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Edit for Default Battle system

Sorry for bothering
I need edit in DBS by changing character turn

The default turn in like this
After command phase the first actor will :

blink -> use animation -> damage step -> refresh -> next actor turn

I want the next actor turn is after use animation phase.
Is this possible to do?

Thanks in advance
Maybe no one knows what you're talking about.

Do you mean, you want it in the style of some games such as Final Fantasy X, Super Mario RPG/Superstar, Shadow Hearts, Legend of Dragoon, and others; where turns are taken individually instead of round-based? (i.e. A hero's command window opens up, after selecting an action the character immediately acts, then the next fastest person has their turn in much the same way, etc.)
In turn base battle system the next character turn executed after damage is shown up
I want next character executed faster than that, maybe when first character use animation.

Sorry for the english

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