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Dream From Within (Anime Dialog)

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Hello there, I am currently writing an anime which consists of speech dialog which does contain some foul language and aggressive nature throughout the main character is an angry one and very arrogant, his nature is one of self absorbed wisdom and the desire and will to win at any cost regardless of risk, the truth is he barely knows anything about himself and that is what you shall discover by reading Season 1 of the Dream From Within.

I do hope you enjoy please refrain from trying to spell check my every sentence, I know there are hundreds of errors but the simple fact remains I wanted to get the basic story typed up before progressing onto a more serious approach in perfecting it.

I am finding it extremely hard to make the battles as descriptive as possible to give you that extra image inside your heads, also hoping that you can imagine that fights and the characters emotional situations throughout the story, any critique that doesn't involve a spell check is greatly appreciated, completion of the story and a full review would be appreciated at a much higher level.

Some extra information -

* Pages 34
* Words 21,463
* Lines 1,877

Thank you and goodbye.
From the rules:

"5.) Post your Writing HERE
Do not link to an outside .txt file or website.  Post your writing on this forum, using spoiler tags if your writing is really long.  If it's so long that it's too much for one post, split it between two posts; double posting would be allowed in this case."

If your work is really incredibly long, at least give us a lengthy preview.
Fair enough -

Episode 1-5.

The massively oversized robot known as ‘Soul Reaper’  controls the souls and fate of all which reside within the machine they call ‘Dream’ indestructible and untouchable being the key words, make it impossible to escape its grasp, once you are consumed you cannot escape and your soul is bound to his ‘Dream’ for eternity or so it seems.

Once inside all souls have limitless boundaries and excess to powers unimaginable by the ‘Soul Reaper’ its purpose is to give them a better life and to help them progress further than they could possibly imagine, by fighting each other and gaining friendships a soul can become powerful, all souls can be unique in their own way, making fights unpredictable and difficult for some to conquer who will become the greatest and who will fight to keep friends and family safe? 

The ‘Dream’ consists of 51 Sectors, each with their own unique lifestyles and military many choose to go rogue or freelance for their own greed, killing purely for pleasure fits some but the most sadistic and grotesque minds plan to annihilate sectors with absolute power.

Season 1 // Episode 1 – Sin and denial

Sector 14 – Underground Biochemical Laboratory.
Blood everywhere, many dead and blue smoke pouring out of the buildings walls.
Brogun ‘Forgive me one day Orsen… please forgive me one day, I’ve lost control of what I truly wanted these past years, my dream was to escape this ruined place but that has come to an end it seems.’
Orsen ‘..It’s a pity really… You had it was perfect research for a better world but you screwed it up, sorry father but you need to die… as for forgiveness that is something you will never redeem, you lost that forever you should pray now that you will be recycled into the soul reapers trash bin…’
Brogun ‘You don’t have to do this son… we can repair the damage, we can mend the wounds and cure everyone of this cursed place! You are ruining it for everyone!!’
Orsen ‘Enough chatter this ends now, your operation is now mine, your resources will be put to better use and your experiments will be forgotten in time… Farewell Father… It saddens me to have to do this but you lost control, even said it yourself you’re a danger to this universe.’
Brogun ‘If I could go back I would… but this experiment was important to me and my future, I have entered a new dimension Orsen, I found myself there though I never made any sort of contact It does exist and you should travel there one day… please at least examine my research and see for yourself!
Orsen ‘Your research will be destroyed…’
Orsen slaps his hands together and slowly opens them creating a blue mass of energy between his palms, super dense and circular. He throws it towards his father without any regret but has one last thing to say while blasting it towards him
Orsen ‘Your forgiven…’
Brogun raises his arms in the air disregarding any protection from Orsen’s attack and simply accepts his fate, the ball of energy pierces his body and slowly he drops to ground without any word of pain lays on the ground peacefully.
Orsen walks over to the girl on the floor kneels down and lifts her up with his arms
Orsen ‘…sister… what has he done to you… you’re a monster now, you should never have let him do this to you but now its simply too late for that… farewell sis rest your soul now, I have a hefty task to uphold, you will not die in vain’
Orsen leans his head towards the ground and sheds a tear for the events that had unfolded recently, an enormous amount of stress and anger has built up inside him, he’s a changed man now… following another dream and a new path he sets out towards a new sector in search of an answer and solution to his troubles.
…Meanwhile on Sector 12 - ?????’s Domain.
Informer ‘Sir, Brogun is dead. Killed by his own son.’
????? ‘This was foreseeable and certainly could not be prevented; he has acquired quite a lot of power in these recent years. Brogun was a great researcher but there is no doubt in my heart Orsen does not want to leave this place, Its like his sanctuary I believe maybe he feels at home in this forsaken place.
Informer ‘Sir, Orsen killed his family and the entire research team but there is no indication as of why he did this.’
????? ‘I have my suspicions; does he know where we are?’
Informer ‘Certainly not Sir it is an undeniable fact.’
????? ‘Find Topo for me, send him after Orsen, do not take action just keep watch. I think its time to unleash Dono.’
Informer ‘Dono? Are you serious? Topo has not even reached the appropriate stage…’
????? ‘He will soon enough… I can sense things you cannot. This place is not safe, we must leave and let everything play out the way it should be, prepare your things and get all the AR Vials’
Informer ‘That’s risky… I really don’t want to go down their without protection…’
????? ‘As you wish, I will get the vials you get the ship ready, we leave in a few days’
Informer heads down to the Arcanas Gardens where Topo spends most his time
Informer ‘Topo… we have a short task for you…’
Topo ‘What do you want?’
Informer ‘We want you to discover someone’s location and simply keep an close eye on them, we want to know what they are planning.’
Topo ‘…and who the fuck is it then?’
Informer ‘He goes by the name of Orsen… he recently killed most his family in a bloody assault on his fathers research facility, we believe his father was researching something about dimensional travel which Orsen was obviously displeased with which resulted in his father and sisters death… not to mention the research team and the documentation was destroyed or so we think…’
Topo ‘Sounds like a sick fuck… so where is he then?’
Informer ‘We believe he is heading towards sector 27 I can’t give you an exact location but if you discover him somehow, just keep an ear out and find out his true intentions… but also we want his brother alive his name is Dran, Orsen may want him dead also simply because he worked for his father’
Topo ‘This is fucking confusing… I’ll just head there and ask around…’
Informer ‘If you want to end up dead then yes please do it that way….’
Informer sighs
Topo ‘Look prick, I’ll do it my own way… I need to do some shit before I head out though, just tell your boss that its fine and will be sorted no problem.’
Informer tuts loudly ‘fine… just don’t get all beaten up if they discover you…’
Topo walks off in a cocky and self obsessed manner
Topo yells to the Informer
Topo ‘Better tell my brother that I’m leaving again, he always gets scared, such a weakling’
Realising he is now part of something setup by his employer, he never judges them for the tasks they lay on his lap and ask to settle, Topo enjoys excitement and especially sticky situations he thrives on confrontation and intimidation and welcomes anyone that may have a problem to sort it there and then. Even though they know his personality and attitude are not always the greatest he has completed numerous tasks and missions before and so they trust him giving him to choice of a far greater journey.

Episode 2 – Topo’s Stocks Up!

