I have two maps each with an event that is set to the event_touch trigger. The first transfers the player to the second map, the second displays a message. Both events have the same coordinates. When you touch the transfer player(event 1) it takes you to the second map, then runs event 2, even if you are not transfered onto event 2. (this is just an example, this behaviour occurs no matter what the second event is) I've found that setting the trigger to player touch removes the problem, but there are cases where I want to use event touch, so I was wandering if anyone new what causes the problem to do this. I have tried pinpointing where in the scene_map loop the program decides to execute event 2, it appears to be right after the first interior loop breaks, though why there is beyond me. Thanks in advance for any help, this is begining to drive me nuts...
The problem seems to arise from event_start_auto in game_events, I wager that the game still thinks your coordinates are what they were before transfer, so that when it checks if you start on an event touch square it detects the second event, even though the coordinates don't really match, then it runs this. Whatever the case, if you want to fix this, add "and self.event.name != NAME" onto the end of the conditional right above th word start; then whenever you name an event NAME it will not behave as the second event above. If anyone has a better explaination of why rmxp thinks you're on a square you're not(if I'm incorrect), please let me know, I'm rather curious.
I'm sorry for posting this...evertime I have a problem, no matter long I work at it, I figure it out within twenty minutes of asking for help
The problem seems to arise from event_start_auto in game_events, I wager that the game still thinks your coordinates are what they were before transfer, so that when it checks if you start on an event touch square it detects the second event, even though the coordinates don't really match, then it runs this. Whatever the case, if you want to fix this, add "and self.event.name != NAME" onto the end of the conditional right above th word start; then whenever you name an event NAME it will not behave as the second event above. If anyone has a better explaination of why rmxp thinks you're on a square you're not(if I'm incorrect), please let me know, I'm rather curious.
I'm sorry for posting this...evertime I have a problem, no matter long I work at it, I figure it out within twenty minutes of asking for help