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Enemies that "Blow Up" when you overkill them

I guess my other idea didn't work out too well. But i've wanted this thing ever since i found out about scripts.

Did anyone ever play the RPG Maker for the PS1? If you have I think you get what I mean.
Let's say you beat an enemy with 15 HP with 45+ points of damage. While they "Red Out", their graphic will stretch upward as if you blew them away. If I figure out how to post graphics I'll try to show you. It would be cool if the more damage you inflict on overkill, the more the graphic stretches I'll try something on the keyboard....
0 0
00 0 0
0 0 0+ +0
0 * _* 0 --> 0 = 0
0000 0000

:drip02: That was pretty hard! I don't know how everyone does that stuff!

Anyway, that was pretty much the effect I wanted. Animated, if possible.

If there's anyone out there that can script graphic changes, maybe you could do this. I don't know of any other script that does this, so I'd be very happy if someone could script it form me (not to mention the fact that other people may find this quite interesting).

P.S. I kinda wanted this for the DBS.

Ooops! Sorry for the "graphic misprint". Apparently there's more for me to learn than I thought...

Please don't double post. Use the Edit button.
If someone wants to do this script, you might find one of the scripts at the Minto (japanese) site helpful to look at it. It adds a few new optional death fadeout effects, and I think one of them is what this guy wants.

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