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Dungeon System

Ever play Dark Cloud?

A dungeon has multiple floors. Every time you travel between two floors, you're given the option of leaving and coming back later, right where you left off. When you enter, you're shown a list like this:

Floor 1
Floor 2
Floor 3
Floor 4

This lists all the floors you've beaten (1-3) and the floor you're headed to next (4). The list allows you to either continue the dungeon or revisit a completed floor.

I'd like a script for this kind of dungeon system, please. Oh, and make sure it doesn't add an extra floor when you reach the Boss Floor. My largest dungeon is ten floors.

Thank You. :please:
This could be "evented" pretty easily - why over complicate matters?

Unless of course you need the list to be longer than the default choice list, in which case you need a script for a longer choice menu ;)
You don't even need a script for a longer choice menu. You can just make one of the choices say something like "More" and have that bring up another list. You can do that again and so on until you have all your floors listed.

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