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Drop more than 1 Item

Ok, I know I have seen it here or on the Creation Asylum Before but I can't seem to find it now. I am looking for the script that allows a monster to drop more than one item. I believe it went up to three items.



I was looking for that too but the problem with Seph's scripts is that they're all SDK and I don't use SDK... and he gets pretty angry at the mere mention of modifying his scripts to work without SDK, so unless someone tries to make their own script from scratch, it's pretty much a lost cause for me...
I have an even more updated version in my beta (see Trickster's signature) that allows you to have more than 1 drop, and dynamic drops that work with the dynamic enemies system. What it does is allows you to assign different drops at different levels. Woot!

I don't have a problem modifing my script to be non-SDK, I just don't like doing it. I did it one way that works the best ; I don't want to redo it because someone can't use it. I just don't want to see stuff like:

# ** Equipment Skills
# By Duong_44
# I fxd sEph's Bugs, and now it's all mine
# <insert lack of script heading not here>

# ** Equipment_Skills 
# By Duong_44

module Equipment_Skills
  <insert all my work here>

# ** Window_Item
# By Duong_44

class Window_Item
  <insert all my work here>

# ** Scene_Battle
# By Duong_44

class Scene_Battle
  <insert all my work here>
  <insert not-a-fix, but worked for his game here>

Don't laugh, because I have seen it before. I am not the type to whine about credit, but I have seen almost exactly this somewhere else. It is rather annoying. Someone changing a few pixels on a sprite is not orginal ; adding some text on a image you found on google that you are claiming is your own is not orginal ; "fixing" a bug in a script is not original. I am done with that rant. Sorry. :(

* Adds making a converting SDK tutorial to list of things to do *



Wow... people who do that are retarded. I can't believe they actually claim scripts as their own after modifying them. Everytime I modified a script, I left the original scriptor's comments in there and then just added my own comment line to say that I made some minor edits, even though I just keep this scripts to myself for my own use and don't actually hand them back out. It's a just in case sort of thing. I can understand how it would be annoying to find people taking credit for your hard work.

By the way... the only reason I don't use SDK is because it never works for me. I've tried to add the SDK and then add a SDK script, and I would always get the error saying that the method `state' for SDK:Module is undefined.

This also happens when I try playing any games/demos that use SDK. They never run. There just doesn't seem to be a way that I can possibly use anything SDK-related or even view the demos that use it.

(Note: I've only tried the first SDK module in testing)
The SDK.state method was an earilier method we used to check if a script was enabled. We switched this to be SDK.enabled?, as it is more practical. You just need the SDK Patch so that you can use a script from and eariler generation.

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