Topo casually walks up to his brother’s house, slamming his hand on the door.
Ren ‘Hey brother how are things?’
Topo ‘Im leaving again Ren and this time I do not know when I shall return, but don’t worry about me all is well you know I can handle myself!’
Ren ‘Your too confident for your own good, this place is dangerous and you should always be cautious!’
Topo ‘Stop being such a weakling, your opinions only put people down even if they are pathetic’
Ren ‘Always argumentative with me… can’t you just be a normal brother for once? Just lie to me for fuck sake so I don’t worry’
Topo ‘It’s because you are annoying! If you were in my situation and working in this kind of work you would understand but no your in a pussy hole job called ‘Computer Engineering’ I mean what a crock and shit that is…’
Ren ‘It’s barely for pussies! Computer Engineering is one of the greatest parts of society, your ship is run by computers and so are most of the sectors weather conditions.’
Topo ‘Heh for once I will simply accept your opinion but that doesn’t change you does it now?’
Ren ‘Pardon?’
Topo ‘You should man up brother, you’re a disgrace to this family I want you to train with me when I return, and I can’t have you being weak for your entire life…’
Ren ‘Im not weak… Remember that kid I had a fight with at school?’
Topo ‘The girl you mean?’
Ren ‘Err… Anyway… I need to give you something I’ll be right back.’
Topo thinks to himself  ‘If it’s a lucky charm I am going to smack him…’
5 minutes later…
Ren ‘Sorry brother here it is... It’s my lucky charm…’
Topo smacks Ren in the jaw
Topo ‘You keep that shit I don’t need it I am going now, be well and make sure you train!’
Ren ‘ARGGHH!! That hurt you asshole! Piss off already, do not fucking die!’
Topo ‘Yeah yeah…’
Topo runs off
Topo heads towards the garage where his ship is stationed and is greeted once again by the informer, suspicion overcomes Topo as he approaches the informer.
Informer ‘Hello again Topo, I’ve been asked to give you slightly more detail before you depart on your way, it’s simply for security reasons we wouldn’t want you to tell your nosey brother of our intentions. I hope you did not tell him too much?’
Topo sighs
Informer ‘Err hmm. Well basically I wanted to let you know there are rumours going around that Orsen may already be on sector 27 seeking his brother, so therefore you will need to make haste and get there as soon as possible. We’re counting on you to locate and find out his goal, he wouldn’t kill most of his family without a big prize within his grasp’
Topo ‘No shit?’
Informer ‘Er hmm. So yeah you understand the importance of this mission Topo? Its absolutely vital you find out what he is planning, the boss is extremely worried he may have uncovered dimensional shift research which is too powerful to be used by a single person, there is also some research our team uncovered at the facility which involved a bio engineered DNA implant for human beings making them have super strengths under certain conditions… these conditions are unknown for now’
Topo ‘Know where I can get some of that shit? Hahaha’
Informer ‘Maybe you will find some there! Who knows that’s why you’re being sent on this very important mission for us, don’t let us down and be safe Topo’
Topo ‘Well cheers but Im gonna fuck off now… don’t worry yourself you didn’t ask me to do this for nothing right? I’ll sort this bullshit out no problem. You’ll hear from me soon no doubts… remember by ship doesn’t have proper coms so don’t expect anything soon…’
Trenix stations are scattered across the universe they are basically like shopping malls, people go there for food, drink and other trade goods, the most valuable product they have is fuel for the ships it is also the cheapest product to purchase. Trenix is the largest company for supplies in the universe and has next to no competition.
After 3 hours Topo descends upon the Trinix station, it looks busy from the amount of ships parked up around the sides plenty of cargo is heading in and out the business’ seem to be doing very well.
Topo ‘Damn these places smell like arse… full of tramps, why don’t they clean this dump up once a millennia’
????? ‘Well look who it is… If it isn’t Topo… where is my god damn money?’
Topo ‘Are you stalking me? You’re freaking me out… I don’t want to go out on a date with you, didn’t you get the hint last time I beat you up?’
????? ‘Cocky bastard. I have back up this time so you better pay up!’
Topo ‘They look like scrubs to me; you honestly think they can even land a punch? Get out of my site before I finish you permanently!’
????? and his crew charge at Topo clenching there fists with green lightning pouring out of their hands
Topo dashes past ????? and appears behind them while lunging his feet into ?????’s back breaking It in several places.
?????’s crew run off scared one trips over a huge man’s foot.
Gorki ‘WHAT THE FUCK! How dare you touch me!’
Gorki picks up one of the scrubs snapping him in half with his yellow glowing fists.
Topo ‘Not bad big guy, but he was mine, do not interfere with my issues!’
Gorki ‘Excuse me? Did you just try and claim my victory?’
Topo ‘Hahaha look at the size of him and then look in the mirror that’s not even worth a medal made of paper you big fat dumb shit!’
Gorki ‘You have a bit of a lip on you, I think its time I shut it for you’
Topo ‘Bring it on you fat lump!’
Zedicus ‘Gorki, be patient and carm’
Gork ‘Huh? Zedicus what is it?’
Zedicus ‘That man is not worth your trouble’
Topo ‘How about I take you both out?’
Zedicus smiles and lets the comment fly.
Topo ‘What are you smiling about?’
Zedicus ‘Leave us be.’
Topo ‘Ahhhh fuck this…’
Topo leaves the shop.
Zedicus walks over to the injured man and casts a purple beam over his body fixing him to a healthy state.
????? ‘Thank you sir, thank you so much! I didn’t mean to cause trouble that Topo is an asshole!’
Zedicus ‘Do not worry yourself just get out of here fast’
????? ‘I will, I will sorry again for the trouble!!’

Episode 3 – Frozen encounter!

Topo ‘Bah! Didn’t even buy anything… right let’s think... what do I need hmm. Spirit vials, TREN supplements, antidotes and some cash. That might be a bit of a problem considering I never brang any money to begin with’
Topo shouts ‘SHIT!!!!’
Topo ‘Fuck sake this is annoying, really don’t want to resort to stealing but then again I have no choice, suppose I’ll use my speed to get what I want. No one will know who did it!’
Topo enters the hardware store again noticing that Zedicus and Gorki are still in the store.
Topo ‘I’ll ignore them can’t afford to be seen or caught’
Gorki looks at Topo
Gorki ‘Zedicus, It’s that punk again…’
Zedicus ‘He must of left in such a hurry and never bought what he wanted, Heh.’
Gorki ‘What a moron’
Topo ‘Bet those pricks are talking about me, dammit I didn’t want them to see me! I don’t need this hassle right now, lets do this. In and out. 2 seconds grab the TREN supplements and dash the cashier fast… I’ll forget the spirit vials for now doubt I’ll need them anyway’
Topo dashes towards the TREN supplements grabs them with his teeth and charges towards the cashier dealing a blow to the face with his foot, quickly grabs the cash from the till and sprints out but before he can make it out he suddenly feels a freezing sensation growing up his leg!
Zedicus ‘Its not very clever to steal from a trenix station you know…’
Topo ‘What the fuck are you doing!’
Zedicus ‘Drop the stuff now and I’ll let you go’
Topo ‘I need this stuff god dammit!’
Zedicus ‘Well then pay for it like normal people’
Topo becomes enraged and breaks free from the icy bonds but Zedicus is too fast for Topo and puts him in another one
Zedicus ‘Do not test me boy!’
Topo thinks to himself ‘Who the fuck is this guy. I’ve never met anyone that can match my speed…’
Zedicus ‘Last warning… Drop the items and leave this station, If I see you again I will hurt you’
Gorki ‘Hehehe Zedicus you really are strong!’
Zedicus ‘…’
Gorki ‘Sorry!’
Topo drops the goods and demands ‘Release me now! Have the fucking items I don’t give a shit’
Zedicus ‘Thank you, now please leave this place’
Topo storms off in a seriously bad mood barging people out of the way
Topo ‘that mother fucker, I need to train harder, beaten by that pathetic looking bastard, little freak. Let’s get the hell out of here… Man I am pissed off with this shitty rock!’
Topo barges more people out the way in his rage.
Topo ‘Making an idiot out of me… and that fat Gorki laughing at me, he’s a dead man too!’
Topo promises himself to kill them both one day
Topo ‘Why do I even do these missions... the money is crap and I get no respect what so ever! After this mission I’m out for sure, going to do my own thing. Train my brother up and become super powerful tag team partners! Hell yeah that sounds good to me.
Topo cheers up a bit after thinking about ridiculous things.
Topo ‘Back to the ship we go then, suppose I could get away with stealing the fuel from another ship… doubt that Zedicus retard will be there to stop me!’
Topo arrives back at the hanger looking for some fuel to steal for his ship
Topo ‘Hmmm… That ships big maybe they have some spare fuel onboard’
Topo sneaks onto the ship from the little hatch on the side barely squeezing into the gaps
Topo ‘Right where is the store room? This ship is too bloody big! I’ll just head further in.
Topo discovers Trenix employees fixing one of the doors
Topo ‘Dammit! I bet that’s the bloody store room this is so fucking typical of my luck, shit as always!’
Employee #1 ‘Good job boys! We should be finished by tonight lets bring the fuel tanks over now and tell Zedicus his ship is almost ready for departure!’
Employee #2 ‘I’ll go and tell him, he will be very pleased with the progress! We make an awesome team!’
Employee #3 ‘Whatever just hurry up and tell him I want to see my kids some time this year!
Employee #1 ‘Us two can go grab the fuel tanks get the fuel line ready!’
Employee #2 ‘On it!’
Topo ‘ZEDICUS’ SHIP!? AHH HELL NO! I need to get the fuck out of here fast! Actually… That bastard made a fool of me; I’m stealing something that’s for sure might as well be the fuel I need!
Topo waits outside for the employees to bring the fuel tankers over ready with his small bucket
Topo ‘Here’s my chance! They’ve gone onboard with the first tanker!’
Topo quickly takes the bucket to one of the tankers tapes fills his bucket and dashes out of there as fast as he possibly can.
Topo ‘Finally something’s going my way…’
Topo fills up his ship with the rich dense fuel
Topo strapped in ready to launch, just as the afterburners kicked in he notices the ships wheels are all frozen!
Topo ‘Yes I fucking will!’
Topo puts the ship into full acceleration breaking the wheels off from the ships shell.
Topo ‘HAHAHAHA! I made it! Eat shit bitch!
Topo is extremely happy and keeps laughing ecstatically
Topo sets out for Sector 27.

