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Earthbound CBS Request [Detailed Description]

Okay, basically what I need is a battle system like the way Earthbound's works, I posted it before this forum got hacked so now here it is again. This is a description I made for this guy that was making it for me but then he dissappeared like 4 months ago, never heard from him since August so my guess is that he just gave up. Be sure to read the very bottom where I have typed things I left out of this description by mistake.

It should have that box at the top containing the words, Bash, Goods, auto Fight, PSI, Goods, Run Away. Also should have Ness' name on the top of the box. At the bottom it should have a different window skin as shown there also with the characters name in it. It should say PP and HP as shown and should have scrolling numbers for HP and PP gain and loss. Ill try and get that other windowskin for you. Oh yeah, and each character should have a seperate box a the bottom for each of them for that part.
second, when you select bash, another box should appear saying "To the [Name of enemy]"
Next, what I basically need to be included for this script is a battle message system. Example, " The Spiteful Crow pecked at your eyes!"
When you select goods at the top, a box should appear (as shown) with your items. the box should also say the name of the character at the top of it and if you have any weapons equipped it should have a little purple "E" next to it, as shown.
Next, I think we alreadt about covered what Auto Fight should do, pure random attacks, doesnt use goods when on Auto, If you have at least only 25% of your HP left character use a healing PSI skill. also if you press B also known as X in RPG Maker, Auto will turn off and you will continue selecting your attacks on the next turn.
Next what I need is when you select PSI, these 2 boxes appear. In the first box it should contain the words, Offense which will hold all Offense PSI attacks, Then Recover containg all recovering PSI skills, and Assist, containg all PSI skills that, well, assist. such as Defense Up, Offense Up. I know you need me to send you the project with the animations and stuff, but Im still working on that. Im trying to get someone to make a tutorial for making animations since I have no clue how.-_- Oh yeah, each PSI has a different level, PSI Rockin a, PSI Rocking b, PSI Rocking r, you get the point. each PSI getting stronger in offense as the letters go up, You should know what im talking about since you brought this up earlier. I told you that PSI is learned depending on how much EXP you have rather than what level your at. but Im just gonna go with Levels for this game.
Ok next, we have just basically another example of the battle message system. when the main character tries to run away it says "[Name of Character] tried to get away, but couldn't!" If he can'y run away, but if he can run away it says, "[Name of Character] tried to get away, and did!" When you slect run away, it should not end the turn, all of the other characters should have a chance to run away also if the previous character failed to do so.
Basically another example of the Battle Message system, when you win it should say [Name of enemy] became tame!
Next, also when you win it should say in big Purple font, "YOU WON!" aslo the black bars at the top and bottom of the screen as shown in previous screenshots, should scroll out of the screen and the background should dim. If you played Earthbound before you should know what Im talking about.
Next yet another basic example of the Battle Message. After it says "You Won!" it should say [Main characters name] gained [However many] exp.
If the enemy drops an item it should say "The enemy left a present!" then it should say...
"Inside the present, there was a [Name of item]!" Example Cookie.
last it should say [name of character] took it but if the character doesnt have enough room for the item it should say "[Name of character] doesnt have enough room, do you want to throw something away and make space for the [name of item]?" If yes is selected the item box appears and you can slect what you want to throw away but if selected no it says "Do you want to throw away the [name of item]?" If selected yes then the item is dropped and the battle edns but if selected no then the previous part repeats, hope its not to complicated :-/ Oh yeah or if the first character doesnt have enoguh room for it, it should automatically be put into the next characters inventory if they have any room for it.

again, here is someting else I can help you out with.
http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/8492/s ... ers4jo.png[/img]
These are all the icons and symbols that may be needed. The purple ones with the pictures inside are the status inflictions that need to appear next to the characters names when inflicted upon that character. all of the numbers will be needed for the scrolling numbers for HP and PP loss and gain. The "SMAAAASH!!" will be needed for when characters get a critical damage attack upon the enemy and the "YOU WON!" needs to appear when you have won the battle in a text box at the top, followed by how much Exp. is gained and money and items. I think its pretty self explanitory what the rest is used for. I dont think you will be needing all of these symbols/icons.
http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/5836/w ... 2ng9mb.png[/img]
Here is the Windowskin if you need it. Again, Im still working on the animations and stuff so Ill get back to you on that. I hope this helps."

