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faceset help please

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i searched but couldnt find exactly what i wanted.

i basically want to use facesets instead of sprite graphics for the characters in the menu. i'm not too script literate but i can make some work, i found this relatively simple one


but the only problem is is that it only works for the main menu screen, i was hoping to get a simple script to make facesets appear in the status and save file screens as well.

i can play with coordinates fine, i just would need a script if anyone could help me with this that would be great

EDIT: crap i just realized i posted this in the wrong forum
Well, while this is still in the Support forum and not in Script Requests...

Maybe this...
RM2K Facesets, Inn & Windowskin Colors
http://hometown.aol.com/Der%20VVulfman/ ... /S_N_D.png[/IMG]http://hometown.aol.com/Der%20VVulfman/Files/RMXP/RMXP-ORG/Forum_Icons/FORUMS.PNG[/IMG]
by DerVVulfman (posted HERE 05-14-2006)
Custom Menu Add-Ons / Custom Message System / Stores, Inns & Etc.
This module returns facesets back to RMXP, not only in messages but in the menu system itself. It also adds the missing INN system (with facesets of course), and a system where the game's text colors can change based on the windowskin used (also right out of RM2K).​
If the main demo has TOO much stuff for you, then there are three smaller demos in the 2nd post you may want. As you said face'SET', I figured you may be interested...
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