Episode 4 – Topo’s Past

Topo journeys through space heading towards sector 27
Topo ‘Haha. That was so much fun, maybe I’ll keep this job after all!
Topo ‘Naaaah!’
Topo laughs loudly
Topo ‘That midget must be so angry right now, hope I never see him again! By then I’ll be ten times stronger than him! Interesting skills though… Wonder what was good about Gorki maybe he just shits everywhere and makes the place smell.
Topo laughs loudly again
Topo ‘Heh. I crack myself up shame no one else is here for me to entertain. Maybe I’ll get a hooker on sector 27!’
Topo ‘Bah got no money still; I need it quite badly at the moment, I’m gonna have to sink pretty low for awhile’
Topo ‘Ahh well better get some sleep, will be a good fifteen hours before I reach sector 27’
Topo turns on auto pilot and drifts into a deep sleep

Dream –
Topo’s father ‘You two get to school now or you’ll be late!’
Ren ‘I’ve been ready for ages! Topo is taking his sweet time as always…’
Topo ‘Just jush alright, you go on without me I’ll just be late again’
Ren ‘Your going to fail school Topo, you need to start going more often!’
Topo ‘Don’t you think I know that fool?’
Topo’s father ‘THAT’S ENOUGH! Get your shoe’s and get going already!’
Topo chucks his shoe’s on and grabs Ren by the arm and drags him outside
Ren ‘Ow! That hurt you idiot’
Topo ‘Grow some balls weakling, lets get going before dad kills us both!’
Ren ‘Dad would never do such a thing, why do you think that?’
Topo ‘Im joking you overreacting twat!’
Ren gives Topo a dirty look
Fifteen minutes later Topo and Ren arrive at school
Ren ‘Its going to be fun today I’ve got all my favourite subjects’
Topo ‘Please shut the fuck up, you bore me’
Ren ‘Just wait till we’re older, I’ll have an awesome job and you’ll be a helpless bum, don’t ask me to help you out!’
Topo ‘I don’t need grades for what I want to do, I’m gonna be super strong and kick human ass!’
Ren ‘Pfft what a rubbish future, being tough isn’t cool you know just shows how dumb you are’
Topo ‘You lousy sack of shit, have your posh job and your nice house I’ll be working freelance as a mercenary! HELL YEAH!’
Ren  ‘Hahaha what a career that will be, cant wait to see you fail. I’m going to class. Don’t be late today you don’t have any excuse to be anyway… You’re here on time for once, miracle if I do say so myself’
Topo ‘Whatever, go blow your teacher’
Ren skips off in a very gay way
Topo ‘Dammit he acts so gay! He better not be or I’ll murder him!’
School ends, Topo and Ren walk home only to discover their house is on fire!

Ren starts to cry and whine loudly
Topo ‘No… this cannot be happening!’
Topo ‘FATHER!!!!!!!’
Topo rushes inside the house with fire burning everywhere, burning wood falls from the ceilings barely missing Topo but he struggles on to find his dad who is in the living room collapsed on the floor. Topo uses all his might to pull his father out of the burning wreckage but gets trapped inside a room!
Topo ‘Do I really need to leave my father here?’
A tear falls down Topo’s face, the emotion is building up so fast he starts crying while becoming extremely angry and frustrated
A faint shadow appears in the smoke
????? ‘Don’t worry boy I’ll get you out! Hold on one second!’
This mysterious man uses telekinesis to move the burning wood out of the way, rushes towards Topo and carries them both outside the burning house.
A few days later the funeral is held for the father of Topo and Ren, still unsure of what caused the blaze they vouch to find out who has done this, or if it really was just their fathers doing.
Topo stands far away from Ren, disgusted with the fact he never helped and just stood outside crying while he risked his life for their father, though today they are talking again, Topo’s frustration will never fade and he will never forget the anguish he went through on that tragic day.
Topo was unconscious when being carried out and never got to thank the man who saved his life, even today he still owes the man a thank you and will search for him in order to do so.

Real -
Topo wakes up all of a sudden!
Topo sweats and shakes uncontrollably in his bed
Topo ‘Ah fuck! Why do I always dream the same thing… my mind will never be at rest with this fucking nightmare all the time. Ren is such a pussy and that man, god dammit who the fuck is he I don’t even have a clue what he looks like. This is by far the most annoying thing in my life.
Topo ‘Father...’
A tear falls down Topo’s face
Topo ‘Why did you die…?’
Topo ventures onwards to Sector 27, almost at his destination

Episode 5 – Sector 27 ‘The Detour’

Topo ‘Finally! Feels like forever that really is a wonderful site such a clean sector and rich too plenty for me to get my hands on for sure!’
Topo ‘Right better find a place to land this pile of junk’
As Topo descends into the atmosphere of sector 27 he realises that his ship doesn’t have wheels anymore, Topo starts to panic as he gets closer to the ground!
Topo ‘Shit, shit, shit! I better find a soft place or my ship is done for!
If he lands on concrete there will be too much damage so he chooses an alternative place to land his ship, a bog just outside the small town of Larna’Nil should be soft enough to keep the ship intact
Topo ‘Right come on ship, do me a favour and don’t blow up on me!’
Topo guides his ship into the bog crashing into someone’s roof and taking it with him! The ships then collide with trees and other plant life totally wrecking his ship!
Topo ‘Give me a fucking break, that tree wasn’t there a minute ago! Where did that bloody house come from for fuck sake! Stupid fucking nature! That house owner is dead I am actually going to kill whoever lives there!’
Topo’s ship skids along the floor for a few hundred yards and finally stopping deep within thick mud
Topo takes his anger out on the already wrecked and battered ship smashing the shit out of it with his fists
Topo ‘Wait... What have I done?! Oh my poor baby! Are you alright? I’m so sorry to injure you!’
Topo then shuts up for a few seconds…
Topo continues to beat the crap out of his ship to release all the anger!
After 10 minutes Topo finally stops destroying his ship. Though I wouldn’t really call it a ship anymore
Topo finally accepts that his ship will never be repaired and kisses it goodbye
Topo ‘I had that ship for so long... Now it’s trashed. All because of that Zedicus loser! GOD DAMMIT!!’
Topo returns to his ship and beats it even more!
After a few hours of carming down Topo finally decides to get a move on, he heads towards the house he crashed into to see if anyone lives there
Topo smashes his hands on the door ‘OPEN UP NOW!! YOU OWE ME A SHIP FUCKER!’
Topo keeps knocking and slamming on the door but there is no answer, he decides to smash the door down instead. That’s the logical thing to do when no one answers.
Topo ‘Stop hiding you owe me a ship or lots of money!’
Topo searches the entire house not missing a single spot in the house and comes to the conclusion that no one lives there (Oh no)
Topo goes completely berserk, runs outside climbs up a tree and charges up one his most powerful spells just to destroy this house!
Topo gets a huge amount of energy from nowhere; though it’s not powerful in universal terms it’s certainly the next step for Topo and all to destroy a small house
Topo lunges the electric coated orb at the house causing massive damage to the surroundings too and totally obliterating the house, not a single splinter is left
Topo discovers a titanium bunker in the crater and charges up another enormous energy ball and hurls it at the door, so furious and angry he rushes to the door and discovers 3 kids that seem to have soiled themselves because of Topo’s actions!
Topo ‘I nearly killed some kids! What the hell am I doing! Wait a minute that was pretty damn cool don’t you think kids?’
Kid #1 ‘…’
Kid #2 ‘…’
Kid #3 looks like he’s having a seizure from all the shock and collapses on the floor, the other two kids are totally petrified and have shat themselves badly
Topo shows absolutely zero sympathy to the kids and keeps thinking how the house got what was coming to it!
Topo ‘Have a good day kids, stay in school and all that bullocks!’
Topo follows the barely visible road to Larna’Nil
After 35 minutes Topo reaches his destination and heads into town to find transportation.
Topo ‘That food smells divine!’
Topo’s belly grumbles and screams ‘EAT!!’
Topo so desperate he charges towards the shop and scoffs his face with food and drink not realising that he hasn’t paid for anything (What’s new?)
Two angry shopkeepers look at him with pure hatred
Shopkeeper #1 ‘Are you going to pay for that?’
Topo ‘Naah, cya later!’
Shopkeeper #2 ‘Fucking tramp! Get out of my shop now or I’ll call the guardians!’
Topo ‘One step ahead of you old man’
Topo is feeling extremely cocky and at this moment in time thinks he can away with anything, things maybe looking up for him
Topo heads towards the warp stations hoping to hitch a ride to the capital city.

