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Experience Goes To 0 Again

Someone has a script that makes the experience of a char goes to 0 again after the level up? Cause in the game like for example ya need 15 exp. to advance from Lv.1 to Lv.2.... then after reaching it... u have
15/(number what ya need for Lv.3) Thats LAME :-/

Im happy w/ that ^, but if it isnt too much i would like to see the exp. i have in %'s next to my exp. like if i have 10 exp.. i need 20.. 10/20 [50.00%].

~ Peace



He means that when you level up, on the menu the exp meter doesnt go back to zero, it stays at the experience value that is was when you leveled up.

You level up to 1, after gaining 30 experience points. The meter is empty now, but the 30 base number stays the same, and the other number (experience needed) goes up to 75, leaving you to gain 45 more experience points.

Instead, when you level up, the base number goes to 0 and the experience needed is 45.

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