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FF ADVENTURE Script Request

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My students, who are not members of rmxp.org, would like a script for the game their making in my class.

They need the script for Final Fantasy Adventure. If you've never played FFA, it's an Action-RPG for the Game Boy Color.

In FFA, monsters are quite literally everywhere, and you can see them walking/flying/swimming around the screen. When you bump into them, no, a random battle does not start. When you bump into them, you take damage. When you stand about 1 or 2 tiles away from them, and press the Attack button, you swing your weapon and do damage to the enemy. Some enemies can even shoot energy spheres at you from any point on the screen.

Here are some screen shots:

You can also open up your main menu anytime (which will of course pause any battles you may have walked into), and use items, change equipment, or equip spells.
In FFA, you had to equip items and spells from the main menu, exit the menu, and then press the Use button to activate it. I don't think they want that. How about making it so that you can use items straight from the menu, and any spells you learn are assigned to individual keys on the keyboard?

Also, when walking around, your HP, MP, Gold, and Will Power are displayed at the bottom of the screen. Will Power is a power gauge that slowly fills up over time. It automatically empties when you attack or cast a spell. If you attack when the gauge is full, you perform a special attack. For my students, Matt and John, just make it so that it does double damage instead. As for the amount of time it takes for the gauge to fill up, make it 1.5% per second.

I think I covered everything. If you have any questions. go ahead and ask.

Thank you! :please:
That seems a little bit much. Can you clarify weather or not you want the level up system too? The regular system seems like any other action game, I've played it, but do you want the leveling system too?
Nope. Just the RMXP's default system plus the above posted additions. They're making small fan-games, so they're not interested in an experience system, they'll probably just use the Change Level event after bosses, and that's it.
In FFA, monsters are quite literally everywhere, and you can see them walking/flying/swimming around the screen. When you bump into them, no, a random battle does not start. When you bump into them, you take damage. When you stand about 1 or 2 tiles away from them, and press the Attack button, you swing your weapon and do damage to the enemy. Some enemies can even shoot energy spheres at you from any point on the screen.
That's an Action Battle System (ABS)... There are many of them here, but I recommend Mr. Mo ABS.
Yeah, one of that guy's download links doesn't work, and when I download from the other two, I get an icon ( a picture of a paper with an orange dragon on it) and a message that says "unexpected file format" and I can't open it.
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