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Extra lesson - Mapping of caves and beaches

Olá friends mappers! Here it is the JuniorMaker and it starts our first extra lesson. Before seeing them to me of that if it treats this extra lesson, it would like that those that had not read my previous lessons, read, therefore each lesson approaches a subject different and thus they would be improving in diverse aspects.

- But... Extra lesson? What it is this?
Then, it stows thinking, and vi that it could divide my lessons, between "Extra Lessons" and "Lessons". In the normal lessons I will continue approaching subjects that will help in diverse types of maps, "global" subjects, in these lessons already I explained for example on, agreement, autotiles and etc. The extra lessons, will approach a type of map in special, explaining step by step as to construct in an ideal way "such" map.

In my passed lesson, I spoke on squared maps, and gave some examples, between them a cave, and this in special, I was very I have accepted well and worked, much worked well made by ones, but nor in such a way for others then I decided that to estrear our first extra lesson, to show step by step on constructions of caves he would be ideal and still in this same lesson I will explain the construction of a small beach. Then we go there!

1º Passo- To start, it creates a new map, of the size that to desire, I created 78 x 63, therefore I will explain the construction of a great cave here, but as vocês they will go to learn here, will be able to make caves of any size. For already, pass the soil graph for all the map.


2º Passo-Now, skirt now making a contour in return of the cave, is avontade, only remembers, in the Maximo to repeat 3 times the same graphs, because thus the cave will badly give to the pie impression and feita(that it is what we are wanting), e is intent, that it is in this stage, that the cave takes square form... or not.

3º Passo- After to have done this, that stops me is the delayed part most difficult and, in the third stage, vocês goes adjusts the corner of the cave, nothing very difficult, it also uses to advantage for you adjust the possible errors that can exist between walls.

4º Passo- It fills the contour of the cave, total, sees that I am an excellent contour, but an immense emptiness in the way... if does not worry goes to fill this now.

5º Passo- Now much attention again, As well as we made in as step, we will make now almost that in the same way, we will go to pull arms of the contours to form ways of the cave inside, vocês must go distributing walls, does not have much secret, it only tries to make different forms, thus "they inside appear" ways of the cave, and remembers to leave some inaccessible areas, of the one has still touched better in the cave.

6º Passo- As well as in the third step, to adjust the quinas it is the objective of this here also.

7º Passo- Again it fills the spaces inside of the "arms" that you it pulled, and ready, ai this a beautiful cave, I will go to show in 8º step, a little of as to detail it, nothing very advanced, but that already it will give one differentiated, and probably already it would be good pra for entering in many projects for there.

8º Passo- After all the ready base, it only lacks to detail, here in the SS, I varied the soil, using auto tile darker and the ash, and also placed puddles d'água, therefore already we know that it is in the majority of the places always exists humidity, the main trick, it is to botar some parts of the tips of the contours in layer 2, and the water underneath of them in layer 1, is thus the impression that the water this alem of where we obtain to see....um legal impression, detail also with flowers, ai varies of cave for cave, in some can exist an immense variation of flowers and another one nor in such a way, is good that in determined caves, it does not need no vegetation, and others need, depends on the idea of mapper, soon will make a lesson, of as to detail diverse maps, forests, mountains and caves, at the moment, the basic details of a cave are these that this in the same SS.

Then personal, I Also left a space in the way of the cave, because this map will be used in a game with battles in real time, but valley to remember that nor all they are thus, you can vary, create more labyrinths, or exactly tie to leave more spaces for fights, my objective I was here to show an easy way to construct to caves....e I wait that he has obtained. Now without nor breathing right, we go the construction of a beach...

1º Passo- As well as in the cave, it creates a map, again of the size that to desire, I created one 80x32, but yours they can create the size that all to want, what I will teach here I serve of example for any type of beach, and already pass tile of sand for the map.

2º Passo- Here this the secret of everything, to start the beach, starts for auto tile of darker water, or either, you the beach "of the end for the start" will be starting, seems strange, but it is the skill most easy, and most important, sufficiently attention in this, and next the two steps, will be they who will give to form the beach.

