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Fate's New Template



Hello all, It has been a very long time since I have been involved with this forum. Many years infact, since .net. Well, I have been building a project for sometime, Which is not released yet.
I will be designing a new template for my project, as it was the only alternative I had for making my desired game.
Once the template is complete I will be releasing it as free of use to others. It's still in WIP status but, This is the basis of how it will be. Next to the template is my project's main character, just so you can see what the template would look like in full effect.


C&C would be lovely.


Awesome Bro

Personally I think the legs are too fat, the head is too... flat on the top, and it needs more contrast.

However, I love how it looks with your main character sprite on it, but even then I think more contrast is needed...

I'd love to see the whole sheet once it's finished and how it animates :thumb:



Ahhh yes, I posted the wrong stance, That stance is infact, standing stance. As you can see below, This would be normal stance for waking. I have complete the Animation of walking, But its still in WIP mode also, But below you'll see.



Awesome Bro

Sorry about that, it's not that we're dead, there's just a pretty big Construct 2 competition going on, so a lot of us are hard at work on our games and only keeping to that side of the forum for the time being, give it time and I'm sure someone else will comment :thumb:
the arms and legs seem a but stubby in proportion, even with the main character sprite
It also looks like he is hunching or slouching
But it is a really cute start and i like where you are going with it
just some more contrast and maybe a little bit of proportion work and you are golden
and yeah i would love to see it animate as well!

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