Me, I have several:
- Wildlift Biologist for either a wildlife preserve or for the country, tagging animals, watching their numbers, tracking their patterns in the wild, photographing them, teaching people about them. I love animals, and I feel like doing something to help conserve them would make me feel like I made an impact in the world.
- Commercial Pilot. This one's VERY unlikely since my eyesight's bad and I'm a woman (it's still a boy's club profession mostly). But the thought of getting PAID to drive through the sky seems so awesome to me. I think I'll end up just getting myself a small personal craft and learn to fly it for enjoyment later in life.
- Detective. This one's more romantic I guess, but I always really wanted to put myself to work in solving cases. I realize there's a lot of paperwork, but the non-paperwork time I've heard is really rewarding. Driving around, questioning people, investigating ... Sounds awesome. This one is just way too unlikely though. I don't think I could make it through the Police Academy.
- Video Game Director. This I was actually working for when I was in college, but the more I think about it, the less I want it to be my lifelong career. I'm learning that I hate deskjobs with a passion. But I always did want to express my creativity on a large scale.
After my husband finishes law school, I myself am going back to college. Right now I'm thinking it'll be going toward that Wildlife Biologist deal, but maybe I'll change my mind by then