3º Passo- Now, it tries to make the same contours, with tile of water a little more clearly, and giving a space of "a water for another one", he is something thus:

4º Passo-In the same way that third, you use waters clearest to complete the beach, always attemped to follow the same contours, and ready! Its beach this ready, but is calm, will not stop there for.

5º Passo- I made here, the basic details of a good beach, some rocks in the sea, cockle-boats, trees, and some equipment of fisherman, the q is not obliged... and the "ready beach", from there the personage can leave pra some village and such.

6º Passo- But I opted to botar some morrinhos in the beach, pra to try of the a impression that the beach this below of the level of the "normal land", type, I made a species of small mountain, I am half stranger, but I wait to have obtained to pass the impression that wanted.

Then personal, one more time I left spaces ai in the way of the beach, pra battles, therefore the majority them my maps are for games with fights in real time, and clearly, one more time valley to remember that nor all the beaches HAVE to be thus, and the detailing can very be bigger of the one than this that I made, my objective age to show in the possible way simplest, as to make a small beach, and waits that it has obtained.

Then, it finishes the first extra, brief lesson here we will approach other maps specific, but as always I cannot leave a defined date, therefore I have diverse hanging works, but I believe q in less than 15 days a Lesson, or extra Lesson is postada here in the ReinoRPG.com.

It has, and those that to want to postar SS of maps in the topic I to give one here evaluated and to be able to help to correct the necessary points... can postar, as much on caves how much on beach, that always possible I will be evaluating the same ones. I wait that it has helped, until the next one.




Tutorials of LevelDesign for RPG Maker XP by Striker is licensed under a
Creative Commons Atribuição-Uso Não-Comercial-Compartilhamento pela mesma Licença 2.5 Brasil License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at ReinoRPG.com



I understand cos I speak spanish, ^^.
I could transalate it, but it's his job, though.

hahaha, i Understand everything,
I speak spanish so..good tutorial.. next time use a transaltor

    don't double post. consider this a warning. -des
Even though this is an English-only forum, these tutorials are clear enough due to the images- thanks for including the pictures showing the progress throughout the tutorial. I appreciate the time you took in running the last tutorial (the one here rather than on the linked pages) through an online translator before posting it.

I'll also rename the topic for you to have an English title.
I forgot modifying the heading...  :lol:

I go to place the original name, however in English ok?

Soon I will bring mine other lessons postadas in my Brazilian site for here.


No offense, RENEGADE, but I don't think that your English skills are at there best. The online tranlsator that Juniormaker used seems understandable enough, especially with the images.
Accurately, I am not very good in English, but if this young to be to think that he can improve my translation still more, then I say that all aid is coming well...  :thumb:


Instead of passo, use the word step. That should make it alot better :)

Nice tutorial by the way! I really like the beach.
It is that in the truth, this method of lecionar, I already use to a time in my lessons here in Brazil, and all are liking and learning very, then to dificilmenter I will go to change this method.

thanks for the compliments.

Thanks to all for the compliments, then the next lesson will be being postada here in the RMXP, the subject will be the construction of a forest.


Love the mapping but most of all I love the fun it is to decode what you say. If I were you, I wouldn't translate. Think of it as your gift in return for people to have to decode to understand. Your providing great lessons for us and we should be thankful enough to take it as it comes. I say, keep it how you want and let that be your "Signature" on lessons.
Thanks to all for the compliments  :grin:

I do not know, but I find that not to translate it could even though cause a barring of my topic, but for I would be excellent to postar in my language, and yours that has English fluente translated into I, would be enormously been thankful. I will go to make a test in the next lesson that I to postar, first will go to postar in Portuguese, if somebody to complain and nobody to translate into min, I myself I go to translate into the English (exactly that he is English a all strange one  :huh:)


The translator won't translate portuguese slangs like 'botar', 'morrinhos', ai/aí, d'água, pra, postar, postada. You have to write the tutorial using perfect portuguese, or the translator will go insane.. o.o PM me if you ever need help. :)

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