Well people, out of the boredom, I decided to publish my craft system in a step by step process. Here is what you'll need for this tutorial:
4 Variables;
1 Common Event with a trigger set to "None";
A little sense of logic.
Very well, let's start this tutorial! The base for this system is the success and failure rate which are defined as a random variable, so the first thing you want to do is to define what each variable is. I named mines according to what each one represents. "Money" for the current money; "Success Rate" is for the chance to craft or fail to craft an item, you should set in the control variables panel the variable options to "Random" and put the values as 1 and 10 respectively in the boxes; "Weapon Price" for the price of the base weapon that is going to be used (in this case the price is 600, so the variable is settled to the weapon price); 1 variable for each kind of special item needed to craft something, I used three in the original project, but I'm only going to use 1 here named "Carin"; And the last one is the price of the "special item" you need to craft, which I named Gem Price. Your event should look like this:
Onward to the hard part. After you have settled up your variables, named them according to what you want them to do it's time to make conditions! First we are going to set which weapon we want to be the base one. Settled? Good. Remember that the whole common event depends on that single weapon, so don't change your mind along the way!
After this, you should set a line of text just for stylistic purpose. Now we are going to place a choice branch to allow the user to have different kinds of craft options. I'm only going to make one in this tutorial for easier demonstration, also, all the other options look a lot like the 1st one, I'll explain that in the end of the tutorial.Your event should be similar to this now:
You should now define which special item you want to be used to make that "bracket" of weapons. As I said before I'm going to use an item named Carin for my basic weapons. Now we will add a text entry to introduce the user to another options branch. In this text entry, you should put which items are in that set of items, and then the option branch with the item name in all the options except one that will be the "cancel" choice. My items are weapons, therefore I named them Glass Sword and Sharp Sword. Your event should look something like this:
We just accomplished another easy part (yeah, that's not that hard lol). But Before we start a HUGE conditional branch with a few others inside, we will define the values of a few variables that we named before. You will need to set the value of the "special item" in the "Gem Price" variable; You should add that value to the "Weapon Price" variable; and then multiply the "Weapon Price" variable value by a number. If the result of all those operations lead to some number that "fits" the weapon kind, your craft price is set. Before you set the conditional, you should also put a choice for the player to "give up" on crafting the item that he/she chose.
For the 1st conditional branch, you should set the variable "Money" to Greater Then or Equal To the variable "Weapon Price". Put a text like "you don't have enough money" in the handling of the conditional. After all that weird explanation that I made to you, your event should be similar to this:
Now we will set a condition so that the user of the system can't craft the item if he/she doesn't have the needed "special item", in this tutorial, the "Carin". You can set the need to as many "special items" as you want, you only have to change the conditional of the amount of "special items" in the user inventory must be "Greater Then or Equal To" from 1, to ANY value that you want between 1-99.
Let's make our 3rd conditional which will be the CORE of you crafting system. Yes, you are right, the conditions are made of the..........RANDOM VARIABLES! Lol. Each one of the 10 possible values for the random variable "Success Rate" represent 10% of chance. You should unequip the user's char, subtract the amount of special itens from the inventory, change the player's GOLD and NOT the variable "Money" and if the craft was successful, add the new item to the player's inventory. Finally, your event should look like this:
If you want an item to have like 1% craft rate, you would need to make 100 possible a results, so your conditional should be: "Conditional Branch: Variable [xxx: "name"] = y" being that y <= 100, but remember to do this:
That's about it, if you have any questions, leave a post here or PM me for support. Cya!
P.S: I forgot that I uploaded the demo lol. Well there you go:
4 Variables;
1 Common Event with a trigger set to "None";
A little sense of logic.
Very well, let's start this tutorial! The base for this system is the success and failure rate which are defined as a random variable, so the first thing you want to do is to define what each variable is. I named mines according to what each one represents. "Money" for the current money; "Success Rate" is for the chance to craft or fail to craft an item, you should set in the control variables panel the variable options to "Random" and put the values as 1 and 10 respectively in the boxes; "Weapon Price" for the price of the base weapon that is going to be used (in this case the price is 600, so the variable is settled to the weapon price); 1 variable for each kind of special item needed to craft something, I used three in the original project, but I'm only going to use 1 here named "Carin"; And the last one is the price of the "special item" you need to craft, which I named Gem Price. Your event should look like this:
Onward to the hard part. After you have settled up your variables, named them according to what you want them to do it's time to make conditions! First we are going to set which weapon we want to be the base one. Settled? Good. Remember that the whole common event depends on that single weapon, so don't change your mind along the way!
After this, you should set a line of text just for stylistic purpose. Now we are going to place a choice branch to allow the user to have different kinds of craft options. I'm only going to make one in this tutorial for easier demonstration, also, all the other options look a lot like the 1st one, I'll explain that in the end of the tutorial.Your event should be similar to this now:
You should now define which special item you want to be used to make that "bracket" of weapons. As I said before I'm going to use an item named Carin for my basic weapons. Now we will add a text entry to introduce the user to another options branch. In this text entry, you should put which items are in that set of items, and then the option branch with the item name in all the options except one that will be the "cancel" choice. My items are weapons, therefore I named them Glass Sword and Sharp Sword. Your event should look something like this:
We just accomplished another easy part (yeah, that's not that hard lol). But Before we start a HUGE conditional branch with a few others inside, we will define the values of a few variables that we named before. You will need to set the value of the "special item" in the "Gem Price" variable; You should add that value to the "Weapon Price" variable; and then multiply the "Weapon Price" variable value by a number. If the result of all those operations lead to some number that "fits" the weapon kind, your craft price is set. Before you set the conditional, you should also put a choice for the player to "give up" on crafting the item that he/she chose.
For the 1st conditional branch, you should set the variable "Money" to Greater Then or Equal To the variable "Weapon Price". Put a text like "you don't have enough money" in the handling of the conditional. After all that weird explanation that I made to you, your event should be similar to this:
Now we will set a condition so that the user of the system can't craft the item if he/she doesn't have the needed "special item", in this tutorial, the "Carin". You can set the need to as many "special items" as you want, you only have to change the conditional of the amount of "special items" in the user inventory must be "Greater Then or Equal To" from 1, to ANY value that you want between 1-99.
Let's make our 3rd conditional which will be the CORE of you crafting system. Yes, you are right, the conditions are made of the..........RANDOM VARIABLES! Lol. Each one of the 10 possible values for the random variable "Success Rate" represent 10% of chance. You should unequip the user's char, subtract the amount of special itens from the inventory, change the player's GOLD and NOT the variable "Money" and if the craft was successful, add the new item to the player's inventory. Finally, your event should look like this:
If you want an item to have like 1% craft rate, you would need to make 100 possible a results, so your conditional should be: "Conditional Branch: Variable [xxx: "name"] = y" being that y <= 100, but remember to do this:
That's about it, if you have any questions, leave a post here or PM me for support. Cya!
P.S: I forgot that I uploaded the demo lol. Well there you go: