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Few things to do with the actor.

Okay what i am looking for is three things.

1. Have a universal sprite with a variable to say 1-10 depending on what the variable is there would be 10 different sprites.

2. I am using sephys in battle switch and summon script and i would like it so only one character appears in battle at a time.

3. I am also using sephys party/class switching script and wanted that for when the party reaches over 6 actors it automaticlly sends them to reserve.

Thanks anyone who can do this i will do what ever i can to repay them. Thanks

1. Have a universal sprite with a variable to say 1-10 depending on what the variable is there would be 10 different sprites.
Here's is this first one
class Game_Actor
       1 => [<sprite>, <sprite>,....],
       2 => [<sprite>, <sprite>,....],
  attr_accessor :sprites
  attr_reader   :current_sprite
  alias bibbg459_game_actor_init initialize
  def initialize(actor_id)
    @sprites = BIGBG459_SPRITES[actor_id]
    @sprites = [@character_name] unless @sprites.is_a?(Array)
    @current_sprite = -1
  def current_sprite=(sprite_id)
    @current_sprite = sprite_id
    @character_name = @sprites[@current_sprite]
    $game_map.need_refresh = true
you have to fill that red hash with your sprites names
You have 2 ways to change the sprite. The first is by actor database index (1 = first) and the second by the position in the party (0 = first):
$game_actors[actor_id].current_sprite = sprite_id
$game_party.actors[actor_pos].current_sprite = sprite_id

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