Episode 6-10

Episode 6 – Larna’Nil

Larna’Nil is a peaceful town with limited facilities, their main source of income is from the warp stations and other transportation services. Luckily for them they’re situated in a very convenient place on sector 27 supplies and routes around sector 27 are easy to come by for them. Tourist’s that want to experience multiple destinations come here due to their vast variety of destinations; it’s almost a coincidence Topo decided to come here with his lack of experience with this sector.
Topo casually walks into the warp station and starts snooping around
Topo ‘Right well Ive got no money still but atleast I have eaten!’
Topo grins remember how he actually came about eating the food in the first place
Topo ‘Im such a bad man! Well they shouldn’t make this place so damn expensive if you ask me, but I still wouldn’t be able to afford it… Hell, make it all free! YEAH! Now we’re talking’
Topo ‘Well I’m obviously gonna have to hitch a ride. Might as well ask if I can go for free’
Topo approaches a young lady with pretty eyes
Topo ‘Hey girl, hows it going?’
Lady ‘Where would you like to travel?’
Topo ‘Oh.. getting straight to the point I see, I like that in a lady’
Lady ‘That’s amazing, really I am so glad you think so!’
Topo doesn’t realise the lady is being sarcastic and continues to give an even deeper grave
Topo ‘Hell yeah, I love women who take control. Hey listen do you think I could get a free ticket, your eyes are so beautiful how about I take you out for dinner to return the favour?’
Lady ‘SURE!’
Topo ‘Really!? Thanks a lot I want to travel to the capital and here take my number as well’
Lady ‘I was joking geez, no you cannot have a free ticket and no you cannot take me out to dinner, loser!’
Topo stands there like a complete pleb and just stares into her eyes with disbelief
Lady ‘Other people are waiting can you move?’
Topo ‘Fucking bitch, I try to be nice and you come at me with this shit?’
Lady ‘Buy a ticket or piss off!’
Topo grumbles ‘stupid whore’
Lady ‘Bye!’
Topo walks off ashamed that his good looks and charm didn’t work; strangely he doesn’t go mental and destroy the place just walks out calmly without harming anyone
Topo walks towards the water feature and sits down on a wooden bench, wondering why his good looks and charm didn’t work
Topo ‘Silly bitch, I cannot believe I couldn’t see through those sarcastic words!’
Topo ‘Damn I am gonna have to do it the old fashioned way, the free way!’
Topo gets his smile back and enjoys the sun for awhile
After awhile Topo over hears a conversation between a man and a woman
Woman ‘Your brother needs to leave! I can’t stand it anymore, he’s a slob!’
Man ‘…but he’s my brother! I cannot just chuck him out on the streets with nowhere to go’
Woman ‘If you value this relationship then you will ask your brother to find somewhere else to live!’
Man ‘You always play that card, fuck sake you know I love you but this is very complicated I’ll break it to him slowly and help him find a new place I promise!’
Woman ‘I hope for our relationships sake that you will! This has gone too far you know he has to leave or I will!’
Topo rushes to the scene and offers his most humble help!
Topo ‘Hey, I just over heard your conversation! If you buy me a ticket to the capital city I’ll kill him for ya!’
Man ‘what the fuck!? Who the fuck are you!? I don’t want my brother dead! I just want my wife to be happy and that means him leaving the house!’
The woman looks at Topo with a scared look
Topo ‘Ok ok I won’t kill him I’ll just beat him up a few times and tell him to leave! Convince him I own the house now’
Man ‘Oh my god… you really are stupid, just piss off why don’t you!’
Topo slowly walks up the man and leans his head towards the mans ear
Topo whispers ‘Buy me a ticket to the capital now. You really don’t realise how desperate I am, I don’t want to resort to hurting you but I really do need that ticket right now’
Man whispers ‘How about you go fuck yourself mkay?’
Topo turns away from the man
There is silence for 10 seconds and then suddenly…
Topo ‘Fuck this’
Topo turns around smashing the guys face with his fist, knocking him a few meters away
The woman screams ‘HELP! HELP!’
Topo grabs the women and covers her mouth with his hand
Topo whispers ‘Look lady! I can’t afford to be captured alright? My ship is fucked, I have no fucking money, I have an important mission and you’re simply fucking it up alright? Now please be quiet and give me some sodding money already!’
A large man approaches Topo and demands ‘Let her go!’
Topo laughs
Topo ‘Fuck off right now, do you really want to experience massive pain?’
Large man ‘I am Brunko, I am the Lieutenant of the Larna’Nil Gaurdian Squad’
Brunko ‘Your fight is with me now boy, let the lady go and lets fight like men’
Topo releases the lady
Topo ‘Yet another thorn in my side, you picked the wrong time to fuck with me. My life couldn’t get any worse right now, I’m afraid injuring you won’t be enough I have too much stress and anger building up inside me, only your death will satisfy my mind’
Topo looks at the ground and clenches his fists, his arms start to shake.
Brunko ‘your life might suck, but you cannot harm the citizens I protect, punishment will be given to you either way now prepare yourself’
Topo lifts his head up and smiles
Topo ‘heh’
Topo blasts his way across the square while engulfing his fists with electric energy

