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Ellenor's old stuff (tilesets now released.)


Orginal template

Tags: Well I was thinking that I have made so many things over the years mostly for my own game projects, but none of them has never been used.
This one is a remake of a rpt tree. The tree crown is made from scratch.
I have entire tilesets made from scratch as well... But I do not know yet whatever I should realease it to the public yet :P We will see.

These are from my orginal tilesets. Note about the forest one, when that screenshot got taken I had not fixed the transition between the grass layers. But in the final version it has.

Realeased tilesets

I finally made some of my old tilsets free to use.
For those who wish to take a look here you go
http://missan1990.deviantart.com/art/El ... -384838628
http://missan1990.deviantart.com/art/Ol ... -384838416
http://missan1990.deviantart.com/art/Ve ... -384839030
http://missan1990.deviantart.com/art/Ol ... -384838879
http://missan1990.deviantart.com/art/Go ... -384839977

Just remember these are all 5 years old or older so there wont be any updates on these :)
But please enjoy

Use it as you wish, just remember to credit me.
For commercial use give me a pm. :)
I think some of your links to your images are down, but that tree looks fantastic! Do you have any screenshots of any of your custom tilesets? It's understandable about being hesitant on making them available for public use, but I'm just interested in seeing more; it's a nicely detailed graphic style.
WOW.. that trees amazing.. so detailed.. I agree with Ace ..
I think you should post a few pictures with some of ur own
custom sets being used.. just for show ofcourse ^^
I think I might be from the future, or I've seen your style of spriting before!

Well, anyways, I really love your template and tree! That tree is amazingly detailed! Great work! :thumb:
Haha well I'm not suprised. I did upload some few pictures from a orginal tileset of mine maybe 1 year ago. With a tree I had made in a similar way.
This one most likely.

Of orginal tilesets I have made...
A town/city townset medival style complete with citywalls and citygate and extra things such as chuch tiles.
A cave tilset.
and a field/forest tileset.

If enough people want them I can realease the full tilesets to the public :)

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