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Dream Job

What's your dream-job or jobs? What would you LOVE to do more than anything else? What's your dream company or organization you'd love to draw a paycheck from?

If you're not sure what your dream-job is, do you even have a vague idea?

Are you working toward it, or have you given up on it, whether because it's too unlikely or some other reason? Or are you one of those lucky saps who's currently doing their dream-work?

Go :)
Me, I have several:

- Wildlift Biologist for either a wildlife preserve or for the country, tagging animals, watching their numbers, tracking their patterns in the wild, photographing them, teaching people about them. I love animals, and I feel like doing something to help conserve them would make me feel like I made an impact in the world.

- Commercial Pilot. This one's VERY unlikely since my eyesight's bad and I'm a woman (it's still a boy's club profession mostly). But the thought of getting PAID to drive through the sky seems so awesome to me. I think I'll end up just getting myself a small personal craft and learn to fly it for enjoyment later in life.

- Detective. This one's more romantic I guess, but I always really wanted to put myself to work in solving cases. I realize there's a lot of paperwork, but the non-paperwork time I've heard is really rewarding. Driving around, questioning people, investigating ... Sounds awesome. This one is just way too unlikely though. I don't think I could make it through the Police Academy.

- Video Game Director. This I was actually working for when I was in college, but the more I think about it, the less I want it to be my lifelong career. I'm learning that I hate deskjobs with a passion. But I always did want to express my creativity on a large scale.

After my husband finishes law school, I myself am going back to college. Right now I'm thinking it'll be going toward that Wildlife Biologist deal, but maybe I'll change my mind by then ;)
Wildlife biologist sounds awesome, Ven. Good luck with that. :D

As for me, I dunno. I'm still not sure what I want out of life. Ideally I'd be a fairly popular writer who doesn't have to churn out books more often than every few years to live comfortably, but I'm not sure if I'd get bored doing nothing but writing all the time. I need more balance in my life or something, which is why I'm studying engineering. I think it'd be amazing to do cutting-edge research on something awesome like artificial intelligence or nanotechnology--discovering things no one has ever known before and adding to the body of human knowledge has always seemed romantic to me--but I'm not sure whether or not I'll hate research, so who knows how that'd go. Luckily, my school has a huge program devoted to getting undergrads involved in research, so I can find out long before I graduate.

Another cool thing would of course being a video game director, but I'm sure most people here will say that. I don't think I really have the temperament to be in the industry, but if I did, I'd probably be in some small indie company where I can have more creative control over the projects. As long as I had a partner to take care of all the business aspects for me, anyway. I'm hopeless at real-life stuff. :(
I feel like I want to invent something that would really help people. Be the leader of a huge company or something. Either that, or be a roller coaster designer. Yeeeeeah. That would have to be it. Actually, who wouldn't want to be the lead designer of the world's first 500 foot roller coaster?



Perihelion":2mep8mlh said:
Another cool thing would of course being a video game director, but I'm sure most people here will say that.
I think that being in the story-board team would be pretty sweet, too.
I'd love to do that o_O
I guess my dream job-- which is also what I'm aiming for-- is an English teacher. idk what grade, or any other specifics. I just know that teaching kids is what really calls to me. I love reading and writing, and I absolutely adore the sound of my own voice when I'm rambling on, and on, and on, and on, and on, etc.. Kids are great and I like being in-charge of thing because I rarely am atm. >:3

I originally wanted something in game-design, but I'm too lazy to learn and it's too hard to break into anyway.

alexis":21cfaksn said:
first female president obvz

you betcha
That does sound awesome, Peri :eek:

And lum I think you'd be a CUTE teacher! What level of school would you want? Li'l kidlets or highschoolers or college or what? :)

My good friend is an English teacher--Oh, and Sophie's one too!
Venetia":2j69ttqq said:
And lum I think you'd be a CUTE teacher! What level of school would you want? Li'l kidlets or highschoolers or college or what? :)

Well like I said, idk, but I know I don't wanna teach highschoolers because I am difficult and I do not like difficult things. Probably something like 5th grade, if I had to pick one right now.
Well then it'd be like an all-around teacher rather than an English teacher but I agree. I think I'd teach 5th-6th grade too if I were a teacher.

Oh, another dream job of mine is to be a novelist, but that'd be more of a side-gig unless I hit it big.

I just need to finish something @_@



Like a lot of people I'd like to be able to live off my writing without having to churn out books like Balzac or other opiate addicts. Of course, they were paid by the number of lines, so...

Right now I'm hoping to do something creative with whatever I learn in uni. I have a fairly weird degree planned up so far: comp sci., music theory and english lit.

I also wish I could be a painter. Painting is just awesome. I suck at it though.
Successful mangaka with good payments, or drawing storyboards at a film studio. Y'know, like the ones on the DVD extras  :blush:
That would be awesome.
Dewoor":3b4vne8v said:
Successful mangaka with good payments, or drawing storyboards at a film studio. Y'know, like the ones on the DVD extras  :blush:
That would be awesome.

I hope you live in Japan! Because outside it it's called "Comic Book Artist"
Game designer.  Games have always been my inspiration and motivation ever since I was very young.  I used to have a lot of great ideas...they would just come to me in class when I was supposed to be paying attention. :P I would write them down, draw artwork and concepts for them, write out dialogue and features, etc.  I'm worried that my creative well is drying up, but moreso, I'm worried I may be past my peak (currently 26) for getting into game design in the first place.  I'm also worried that I would spend all this money I don't have on game design school only to learn that it's more about playing games than liking them, despite the fact that I've made them in BASIC, GW BASIC, various RPG Makers, various adventure game makers, etc., even though it's only been for my own amusement.



Tindy":2zjvkcja said:
Either a florist or a housewife....>_>

if my plan to become president fails, i will be the best trophy wife ever.
preferably to a doctor or lawyer.
hell idc as long as they're attractive with $$
I have a lot of things that I want to be.

1- A Pro Skater/or BMXer.
2- A Level designer for multiplayer games.
3- Erm.....a Bum?

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