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Epic Feudal Japan tileset

I DID NOT make this, I had nothing to do with the making of this. However, I know its been made public domain and I've accrued the athur's name, so its now OK to post here.
Here's a screen of it:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v242/ ... f44781.jpg[/IMG]
The accompanying autotiles:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v242/ ... d_pic1.png[/IMG]
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v242/ ... d_pic2.png[/IMG]
Get the full tileset here:
Please give credit to 玄机子 (Unreliable Loom) and White Ties(parts of the WT tileset are on this).
Thanx Ryanwh, ya know Megaupload says that my countrie has all the places for download full, I can't download a thing from megaupload, that's why it sucks... BTW where did you found this???
Damn. looking at that screen shot I was impressed. but its actually quite messy . Hmm, when I have time and I feel like challenging myself I think I'm gonna pixel art this thing . it has alot of potential . Nice find .
Yeah its a bit hodgepodgey at spots, it definetly looks better in the resize shot and it could use some sharpening up for sure. But for its sheer size its impressive.
I found this at a Chinese RMXP forum.



It's nice, but needs a lot of white space and duplicate tiles removed. Very reminiscent of a couple of Ragnarok towns.
yes... VERY nice... i always was fascinated with feudal japan... now i have found a VERY nice tileset to use! yay! ehehe... heh...
Though I'm making a feudal Japan game (anyone see any commons? :P ), I don't think it matches either the character's size (ROs) or my other tileset style (Danc's)... I'll still risk a look...
You might want to take a closer look, cus I dont think they would. Inq's tiles are very grainy and textural, this one(outside of the well made autotiles) is sort of fuzzy and blurry because Im pretty sure the main part of the "tile" was drawn, colored, then (badly) resized and edited into a tileset. Hopefully SK will fix it up a little.



feel free to post things like this on th edownload manager ;) that is what it's for. I will wait to check out SK's version before I critique, because my present laptop does not like looking at images :-(
Hmmm..okay I'll give it a shot =P....tomorrow though..I'm going to sleep now. If I do manage to redo it. It'll be HK sized...but come to think of it , it doesn't really matter seeing as though the thing is already pretty large...

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