I have implemented DerVVulfman's Multi-Slot Equipment script into my game and everything works fine with that. When I equip items in those extra slots everything shows up under the Status window as being equipped. On my main menu screen I also have the players equipment displayed but for some reason it doesn't show the other slots. It is the exact same definition as the one in Window_Status except for I changed one little positioning variable. Here is my Equipment window:
I call it as a window in Scene_Menu. It only displays the default equipment slots and not the extra ones like in Window_Status. I'm so confused. Thanks in advance for any help.
# ** Window_Equipments
# This window displays the players current equipment.
class Window_Equipments < Window_Base
# * Object Initialization
# x : window X coordinate
# y : window Y coordinate
def initialize(x, y)
super(x, y, 384, 200)
# * Refresh
def refresh
@actor = $game_actors[1]
draw_equipments(0, 0)
# * Draw Equipment
# x : Draw spot X coordinate
# y : Draw spot Y coordinate
def draw_equipments(x, y)
self.contents.font.color = system_color
self.contents.font.size = 20
self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 120, 24, 'Equipment')
for i in 0..4
draw_item_name(@actor.equips[i], x + 16, y + 24 * (i + 1))
I call it as a window in Scene_Menu. It only displays the default equipment slots and not the extra ones like in Window_Status. I'm so confused. Thanks in advance for any help.