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Edit to RTAB/Minkoff's animated battlers



Could someone make an edit or revamp RTAB/Minkoff's to limit the battlers to one attack. It's kinda lame when your character attacks air because the enemy is attacking. Anyway, PM me if you figure out how to make only one person attack at once.
That was settled on March 10th...
Version 7.2!

New Feature? Ohhhh.... yeaaaahhhh...

System now includes a new switch in the configuration script (at the bottom OF the configurables...) that turns this new feature on and off...

What is it?????

ATB battlesystems like RTAB, Fomar's Action Cost system and Trickster's ATB previously had the battlers running around simultaneously on their attacks. While they are true ATB systems where even the enemies can attack you independent of your actions or inactions, this does give rise to certain problems.

Battlers performing attacks targeted the location where their target 'WAS' and if that target started to run, attack or move in any way while being attacked... the animation looked funky. They'd attack empty space while the target looks like they were hit by... dead air. YECH!
But you have to make sure the switch is turned on. Animated Battlers is now version 7.5.

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