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protip: crayons, colored pencils, and ballpoint pens do not a good title screen make.
if I were you, I'd steer clear of faux-japanese names such as "koronaki"; that's pretty faggy. you should really work on your mapping. just because the default size for a map is 20x15 doesn't mean that you need to use all of it. a general rule of thumb when mapping interiors with the RTP is that smaller = better.
oh, and having the character names on the right of the screen in your battle system shot isn't a good idea. most people who're gonna play your game-- that is, people who can read english-- read from right to left, and having to move your eyes to the left to check whose hp/mp/whatever you're seeing could turn out to be a bigger pain than you'd think.
(ps having an "interview" with yourself is really, really stupid. just plug that info into a separate section in your thread and ditch the "interview".)
Yeah If it said that It was late and I needed to get some sleep then my computer had some problems for awhile so yeah anyways I am also saying though that half the characters names, skills and rest are undecided thats why its under development I have been working now for about 3 months and most scripts are in (p.s. I have changed the names 2 days ago these were old screenshots.) Anyways first demos out it will not be anything close to the final result but I would like you to play it and see what you like! thanks! This is a hand drawn title screen done well worked for about a week its still in progress but its so far a pretty nice way to be done so far! Also I am going to add a new section called job listings so if anybody would like to help they can helpers get the game early. and also get a beta test!
I'm not even going to start with your grammar. If you live in an English speaking country then there is NO EXCUSE why you cannot write properly. It's NOT HARD to type so we can actually read what you've typed without having to go over the sentence five times.
The title screen looks like it was made by a five year old. Didn't they teach you to colour in the lines in kindergarten??? Use a ruler or something! And that didn't take a week, it took five minutes, be serious here. If you want a good title screen, learn Paint.net or Gimp or something. They're all free programs and with a bit of practice you can make something better.
The story sounds like every horrible RPG mixed into one. "The darklord"? How many games have you played where a "darklord" has been sealed up after a war and many years later has escaped and it's up to you, the spiky haired teenager from the small farming village, is destined to save the world??? At least come up with something ORIGINAL, it's not hard.
The mapping is horrible, look how huge that room is. Look around at some good project topics and check out some good games. Take notes and see why their mapping is good. Post in the Mapping Improvement Thread, check out some tutorials, SOMETHING.
There is so much more I could say about this but please, if you're 15, you HAVE to put some more effort into this. I know I probably sound like a jerk here, but it looks like you threw this together in a day. Practice, practice, practice. This needs a lot of work, and imo I'd scrap this whole idea and start with a new project. If you're realy determined and want to make this a good game though then go back, check out some good games (games like Master of the Wind) what their plots are like, and how to make a good game.
Don't beat a dead horse. It has been stated ad nauseam already that his maps and titlescreen need work. If you are continue on the subject say something that actually hasn't been said on the subject. And be more constructive in the future. ~Mega Lenin
Okay I do like how you did give feedback but this is the first demo and I released it pretty close to a month I have taken tutorials between Dungeon Explorers and Dungeon Explorers II I just have been busy and have not had time with the mapping effort I have already planned before I put this up to go back and the world map looks great. Anyways since I pretty much suck at using gimp though I have been planning on taking a few tutorials for that before I upgrade the titlescreen if it does not look good I will get someone else to do it for me that or if I don't have enough time. I only ask that you all give enough time and wait for the final product cause it did say that it was the first demo and its far from completion this is how far less than 1%. And you misunderstood the story the darklord was all about the first Dungeon explorers and the second is explained in the dream basically you explore the realm called the darkrealm and need stop the great magic core from breaking because it will destroy one world with its massive power and the other one will simply have never existed And it can only be penetrated by someone that wield all four stones after collecting them you go to the darkrealm and stop the core! And yes I am in the united states but I suck at grammar yes I will admit that BUT WHO FREAKING CARES IF ITS WRONG. Seriously! Anyways I would like to say that I do appreciate the feedback and also I will improve it this was never going to be a repeat of the dungeon explorers
This game will be a thousand times better all I ask is that you play the final product atleast and you can play the demos coming out soon!
