

for example, if say Hero 1 were to have 100 HP and he lost roughly 70-80 HP during the battle at the end of the battle he'd get a increase in MAX HP, same goes for MP. by attacking a lot your STR is likely to increase, using Magic is likely to increase your INT/Mind and recovering MP will also do that. Recovering HP would normally increase your VIT but since RMXP doesn't have such a stat thats meaningless, unless someone can code that in and make it useful which I doubt. Dodging attacks and fleeing can increase your AGI and DEX stats. I think that covers most of it.

Currently I'm using ParaDog's after battle stats script but to me it's to limited, mainly since it takes commands into how the stats are raised and I'd rather have it based on the character then the commands.

If I didn't cover something, just let me know.
Thanks in advance!
I might just as well attempt this. The only major problem being that it would probably require a heavy edit of the Game_Actor, and Scene_Battle classes, and still require a script of it's own.

Also, do you want just the stats, or the Weapon/Spell skills too?
Oddly, without having played FF2, I came up with an idea very similar to that for a game I had in mind. It seemed a really interesting idea, if you include experience for every skill. However, according to a recent video from I think EGM (possibly 1up), this was the worst system ever devised. Tedius, and too tempting to just stand there attacking your own party.

I still think it would be awesome, but would need some tweaking.

First, you'd need to lock it so only enemies could provide "experience", whether they're the ones targetted or they target you.

Second, you'd have to set up a rule of diminishing returns perhaps based on the relative skill levels of the enemies (like, you get more if the enemy has a higher x, less if they have lower, etc), or perhaps on a simple "level" comparison.

It would be complicated, but I think could be really cool if well-balanced. Quest For Glory used this system well, but it was a 1 player game--more characters make the whole system more complex.

I'd try it myself if it was compatible with other scripts, but I don't envy the scripter here.
Eiji;171025 said:
I might just as well attempt this. The only major problem being that it would probably require a heavy edit of the Game_Actor, and Scene_Battle classes, and still require a script of it's own.

Also, do you want just the stats, or the Weapon/Spell skills too?

Just the stats. I don't need skills or weapons leveling up, too much work and probably not worth it in the long run.
I've tried that system long ago, Sadly for some reason nothing seems to work. My characters could be at 1 HP for the whole game and never increase in MAX HP, not sure what's causing the problem.

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