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Examples of cool mechanics in recent games.

Now that is a wonderful game, I played it a couple of days ago in an intention to waste 5 minutes before going to my lecture... got to level 56. It's really fun :)
I think Earthbound's homesickness mechanic deserves a mention. Talk about meaningful metaphors. http://earthbound.wikia.com/wiki/Homesick

Essentially, while you're low level, you become afflicted with homesickness which affects you in battle (making you miss etc). This status can only be cured when you phone home. I think this adds a lot of depth to the main character and gives it a bit of realism.
Unepic has a slot inventory design. When you go to the sewer and jump in the water your health starts going down by 1 then 2 then 3...the first time I played it I figured the water must be poisioned. So once my health got low I warped back the the auto heal/save spot which normally removes status effects like poison or burning. But even after recovering, my health was still dropping which was weird. Then I open my inventory and there were throbbing Leeches filling in my empty item slots. They continue to drain your health until you pick them off. Genius. They also do it with vampire bats, if a bat hit you it'll disappear and hangs out upside-down in your inventory draining your health until you remove it.

That also reminds be of Dark Cloud. Food items like cheese or fish would rot in your inventory unless you bought a chunk of ice to keep your inventory cool. Only the ice would also melt over time.
@coyotecraft Very cool way to use the inventory system. Great metaphor. I'll have to keep that in mind.

@Xilef, also very cool. Talk about optimization, It's cool to see the steps they took to have their engine run well on various platforms.

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