Ok, since all I did was copy and paste this description cause I typed it a while ago, I just read over it and discovered some things I left out, and things I would like to add.
For that whole ballte message thing, Im using this script by RM2000 of this forum. It is a battle message script, so if yo uneed it to merge or anything, here it is.
# Battle Message --- RM2000
# RM2000
# class Scene_Battle : text_hash, add_text, check_states, set_text
# class Spriteset_Battle : actor_sprites(attr_accessor)
# ver 2.05 05/11/01 by Hako (http://aea.to/hako/)
# Tranlated and edited by Lockheart.

class Window_BattleMessage < Window_Base
# ● Main Set up
# Maxium number of lines (1..4)
# The width of the window
WBM200_WIDTH = 640
# The height of the window (0:自動調整)
# Windows X and width
WBM200_X = (640 - WBM200_WIDTH) / 2 # 画面の中心へ
# Windows Y axis
WBM200_Y = 0
# Windows pixel(0..10)
# Border opactity (0..255)
WBM200_OPACITY = 255
# Back opactity (0..255)
# Font used and size.
WBM200_TEXT_FONT = Font.new("Orange Kid", 22)
# Font color
WBM200_TEXT_FONT.color = Color.new(255, 255, 255)
# Shadowed text, true or false.

class Scene_Battle
# ● Set up
# Show party battlers?
# Show animation over actor battlers?
# Show the damage appearing over the battlers?
WBM200_DAMAGE_POP = false
# Timer for how long the text remains on screen, in frames.
# ● Has lines
def text_hash
@wbm_set1 = {
# Do not modify this line
"**no" => "",
# Base Text
# Text shown when an enemy appears
"**start" => " draws near!",
# Victory text
"**win" => "You Win!",
# Successful escape
"**escape" => "Tried to get away, and did.",
# Failed Escape
"**no_escape" => "Tried to get away, but couldn't.",
# These words go at the end of the lines, be sure to set them up correctly
# or else you'll end up with words like, ghost caused 100 attacks or something.
# When an attack is made
"**attack" => " attacks",
# Actors Critical word
"**actor_critical" => " SMAAAAASH!",
# Enemys Critical word
"**enemy_critical" => " SMAAAAASH!",
# Actor/Enemy guarding text
"**guard" => " guards",
# Text for when an enemy flees
"**enemy_action1" => " fled",
# Text used for the 'do nothing' command, this could be, 'stands around'
# 'watchs the party', etc, etc,
"**enemy_action2" => " does nothing",
# Skill usage(For physical skills F >= 1)
"**skill1" => "!",
# Skill usage(For magical skills F == 0)
"**skill2" => "!",
# Item usage
"**item" => "!",
# These words go at the end of the lines, be sure to set them up correctly
# or else you'll end up with words like, ghost caused HP 100 attacks or something
# Enemy attack damage text
"**enemy_damage" => " Hp",
# Damage, no hit. failed hit text for enemy
"**enemy_no_damage" => " wasn't harmed",
# Actor attack damage text
"**actor_damage" => " Hp",
# Damage, no hit. failed hit text for actor
"**actor_no_damage" => " wasn't harmed",
# Damage, no hit. failed hit text
"**no_damage1" => " wasn't harmed",
# Miss
"**miss" => " dodged the attack.",
# Recovery text for healing HP and SP
"**cure" => "!",
# SP damage text
"**damage_sp" => " lost",
# Stats up text
"**up" => " Increased!",
# Stats down text
"**down" => " Decreased!"
# Skill casting text
# * This area allows you to give custom text for skills and spells
# * Fro example, casting Heal would cause the text, Heal was used to recover the party.
# * If not spell/skill is listed here, then the default text is used, which was filled in above.
# To set up your own skills use copy the following samples and replace the names with your own.
# You can use $data_skills 
Not a 100% promise, but I will take this request, as soon as I fill the other requests I have taken, but like I said last time MisterSaturn if someone else agrees to work on it before I get started, then I'll back-off.
I am a HUGE fan of Earthbound and I would love to help you make your game. I've attempted to make and Earthbound game but I quit and it seems the only way to make this work is if I join someone else making the same game. Can I please?

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