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Export your characters from one game, then import into sequel

Okay, so, I'm looking for a script that would let the player export his characters from one game, then import them into the sequel of the game. I don't really know how this could be done (or if it could be done) but I figured I'd ask and see. Cause if it can, I have an idea for a game that is a 3 parter, and it allows you to pull your characters out of the first game, and then import them into the next, thus allowing the player to keep all the armor and skills and such he earned from the previous game. Or, if he doesn't import his characters, he can start out with characters that may be close to the same, but won't have the awesome armor and skills and such earned from the last game.
ok i have an idea (not a script)

End Game 1 with a blank map (from now on known as Map001.rxdata) which calls the save screen.
The player saves the game to their save slot.

Now for Game 2, make clear instructions to tell the player to move Save1.rxdata (from Game 1) to the folder of Game 2.
Make instructions for when importing characters, use the 'Continue' option.

This should load the party in Map001.rxdata (from Game 1)
That means Game 2 must have the equivalent map (Map001.rxdata). You would just have to make sure that the number of the map is the one you want the player to import from.

So the Game 2 Map001.rxdata should be editted for your purposes, such as teleporting to the first event (while all characters are imported and have their items)

This should work, however, Game 2 must have an identical database to Game 1. Game 2's database can be added on to though.
So Game 2 database must have all the original data in the right places, but can also include data after that.

Hope this might help.



That's what was done in Kamau's Legion Saga, if I remember correctly. Of course, they'll still have to copy their save file into the save folder of the game they wish to import the characters to.



It wouldn't be that hard to read a save file just for the characters, and then overwrite the defaults with the loaded data.

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