About grammar, while yes people generally don't care, this is a board for essentially hyping projects, and good grammar gives a good impression of the care someone's put into the actual game; if they don't care about the project thread then the game has no chance :/
Why would you put out a demo so early in the process if it wasn't to get feedback?
If it really is just 1% then you have a better change of rectify what's wrong, odd or doesn't work very well for whatever reason.
By all means do continue with your game but do not expect people to like it, do not even expect people to play it. This can look like a joke and people respond in a special way to joke games.
Put effort into it and make the effort show. Be polite and be critical. Both when making the game and when making the topic. Making a good topic takes time. Try waiting a few days and then read through the topic again with the goal of better expressing what you want.
After you have gotten fairly far into the game step back and look at your first areas. When you realize how much they suck you have passed the first barrier. Because if your old works sucks then there could be problems with your new work.
Come with the attitude of want to learn where there are issues and how you can do it better. Come with the attitude of wanting to become better and you will be met with a better response.
I am going to frank. Set aside joke game and learning experience your game doesn't cut it. The same goes for your topic.
Effort! Stubbornness! Determination!
It may take a year, it may take two, but I am sure if you can keep focus you will be able to make a good game.
I wish you luck with your journey.
- Zeriab
Wait! Everyone! We are missing something here!
3rd screenshot, the "mage" has a lower case "m", whilst the other classes have upper-case first letters!!
Who interviewed you? You should always state the interviewer's name so people can check up on how trust worthy they are with interviews...?
Take a look at other people's project threads and see what they have that your thread doesn't, look at other people's projects and see how they map, how they use scripts and graphics.
Throwing a bunch of scripts in doesn't instantly make a game good, it just makes it have a lot of features, you should start off with RTP scripts and implements scripts as you need them, looks like you copied/pasted everything popular on the script analysis forum.
How is being a male or female a tip??? ( 3rd or 4th screenshot )
Now on to things that MIGHT just MAYBE help you.
1) Get a new battle system the first one is pathetic.
2) Look at you surrounds, look in your bedroom, do you just see just a bed? If so I am scared for you, my point is you need to improve your mapping. ( Take advise from Dadevster he seems to be on the right track, anything you can do to improve your skill. If you must PM me and I will show you some pointers. ) Look at this picture:
(This is by no means great, but I think it can show you what me and/or the other people are talking about. use what you see in nature to make maps.)
3) Don't use the games resources, import your own resources. I can't stress this enough, everyone has seen those same sprites so many times when test playing a game it just makes them want to turn it off right then and there.
4)I think every one who has posted has said something about, well... you know the horrible title. I am no expert but, try Gimp, they have tutorials on the web, It's called google my friend.
yes, that. I would look at the writers forum, we do have one I think? Anyway see if one of them can help you, it is amazing what they can do. ( They have made me actually cry before while playing a RPG lol ( one of my life long secretes :dead: )
The Over View - No offense but I think what I did is about as much time that you will get someone to spend looking over your game . The main and most important thing is that you learn from your mistakes, most people on here can be a little harsh, but your game is one of the worst I have seen. And in the news section, who is we? If some1 helped you make it then you have to say who, like telling which peoples scripts you used ( which they may not want, no offense. All-In-All if you learned something good, but otherwise well... you know.
Best regards with your game making :thumb:
(PS - If your younge don't worry about it im only 14 and joined a few months ago. You can get the hang of it.)
Thanks for the info zander anyways I was going to say that yes I do use gimp and this was a hand drawn title that I plan to eventually edit but for now I am not editing it. And two I am not great at spriting and scripting, and music making so I would feel happy if people would visit the jobs section no you will not get paid but you do get cool rewards and your name in the credits, and this is the first demo I have gone back and edited some maps so they look better not great but better. Anyways like I said take a look at the jobs listings I cannot make this game myself so yeah keep an eye out for them if you see an are that you are good at just send me a PM and I will give you that area all you need to do is when I release the website for my game you can go there and see what I need. Thanks just give me a little time after all I have school, A+ certificate test I am studying for and even videogames and RMXP.
NOTE DUNGEON EXPLORERS II has been stopped I am working on another game called destruction right now I am having problems with Dungeon Explorers II right now so I decided to take a break feel free to check out Destruction.