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Exp Level Reset

Exp Level Reset

After an actor levels up their experience goes back to 0 making it more  challenging to level up.
Old Way: Level 2 requires 25 exp. You get to level 2 and you keep that 25 experience.
This Way: Level 2 requires 25 exp. You get to level 2 but you go back to 0 exp making you get more experience until your next level up.

  • Resets Exp after Level Up
  • Adds some challenge to your game




# Exp Level Reset

# Author game_guy

# Version 1.0


# Intro:

# After an actor levels up their experience goes back to 0 making it more 

# challenging to level up.

# Example:

# Old Way: Level 2 requires 25 exp. You get to level 2 and you keep that

# 25 experience.

# This Way: Level 2 requires 25 exp. You get to level 2 but you go back to 0

# exp making you get more experience until your next level up.


# Features:

# Resets Exp after Level Up

# Adds some challenge to your game


# Instructions:

# Place below Scene_Debug but above everything else.


# Compatability:

# Not tested with SDK.

# Will work with any battle system.

# Overwrites Game_Actor's exp and level method.


# Credits:

# game_guy ~ for making it

# Branden ~ for testing it and listening to me blab on about the script


class Game_Actor

  def exp=(exp)

    @exp = exp

    while @exp >= @exp_list[@level+1] and @exp_list[@level+1] > 0

      @exp = @exp - @exp_list[@level+1]

      @level += 1


    for j in $data_classes[@class_id].learnings

      if j.level == @level




    @hp = [@hp, self.maxhp].min

    @sp = [@sp, self.maxsp].min


  def level=(level)

    level = [[level, $data_actors[@actor_id].final_level].min, 1].max

    @exp = 0




Not tested with SDK.
Will work with any battle system.
Overwrites Game_Actor exp and level method.

  • game_guy ~ for making it
  • Branden ~ for testing it and listening to me blab on about the script


Awesome Bro

It's a pretty simple script, and yet I don't think I've seen anyone do it before, lol... not too bad.

I assume it will, but I'll ask anyway,

Say you have 21 EXP, you need to get to 25 EXP to level up, the next fight gives you 9 EXP, does the EXP roll over so you'll end up being the next level with 5 EXP?
Haha, I did the exact same thing a few years ago, but you did it 10 times better than I did.

Congrats, nice script.
- Dargor
The thing with this script, while well executed definately, is that I don't see a valid appliance... modifying the factors in the EXP curve can get you the exact same effect without loosing the data on how much EXP you ever collected. Some people might however prefer it, though, so yeah - as I said before, well executed :p

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