Episode 7 – Lieutenant Brunko

Topo smashes his fists into Brunko’s chest forcing him to slide a few yards back
Brunko kneels down and looks at Topo
Brunko ‘Is that it? I was expecting more from such a cocky fool’
Brunko punches Topo in the chest without any sort of energy charge throwing Topo 10 meters back and crashing to the ground
Topo gets up slowly…
Topo ‘Argh… That hurt you cunt!’
Brunko ‘you cannot win boy, you are simply too weak for me even a private could beat you’
Topo ‘*cough* It’s a good thing I haven’t shown you what I am really made of them’
Brunko laughs
Brunko ‘Stop with this rubbish already! I’ll give you one more chance to come with me’
Topo ‘I’m not going anywhere with you, I vouched to kill you and that is what will happen!’
Brunko ‘you were injured from such a weak punch! You really expect to last much longer?’
Topo ‘Shut your fucking mouth already you bore me!’
Topo charges at Brunko again this time aiming for his face
Topo appears to be a lot faster than Brunko and pummels his fists into Brunko’s face forcing him to fall down.
Brunko tries to leg sweep Topo but fails, Topo retaliates by stamping his feet on Brunko’s face
Topo ‘Boom bitch!’
Brunko gets up and attempts to whack Topo with multiple swings of his arms and a few kicks
Topo then jumps up and goes in for another punch
Brunko reacts fast dealing a lethal uppercut to Topo throwing him in the air
Brunko ‘I can endure everything you throw at me, you truly are weak!’
Brunko ‘The fact you insist carrying on with these useless attacks, puzzles me greatly’
Topo lies on the floor pissed off with himself, truly startled by the current events
‘Topo ‘I can’t give up, I have my mission to consider… This fucker is too strong dammit’
Brunko ‘Are you just going to sit there? Have you given up already boy? That’s probably your best option anyway; you simply won’t win with your current strength’
Topo gets up again and rubs his jaw attempting to massage it
Topo ‘do you ever shut up? So annoying geez just get the fuck on with it! I will never give up fool remember that, come and fucking get some!’
Brunko ‘Your endurance is amusing, feeling pain though none the less… I hurt don’t I?’
Topo ‘Haha, no’
Brunko smiles
Brunko ‘You really are a bad liar, I hate liars!’
Brunko charges at Topo and smacks him straight in the face with his huge fists
Topo crashes to the ground and scraps all his face up on the ground
Topo ‘*Cough* Hmph fuck sake!!’
Topo’s temper gets worse
Brunko ‘No need to get angry, just come with me and face the punishment for hurting our citizens’
Topo ‘Go fuck yourself already’
Topo charges up a ball of energy and blasts it at Brunko
Brunko dives out of the way smashes his fist into the ground, small rocks start to form in front of himself he shoots hundreds of them at Topo like a machine gun
Topo gaurds his face as much as he can trying to avoid as many as possible but being injured he struggles and many hit him
Topo’s gets a burst of speed and dives head first into Brunko’s body, chucking him throw a shop window
Brunko gets up and walks out of the shop
Brunko ‘Seems you still have some energy left in you… It might be time to put you down’
Topo ‘*pant pant* Heh… Bring on whatever you have fat boy, I’m ready for you whatever you throw at me, I’ll win either way’’
Brunko ‘I certainly doubt that boy, prepare yourself now this will hurt you beyond anything you have felt before’
Topo ‘Doubt all you want you fat fuck, I am ready for you. So instead of this bullshit chatter just get on with the show and lets end this, I need to be somewhere else and your wasting my god damn fucking time fool’
Brunko ‘Impatient, weak, cocky and an idiot. What a combination hahahaha!’
Topo tuts loudly
Brunko continues laughing
Topo storms towards Brunko charging his fists again, Brunko is too busy laughing to notice and once again gets blasted throw the shop window smashing into a wall
Topo ‘Who is laughing now?’
Topo ‘Oh look at me I’m a big fat dumb bitch that likes to talk all the time!’
A huge rock boulder crashes into Topo and crushes him
Topo punches the crap out of the boulder breaking it into small pieces however while doing so the ground starts to shake
A fist appears from the ground and grabs Topo by the neck
Brunko smashes out of the ground chucks Topo up in the air slightly and uppercuts Topo causing him to fly high in the sky
Topo’s blood starts to spill on the ground while still flying into the air
Brunko ‘You never stood a chance boy!’

Episode 8 – Lost The Plot!

Topo falls back down smashing his head off the ground, blood is pouring from his head and mouth, he is badly injured
While on the ground Topo rips his shirt off and digs his nails into his face, pressing down hard he scratches his face and makes himself bleed even more!
Topo’s eyes start to fill with rage turning them red, he charges his fists again
Spiritual energy or alignment can be manipulated in many ways depending on your personality, situation and the willingness to fight. If someone is in danger for example they have a higher chance of becoming more powerful for that time being. People believe the ‘Soul Reaper’ is responsible for these abilities and changes that people experience, even with the randomness they can make people extremely powerful, faster and endure a hell of a lot more, when huge amounts of power are acquired they can have side affects such as losing control or becoming very ill afterwards.
Brunko see’s Topo’s fists turning red and electricity charging from them
Brunko ‘How can you still have so much energy left in you? Give up already!’
Topo jumps up as if nothing has happened to him, it seems he has lost control of himself
Brunko ‘He’s gone completely insane, this guy is really adamant about killing me. I better protect myself’
Brunko absorbs the ground around him, turning his entire body into rock
Topo vanishes from the sheer speed of his movement; it seems his body’s spiritual alignment has changed in his favour
Topo appears behind Brunko and impales his back with his fists breaking it in several places, the speed of the attack is so great that Brunko’s shield seems to have shattered all over the floor and Brunko slides along the floor scratching his face and ripping his cloths
Brunko stands up even with his broken back and charges up a massive orb of blue light
Brunko hurls it towards Topo
Topo charges dives straight into the orb and punches so fast the air slices up the orb into two pieces which then collide with a few houses.
Topo’s rage continues to take over him as he carries on attacking Brunko with painful blows to his body
Brunko reaches into his pockets and pulls out a spirit vial enhancing his strength and speed
Brunko attempts to grab Topo by the neck and hold him down, but as a result is kneed in the chest chucking him off Topo
Topo grabs Brunko by the arm, swinging him around violently then eventually smashing his face into the ground, still consumed by rage he continues to beat on Brunko making a bloody mess.
Brunko totally loses it from the massive beating he is receiving, totally disregarding any civilians or houses near by he punches Topo right in the nose! Brunko then assaults Topo with a powerful rock covered fist making Topo crash into a house window
Brunko ‘*Pant Pant Pant* Fuck the rules! This guy is going down!’
Brunko coughs loudly, blood squirts out of Brunko’s mouth
Brunko breaths heavily and tries to catch a breath while pouring with blood
Brunko ‘Surely he cannot go on for much longer, he has really lost the plot!
Brunko raises one of his eyebrows as to say ‘What the fuck?’
Brunko ‘Is this guy skit so?’
Topo roars out of the window and smashes down all the walls in his blind rage
Topo casually walks out of the door which is still intact
Topo ‘*Pant pant* WHOS WEAK?!’
Brunko stands there still bleeding heavily
Still bleeding from several places Topo charges towards Brunko still intent on killing him
Topo ‘DIE!!!’
Brunko seems to be scared and covers his face with no attempt to avoid Topo’s attack
Topo shoots red lightning and his fists at Brunko while punching him multiple times in each part of the body
Brunko resorts to drastic measures by using all his moves at the same time, but Topo is simply too quick for Brunko and beats him down again
Topo goes completely psycho and carries on attacking Brunko even though he cannot retaliate with anything, it seems he has run out of energy to fight with. Topo’s rage has overpowered him greatly
After 5 seconds of blows Topo suddenly stops
Topo looks at Brunko with regret ‘What have I done? When did I do this?’
Topo ‘What was that insane surge of power I just felt? It felt amazing but I don’t remember anything…’
Topo’s rage controlled him in order to take revenge for Brunko attacks, it certainly achieved its goal but Topo is bedazzled by everything and stands up then steps away from Brunko
Topo ‘I never wanted to injure you so badly, I certainly wanted to win… but not this I don’t even know you! All I wanted was a fucking ticket to the capital… This is crazy! I need to get out of here fast too much blood has been spilt; my leg is killing me… I need to lay low and rest somewhere’
Topo runs off into an alley hoping to get as far away from the square as possible
Brunko lays there in agony, bleeding heavily and resting hoping someone will come and help him
Brunko ‘*Cough* Beaten… by… *cough* urgh… Beaten by… *cough* pure anger… heh *cough cough*’

