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Extremely Simple Terrain Script Request

You know, Treg, this could be pretty easily done in events. It might not be as practical, but I've done similar things before.

Good luck.
ChopSuey! said:
But this would probably be even easier with a script. That would be a buttload of events.

Technically it would be one event, a common event.

Although I'm talking to TREG about it on MSN right now, and it seems that in this particular instance it's slightly more complicated. Meaning it's still possible with events, but far more of a hassle than I had originally thought.
Sorry if I wasn't thinking about the hundrets of NPCs that can be seen in your screen ^_^

Well, an even easier and non-lagging, non-anything-reseting way o do this would be to change the characters characterset to fully transparent. I don't know how exactly your feature works, but it should be possible with that... for the transition, use a battle animation.
Personally, unless you intend to actually have the character walking on the roof later (which it doesn't seem you do), there's another option. Still messy, but a bit quicker than some of these alternatives. You could take a screenshot then cut out the the roof part that would go over the character - then have that as a picture on specific coordinates. I know this isn't the script you'd like, but the advantage of this particular method is that when the player goes under the picture, or is in range (simple script for that) the picture can be faded to slight transparency. This way the character can still be seen, wandering around and fiddling with buckets etc, while creating the illusion of walking behind a building. Or you can keep the picture's opacity steady so the character isn't seen, either way.

Just a thought. You probably thought of it already.
I actually really like the picture idea- for the transparency thing. I'd suggest screwing the original idea and going with that. Allowing the transparency means the player can do stuff underneath.
*scratches head* Scriptwise, I was thinking of something like Near Fantastica's existing View Range script, which might need very little modifying if any at all.

Of course, it's also possible to do it in a simple call script instead, in the event, within only a few lines of code, telling it to check if player is within x or y of event or screen, show picture, if player is within a or b of event (to be underneath), fade picture - but if Near Fantastica's script does the job, no need.

As per the picture, I figured simply create individual pictures of the building tops you need to - so unless you're using absolutely massive, MASSIVE maps with several dozen variations on the rooftops, you could just have, say, a dozen different rooftops that can be used as pictures. Fade them out one at a time when near them, as opposed to a massive overlay. I think the picture limit is 50. It might be a little more work than if someone made the script for you, but it would be far prettier.

But again, really, it'd be easier for you if you could just get a simple script to do what you want. I'm just saying this alternative (which is pretty) isn't going to require a massive, massive PNG, unless you MUST have many, many rooftops which are all completely distinct.

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