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Would it be possible for anyone to direct me to, or make, an evolution script.

It should do something along the lines of take one of the actors and make them evolve when they reach a certain level. This would involve changing the name, charset and battler of the actor and also changing the stats and possibly the class aswell.

If this is at all possible please tell me :)

Thanks guys!

I am also searching for a 'capture script', one that would allow you to use a skill/item to capture an enemy and make it part of your party. I.e. make the monsters actor counterpart available when captured.

I am assuming this could be done through scripting? I am not very experienced so I wouldnt really know.

Again thanks!
I believe all this could be done by events too.

The evolution part is easy.

Just make a new actor for the 2-nd evolution stage or whatever... and a parallel progress common event with conditional branch script option
$game_party.actors[0].level >= 50
for example.
[change the 50 to the level you want it to evolve]

This will make the actor evolve at level 50.

Then make some fancy evolving screen thing and make it remove the old actor, and replace it with the new one.
In this case you can make everything different, stats, battler, name etc...
just as you wanted.

About the capture thing, I'm not sure. Would be more complicated.

Lemme guess, you're making somekinda Pokemon game? :p
There are some Pokemon system scripts. Just use the search button ;)

Good luck.
Thanks thats what I needed.
Btw where would I put the parallel process event, I'm really sketchy on how to use those events.

Ok that kind of worked. It lets me change an actors details etc but it runs regardless of which actor reaches the correct level.
ie if Actor A reaches level 5, Actor B evolves aswell as Actor A even though Actor B is only level 2.
How do I make it so only to actor that has reached the specific level evolves?

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