Episode 9 – Catch Up

Topo runs down a small alleyway with his wounded leg, completely oblivious to anyone near him he rushes as fast he can down this alleyway in hopes of finding some sort of transport at the other end of the street
Topo finally reaches the end and discovers a convoy vehicle about to depart, without even finding where it’s heading he jumps onboard one of the empty carriages and rests up against the wall
????? #1 ‘He went onto the convoy’
????? #2 ‘This guy is a genius, he really is hilarious.’
????? #1 ‘He’s a right chore it seems’
????? #2 ‘Well he’s very crazy who knows’
????? #2 smiles
????? #1 ‘He did well against a Lieutenant that should be enough for our mission.’
????? #2 ‘Brunko makes me laugh too, such dedication to his citizens what a freak’
????? #1 ‘Heh yeah, well let’s hurry and get onboard, should be a long journey plenty of time to discuss things with him.’
The two unknown men head towards the same convey section that Topo is on
Topo ‘My body is fucked! Aching all over this sucks so much hopefully this journey will be awhile so I can get some sleep.’
Topo hears a few noises outside and hides behind a box
Two men jump onboard the carriage and look around suspiciously
????? #1 ‘we know your in here you can come out, we’re not with the Guardian Squad. I am Atrex and this is my one true ally Lomintos, Lomi for short.
Atrex ‘Hello? We saw you come in here, don’t be a fool just come out we know your hiding behind the damn box man stop wasting time.’
Topo ‘Alright! Shut up already geez so annoying’
Lomi ‘Do you have an attitude problem with everyone?’
Topo ‘What the fuck do you want? I wanted to get some rest my legs injured badly alright?’
Atrex ‘We know it is we saw your little fight with Brunko, he’s a big softy if you get to know him. Shame we can’t because we’re wanted by pretty much everyone.’
Topo ‘Well that’s fucking great I don’t need anymore trouble or shit thrown at me thank you very much.’
Lomi ‘Listen carefully, your injured and you have nowhere to go. Listen to what we have to say and maybe if you help us we will help you too.’
Topo ‘Im on a pretty secretive mission you know.’
Atrex and Lomi laugh loudly ‘SECRETIVE?!’ they say at the same time.
Topo ‘Yeah yeah whatever, laugh all you want’
Atrex ‘We’re after a person called Dran, he’s supposedly found a promising link to getting out of the giants belly’
Topo looks at the floor and covers his eyebrows he thinks to himself
Topo ‘Dran… how do I know that name? Hah! That’s who I am supposed to be protecting in this mission, almost forgot my fucking mission geez what am I doing!’
Lomi ‘Is there a problem? You seem a little anxious all of a sudden’
Topo ‘Whats the deal with Dran then? You want to kill him? Protect him? Steal his shit?’
Atrex ‘Kill… no. Protect… no. Steal his shit… now that’s pretty disgusting!’
Atrex ‘Such a short temper you have! We want to ‘acquire’ his research yes and use it for our own good, but honestly we do not want to leave this place its very lets say… cosy here’
Lomi ‘Yeah this place rocks! Much better than before, we don’t even know if we’re dead you know no, one knows what really happened when the monster attacked’
Topo ‘True… I prefer this place I suppose; I get to blow shit up! HAHAHAHA!’
Lomi and Atrex shack their heads wondering if Topo could be any crazier
Atrex ‘So tell us what your mission is?’
Topo ‘That’s classified.’
Atrex and Lomi laugh out loud
Lomi ‘Classified?! So classified you told us you had a mission in the first place you could just be any old trouble maker and we’d believe ya’
Atrex ‘Spit It out!’
Topo ‘I’ll never tell you, however I shall help you for my own personal reasons which of course you will never find out either’
Lomi ‘Damn you change your tune fast; very well we shall head to Darn’s laboratory in a few days’
Atrex ‘Get some rest you’ll need it and take these vitamins, should recover you faster. Once we arrive in the capital we’ll head to our hideout for some supplies’
Topo ‘You two better not be fucking with me or there’ll be trouble for you both!’
Lomi ‘I doubt that’
Atrex ‘Least hostilities please, we’re a team now’
Topo spits on the floor
Topo ‘Are you meeting with anyone else?’
Atrex ‘We have a friend who will be waiting for us at the hideout, I’d watch yourself though he’s crazy like you with a very short temper’
Topo ‘this should be very interesting then, but I am sure he isn’t a faggot like you two’
Atrex ‘Bloody hell, you don’t stop with the insults!’
Lomi walks towards the open part of the carriage
Topo ‘Im going to sleep, don’t make any fucking noise!’
Atrex leans up against a box and goes to sleep
Lomi ‘I’ll keep watch’
The three of them head towards the capital

Episode 10 – Sector 27 Capital City

Atrex clips Topo around the ear
Atrex ‘Wake up!’
Topo ‘Mothe…’
Atrex ‘We need to go now, before the transportation police spot us the hideout is not that far’
Lomi ‘Atrex we should wait a few more minutes’
Atrex ‘Ok sure’
Topo ‘Whats the problem?’
Lomi ‘Transport Police will spot us, we’ll wait for the cover of tree’s just before the station’
The three prepare to jump off the convey into the cover of woods
Lomi ‘GO!’
They all jump off Topo somehow managed to smash his head off a tree
Topo charges up his fists in rage about to obliterate the tree
Atrex and Lomi hold him down
Atrex ‘Are you stupid?! They will spot us if you blow that tree up, use your head dammit!
Topo ‘Its just a fucking tree! I NEED REVENGE YOU CUNTS!’
Atrex laughs
Atrex ‘You crack me up but you’re a dumb ass seriously taking revenge on a bloody tree!? Get over yourself already!’
Topo ‘Ohhh fuck off!’
Lomi ‘let’s get moving stop messing about already we need to split and fast the hideout is a few miles this direction’
Topo ‘Alright, alright, I’m coming already’
The three run off into the woods
????? ‘Over there’
Lomi ‘Shit! Run faster!’
Atrex ‘Damn Topo just keep your anger inside next time we cannot afford to be caught’
Topo ‘That tree will pay! Just so you know, It might live to see another day but that’s it’
Lomi ‘Less talk more running move ya arses!’
????? ‘Send the raptor in!’
Lomi ‘No, no, no! This isn’t good at all those raptors are vicious little machines that rip your limbs off’
Topo gulps
Lomi ‘Keep your voice down! You really are fucking dumb I’m sick of you already just please keep your mouth shut’
Atrex ‘We’re almost there just keep running and we’ll be fine’
The three hear a faint buzzing sound
Lomi ‘Its closing on us keep the pace up or we’ll be forced to destroy it’
The raptor approaches the group at high speeds and starts shooting razor blades towards them
Lomi ‘Atrex we will have to fight it’
Atrex ‘..but the hideout is just there!’
Lomi ‘We cannot afford to compromise our base to these transport bastards’
Topo ‘I’ll smash it up!’
Lomi ‘Its ok, we’ll do it’
The raptor now visible plunges into the group spinning wildly and shooting hundreds of sharp objects at the entire group
Raptor ‘Under Section 1056 of Immigration Boarder Control you are not entitled to entry of this sector or zone, you will now be eliminated’
Lomi crushes his hands together creating a wind shield around him reflecting all sharp objects; he then punches the air around him compressing it to a solid state
Lomi ‘Defenses up Atrex go for it!’
Raptor ‘Illegal immigrants will be eliminated on site’
Atrex ‘Stupid robot!’
Atrex mutters some words ‘JO MU ROK US TO FE’
Topo dives behind a tree trying to avoid all the shots
Atrex claps his hands and suddenly a rock like creature appears in front of Atrex, instantly throwing itself into the battle and grabbing the raptor chucking it to the ground
Atrex raises his hands and claps again causing the rock creature to explode destroying the raptor and sending pieces of it flying all over the woods
Lomi ‘Good let’s go quickly into the hideout before anyone else comes’
Topo ‘Pretty nice, still pussies though’
Atrex ‘Oh do shut up’
Lomi ‘Come’
The group heads towards the hideout and unlocks a secret hatch buried under the leafs then head inside before anyone can spot them
Lomi ‘Activating Leaf Compression’
A loud thud can be heard outside
Topo ‘Leaf Compression?’
Topo bursts into an uncontrollable laughter
Atrex starts to get pissed off ‘SHUT UP, IT’S FOR OUR PROTECTION’
Topo ‘cunt’ he mumbles
Lomi ‘Give it up already, the hatch needs to be covered or people will find it. Leaf compression forces near by leafs to kind of magnetize to the hatch making it look like the ground’
Atrex ‘Pfft dumb arses like you Topo would never understand stealth in a million years!’
Topo ‘I might be loud but I still alive and kicking arse!’
Lomi ‘Constant bickering, lets go into the main room our leader would like to speak with you’
Episode 11-16

