Ok just as Mila2 said you need to at least know more about the basic human shape.
Picture 1
- the face is kinda strange looking
soloution : if you going to draw anime you should check around the net for diffrent artist and check how the faces look.
- The hands seem to small for the rest of the body also they look a little akward.
soloution : check your own hands, how big are they if you put them beside your face? how do they look from diffrent angels?
- the pose, I understand you tried to draw a guy sitting on his knees while he tie his belt. But if you look on the pose don't you think it look kinda strange? Try do that pose in real life... It is almost impossible to do it. Not the part to sit on your knee and tie a belt but how he do it!
Solution - check yourself infront of a mirror or go around the net check for poses ^^
Hope I was to any help ^^