Orginal template
Tags: Well I was thinking that I have made so many things over the years mostly for my own game projects, but none of them has never been used.
This one is a remake of a rpt tree. The tree crown is made from scratch.
I have entire tilesets made from scratch as well... But I do not know yet whatever I should realease it to the public yet :P We will see.
These are from my orginal tilesets. Note about the forest one, when that screenshot got taken I had not fixed the transition between the grass layers. But in the final version it has.
Realeased tilesets
I finally made some of my old tilsets free to use.
For those who wish to take a look here you go ... -384838628 ... -384838416 ... -384839030 ... -384838879 ... -384839977
Just remember these are all 5 years old or older so there wont be any updates on these
But please enjoy
Use it as you wish, just remember to credit me.
For commercial use give me a pm.