Episode 11 – Atrex and Lomi’s Leader

The group heads down a few flights of stairs and down a dark corridor
Topo ‘This place seems pretty fucking big’
Atrex ‘That’s because it is’
Topo ‘No need for smart cunt remarks alright?’
Lomi ‘Its probably one of the biggest underground hideouts on sector 27, we have a few hideouts though some are ‘classified’ as you would put it however open to all members of the ‘Project’.’
Topo ‘That project being Dran’s research I take it’
Lomi ‘Our leader has done some pretty terrible things in order to gain the knowledge he has now, he does not want to leave this place and neither do we, our project is simple… stop people trying to attempt escapes out of the Soul Reapers domain, pissing him off wouldn’t be very good for us’
Topo ‘How do you know if you haven’t tried?’
Lomi ‘…and no one ever will if we can help it’
Topo ‘who cares if they leave? That’s one less person to worry about after all’
Lomi ‘we believe the Soul Reaper will award us if we help him prevent such things’
Topo ‘Maybe the Soul Reaper is someone else’s project and they are testing its power?’
Atrex and Lomi looked extremely shocked at Topo’s remark
Atrex ‘Wow… That’s the first smart comment you’ve said all this time!’
Topo yawns
Lomi ‘Interesting theory Topo I may even take that up with the leader but then I would fear for my life… maybe you can suggest it’
Lomi winks at Topo
Topo ‘Errr nah’
Lomi ‘I am surprised with my massive intelligence I did not think of such a thing’
Lomi becomes silent and walks ahead of the other two
Atrex ‘I think you have him spooked’
Topo ‘Spooked?’
Atrex ‘He has dedicated years upon years to this project and to our leader, setting your mind on something and then suddenly realising it might not be worth it is a drastic change I’d say’
Topo ‘Err sorry? I just live my life the way I want it to be, no respect for anyone but myself it’s the best way to live I think’
Atrex ‘That’s fine for you, but Lomi is a very peculiar person. Secretive and always pays massive attention to detail that’s why he’s our main tactical advisor for raids’
Topo ‘I get the feeling this place is one big illegal operation’
Atrex ‘Yeah it’s illegal but for good purpose we don’t hurt people without proper authorisation’
Topo ‘Authorisation of your leader I bet… I don’t care for anyone accept my brother purely because he’s blood related but no one else.’
Atrex ‘You have a boss right? You do what he says yes?’
Topo ‘Hes not really my leader or my boss, I help him because its fun for me’
Atrex’s eyes grow wide open ‘FUN!?’
Atrex ‘Holy… You fight and attempt to kill people for fun? You really are a crazy bitch’
Topo laughs
Topo ‘Oh well I like doing it and that’s all that counts, you know this corridor is really fucking long’
Atrex ‘We’re almost there, Lomi seems awfully quiet. LOMI! YOU ALRIGHT?’
Lomi stops and waits for the other two to catch up
Lomi ‘Im fine. Just thinking about a few things, the Soul Reaper must have come from somewhere but where and who could possess such powerful and undefeatable technology?’
Atrex ‘Its probably best if you stop thinking now Lomi you’ll drive yourself insane’
Topo ‘Lomi it was just a thought a really bad guess you might say…’
Lomi ‘I noticed you two are trying to cheer me up, but I must study this further there must be records of all the planets before we got sucked into this place’
Atrex ‘Don’t disappear again like last time’
Lomi ‘Do not worry yourself Atrex its fine, I research it for a few days and if I come up with nothing I shall stop there, however if I do find something interesting then well… you most certainly will not see me in a very long time’
Lomi walks off into the darkness, they hear a door close
Atrex gives Topo a really dirty look
Topo ‘Its his fucking choice let him do whatever the fuck he wants’
Atrex ‘There goes your manners again! Lomi is very self disciplined, he wont stop you know. He’ll become obsessed and hurt himself trying to get answers’
Topo ‘Im sure he can handle himself just let it be already you sound like a gay man!’
Atrex ‘we’re just very good friends! Best friends actually…’
Topo ‘Whatever faggot is that the room we’re heading to?’
Atrex ‘Yes and don’t call me a faggot you dumb shit!’
Topo ‘Before we go in what should I expect?’
Atrex ‘A very abrupt natured man, with very little patience and time, keep all the small talk to yourself just answer his questions and you’ll be fine’
Topo ‘Well lets go then’
The pair approach the door, Atrex opens it and points inside prompting Topo to head inside
????? ‘Welcome Topo’
Topo finds it hard to see the person sitting in the chair
Topo ‘Its very dark in here where are the lights?
A slave brings a couple of torches to the table where the leader is sitting and places then in holders
Slave ‘There you go Sir’
Topo looks shocked
????? ‘Is that better?’
Topo ‘Err yeah…’
????? ‘Ive heard many things about you Topo are you willing to fight for a cause?’
Topo ‘Not really… I kinda have my own right now’
????? ‘Hmph… well let me introduce myself, I am Orsen’
Topo thinks to himself ‘Fuck…’
Episode 12 – Proposal

Orsen ‘You look shocked’
Topo ‘Not at all, Im quite fine…’
Orsen ‘Well anyway let us discuss my little proposal to you…’
Topo ‘I told you… I have my own shit to do’
Orsen ‘Hear me out at least you might decide it will help you’
Topo ‘Go on then… but I really should be going I don’t even remember how the fuck I got here in the first place’
Orsen ‘Its simple you wanted to come here’
Topo ‘Hahaha! Your goons decided threatening an injured person was cool… Now I remember’
Orsen ‘Well they hate fighting so that seems pretty normal to me… regardless I would like it very much if you could do me a favour. You seem like the mean killer type that could deal with this quickly’
Topo ‘I ain’t killing no one for you, do your own dirty work… get the fools outside to do it’
Orsen ‘They’re well known in these parts and have caused a lot of trouble for the government residing here it would be unwise to send such wanted people out to do such a delicate job, I’ll reward you with money and a new ship, I noticed your one was destroyed… Well destroyed by you heh’
Topo crushes his teeth together
Topo ‘That ship was fucking shit anyway I don’t give a crap about it… Haha that house got obliterated… Man that was some cool shit’
Orsen ‘Yes very cool…’
Orsen slides his eyes left and right
Topo continues to giggle
Orsen ‘What do you say then?’
Topo ‘It might be worth my trouble… spill the beans first though and if I do decide that I will help you then I want supplies’
Orsen ‘So basically I want you to infiltrate a secret base further in the forest, sneak into the laboratory, locate a substance called ‘Blissful Kreen’ and then simply drop It on the floor…’
Topo laughs really loud
Topo ‘IS THAT ALL!? Seriously what the fuck do you take me for? I’m very loud, I always attract attention and there is no way I can do anything remotely stealthy especially undetected which I presume is what you want right?’
Orsen ‘Come on! Be a sport, try it out... I bet you’ll fly by it and be finished in no time’
Topo ‘How big is this place then?’
Orsen ‘That wont matter you will be in there approximately 5-10 minutes maximum if you follow the correct root, we have the schematics for you and even a pretty little red line showing you which way to go… Its as simple as pie my friend, I doubt you encounter many people either its very secret after all’
Topo ‘So how the fuck do you know about this place?’
Orsen ‘My father told me’
Topo thinks to himself ‘Sure he did when you forced it out of him you spastic’
Topo ‘Oh right… does he work for them?’
Orsen ‘He did yeah…’
Topo ‘Why doesn’t he now?’
Topo ‘Haha hit a soft spot I see…’
Orsen ‘Do not ask questions about my family you cannot comprehend or understand anything related to them, now do you accept this mission or not?’
Topo ‘I might as well, seems your little offer might speed things up… there is one question I have about this place’
Orsen ‘Yes?’
Topo ‘How tight is the security?’
Orsen ‘Its so secret there is barely any… but due to recent events at another location they may have stepped us the security slightly… so be on guard and try not to get caught, if you do don’t even think of mentioning my name or where this base is or there will be hell to pay for you and everyone connected to you’
Topo ‘No need for your empty threats fool, I’ll do your dirty work but you better be ready with my cash and fucking ship alright? Fuck me over and you’ll have hell to pay bitch’
Orsen ‘Cheeky bastard, go down to the end of the hall and pick up the schematics from Lomi’
Topo ‘I don’t let people walk over me, don’t think that me doing this for you means you own me, this is a mission you have the reward nothing else’
Orsen ‘Fine your stuff will be ready on your return, don’t fuck it up for christ sake’
Topo ‘Fucking shit up is my game! It’s the only way I play and always will but this sounds like fun and I’ll definitely enjoy it to the fullest. Cya soon chump’
Topo walks out of the room slamming the door behind him
Orsen ‘Stupid barbarian… get Rexn in here’
A few minutes later Rexn enters the room
Rexn ‘Evening Orsen… how goes this glorious time of day?’
Orsen ‘Can you cut the poetic crap out for one day please?’
Rexn ‘I love life, Its beautiful and I am blessed with such an amazing structure, I can only give thanks to the Soul Reaper for this astonishing gift’
Orsen ‘…’
Orsen ‘Do me a favour and shut your mouth for 2 minutes… I want you to follow Topo he’s heading down the hall now, one with the red hat and scruffy cloths, he is heading to Dran’s laboratory to destroy the ‘Blissful Kreen’ substance that we have been fearing for quite awhile’
Rexn ‘It shall be done good sir, I wish you a fantastic evening’
Orsen ‘Please leave now before something happens to you’
Rexn ‘Certainly, good day or night heheh’
Orsen hurls a ball of blue light at Rexn
Rexn races to the door and escapes before the blast can hit him
Rexn laughs and closes the door

