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okay this is VERY VERY SHORT and very very incomplete because i was HIT BY INSPIRATION this morning so i wrote this up while at work but now work's over so i have to stop but enjoy what i have. ^_^

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE critique this shit.

chapter one

I had a dream that was an extension of the storyline established in a pornographic video I found on the internet. The scene ended, as most do, with a moneyshot and the female protagonist waving and blowing kisses into the camera. My dream put me in the position of the film's director, and I started off with a transition between the blown kisses and my fuzzy dreamscape with a resounding "Cut! That's a wrap!"

The star of the film was a young woman who went by the stage name of Epiphany. She rubbed her face into a pink towel and closed a robe around her slim figure. I sat back in my director's chair, fingers curled together under my chin, and followed her with my eyes. Her boyfriend had recently been coming to the sets and had slipped into the habit of watching the filming. He was a very thin, very old man with deep bags under his eyes, and he always wore the same mothy tweed suit with large padded shoulders. If I hadn't known better, I'd have guessed that he was Epiphany's father, or uncle, or grandfather maybe. But he wasn't — he was the kind of controlling boyfriend who lurks around his girl's job and watches and waits for her. I instinctively knew that his family name was Sinister. His first name escaped me.

Epiphany moved in to give the old man a kiss and he held up a liver-spotted hand in front of her face. He pointed a single long finger at the dimple in her left cheek. "You missed a spot." His grinding voice sounded like the working mechanisms of an aluminum can recycling machine.

I had double-booked the room to shoot two scenes, both for different projects. I had found that this kind of forward thinking had a hand in keeping my films under budget, and as a result I was one of the most sought-after adult film directors in New Mexico. The actors and actresses for the next scene had been waiting for the other to finish, and out of the corner of my eye I saw them shuffling in preparation. My assistant tugged at my elbow.

"The actors are ready for the next scene."

My eyes were still locked on Epiphany and Mr. Sinister.

`~congresman Ron paul~~":b1xcavcy said:
interesting, well written, but there's really not much there. i like the characterization thus far and would like to see more of this, but there's not a whole lot to go off of here for critique unless i'm missing something.


I love the analogies you use, like his voice sounding like an aluminum can machine etc, and the little things like the liver spots, but this is a really short bit.

Also you spent a lot of type describing the old man, but not so much on the girl - I'm assuming because you based this off of a porn you saw, so in your eyes there's no reason to describe the girl, you've got the picture!

Maybe it might help if you link us the porn video in question?
there is no specific porn video (any generic porn video would work really they're very much all the same) this is fiction. the idea i had was interactions between mr. sinister and jack (narrator) and the porn premise just sort of HAPPENED while i was looking for ways to introduce the characters

also i sort of want to make this into a visual novel because the story will continue to get weird and creepy and dreamlike and involve cool things like

mr. sinister is epiphany's GUARDIAN ANGEL not just some creepy old boyfriend guy he just happens to be f*cking her to get what he can out of his time in a physical form. also there will be a FLYING SQUID GUY who serves as the narraor's guide through the AFTERLIFE and the narrator's conscious manifests itself as a sacrecrow named GIX also along the way he is trying to get the studio head to approve his GREAT PORNOGRAPHIC MASTERWORK proposal

i had a lot of crazy shit blow up in my head on this and totally want to pump this shit out and just see whre it goes

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