Episode 13 – Lomi’s Special Drugs

Topo proceeds down the long tunnel towards Lomi’s room.
Rexn follows Topo
Topo talks to himself ‘This mission sounds really dull and boring to me… I’ll be sure to liven it up haha. I bet they have a bunch of pussies in that secret lab, this is going to be very fun’
Rexn shakes his head with disgust
Topo reached Lomi’s room and whacks it a few times
Topo ‘Lomi open up, I need that shitty schematic’
Lomi opens to door and grabs Topo by the neck and chucks him inside the room
Lomi ‘I am TRYING to concentrate! Quieten down!’
Topo ‘Bitch! No need for that was there, your lucky I am in a good mood or you’d be in trouble little weirdo’
Lomi ‘Yeah yeah yeah, the schematic is on that table over there, I’ve used a thick red pen to indicate which way to go once your inside even a stupid person could follow these instructions. Don’t prove Atrex right and get lost mkay?’
Topo ‘Pish… As if chump, I’ll be fine that place doesn’t know what’s coming to it’
Lomi ‘You realise this is a mission that requires the up most discretion right?’
Topo ‘Errr yeah of course I know that!’
Lomi ‘Mmm good then, now take the schematics and the elixirs from the top shelf’
Topo ‘…and these are for what exactly? They don’t exactly look healthy’
Lomi ‘It’s a formula I created myself and have been using for many years Topo, they increase your concentration, motivation and dedication to a specific thing for example your doing some homework for school and you cannot be bothered… Simply take this elixir and you’ll be up for it double time and may even do double the homework, this formula is simply amazing perfect for body and mind!’
Topo grabs the elixir and schematics
Topo ‘Sounds cool enough… so like… Im beating someone up and they are not quite dead, I take this potion and that will make me end them right? Normally I wouldn’t I just leave them there’
Lomi ‘Fucking hell Topo stop chatting out your rear end for once, its not all about fighting you know this world does have a meaning you know that’s why we want the best and plan to stay here for as long as possible, dedication Topo remember that. You must find your calling in life one day and focus 100 percent on it in order to succeed!’
Topo ‘Atrex was right you’re a freak that doesn’t stop, take a chill pill alright? Invent a formula that chills you the fuck out once in awhile you need it man’
Lomi ‘Atrex called me a freak?’
Topo ‘Not exactly he just said when you focus on something you don’t stop until its done 110 percent’
Lomi ‘…and what the hell is wrong with that? Its called perfection you know’
Topo ‘I want to perfect my fighting, you want to perfect being a geek that’s your choice, stop with the lecture now please, Ive got the schematic and the elixirs. Seriously Lomi thanks yeah? I do appreciate this elixir it sounds fucking cool HAHAHA HELL YEAH IM HAVING ONE NOW!!’
Lomi ‘NOOOOO!!!!’
Topo drinks one of the elixirs
Lomi ‘I forgot to say it has some side affects for weak minded people…’
Topo walks out of the room with the schematic
Lomi ‘Should of lied dammit! Ah well it will run out by the time he gets there… I hope’
Lomi covers his eyes with his hands in shame
Lomi ‘Better jot that down… make ‘Mind Kreen’ weaker, ask Atrex why he called me a freak.
Topo ‘Dedication is the mission, Stealth is the game, Full focused and ready to go, Oh how I love life its simply amazing, I must protect this world with my beautiful heart.’
Rexn thinks to himself ‘Splendid he’s taken Lomi’s elixir, what a glorious day this is. I am addicted to that stuff heheh!’
Atrex is standing at the steps that lead up to the top awaiting Topo
Topo ‘Hello Atrex you look absolutely amazing today, what have you done with your hair?’
Atrex ‘What the fuck?’
Topo ‘That’s jolly good to hear my friend, I am glad your having a fantastic day today. Would you be so kind and open the hatch for me? Im dedicated and focused for the mission ahead and would greatly appreciate it if you could send me on my way dear chap’
Atrex ‘Dude do you know what you sound like? Its as if you’ve taken Lomi’s elixir.. Holy shit you have HAHAHAHA’
Atrex laughs manically
Atrex ‘Oh my god this shit is so cool, you’re a changed man Topo, I wish you a good day indeed let me open that hatch for you right away, fucking prick, cunt, wanker, bitch, asshat, twat faced bastard!’
Topo ‘Why thank you for the kind complements Atrex, you’re a very kind person you know that?’
Atrex ‘Heh this is pretty fun’
Atrex opens the hatch
Topo ‘Thank you kind sir, have a pleasant day’
Atrex ‘You’re so gay, get out of my sight already’
Topo ‘Chow for now dear friend, I hope you will be happy on my return to this wonderful place.’
Topo ascends the ladder and hops outside
Rexn keeps his distance and follows behind Topo
Topo ‘Ahhh the wonderful outdoors, such a peaceful place and amazing surroundings I wish to be her forever and ever’
Rexn thinks to himself ‘How much did that poor lad drink? I am sure Lomi is not too happy about this unfortunate event’
Topo ‘Now Topo we must head east towards the secret base, I bet its extremely fun there and full brilliant sights for me to absorb into my lovely heart, memories that I can keep forever and ever. Simply bliss.
Topo suddenly collapses
Rexn ‘Hmm…’
Rexn ‘Poor chap, It seems hes experiencing side affects. I hope they serve him well in this time’
Three minutes later Topo wakes up
Topo stands up.
Topo ‘Holy shit that hurts… I don’t remember anything… where am I? these schematics they must be for the base… Damn, I need to sit down again’

Episode 14 – Onwards!

Topo ‘That was rough… still this pain doesn’t go away, whats this I have here…’
Topo examines the elixirs taken from Lomi’s quarters and reads the description.
Description ‘Increases the following attributes: Happyness, Awareness, Dedication, Focus, Adrenaline, Self steam, Motivation, Confidence, Maturity, Concentration.’
Topo ‘Happyness? HAHAHA Fuck this shit…’
Topo chuck the elixirs on the floor and smashes them with his foot
Topo ‘I don’t care how I got them they seem pretty piss poor, no way I am taking that shit’
Rexn looks at Topo and giggles
Topo ‘Who is there?’
Rexn ‘Well dear chap it is I Rexn! It was my intention to just spy on you but why don’t I help you instead?’
Topo ‘Why would I need some poof’s help?’
Rexn ‘WHAT!? I am not gay! I’m just very jolly mind you…’
Topo ‘Sure you are chump, regardless your help is not wanted, so fuck off back to where you came from alright?’
Rexn ‘My, my you really are rude! Either way I am coming. Orsen told me to go and that’s that!’
Topo ‘Tssh. Well whatever just stay the fuck out my way while I finish this shit up quickly.’
Rexn ‘Remember this is a stealth mission, you’ll need to take caution dear boy!’
Topo ‘I don’t do stealth, I do LOUD HAHA’
Rexn thinks to himself ‘My lord..’
Topo decides to try and ditch Rexn as soon as possible
Topo ‘Do me a favour and go back to Orsen, tell him you lost me? I just vanished…’
Rexn ‘That’s silly haha! He knows I am extremely fast not to mention I know exactly where the base is and that is where you’re heading. It would simply be stupid of me to even mention such a silly act of mind numbing intellect on my part!
Topo ‘What the fuck does that even mean man?’
Rexn ‘Well…’
Topo ‘Save if, I really do not care man. Just at least give me a few minutes head start ok?’
Rexn ‘Oh a game how fun this will be! Sure go ahead then I am counting now hehe!’
Topo ‘Could you speak less poofy when we next meet up please, It makes me want to kill you’
Rexn face goes red with embarrassment
Rexn ‘I wont stand for anymore of your insults!’
Topo dashes off in a hurry towards the base following the schematics and map of the forest
Rexn ‘He is so mean to me…’
Topo keeps on running towards the base and discovers a metal box on the floor
Topo reads the message at the bottom ‘Do not touch’
Topo ‘Good thing im a curious person hahaha!’
Topo touches the box and gets a massive volt of electricity through his entire body!
Topo becomes really stiff and falls to the ground like a metal statue
Topo becomes paralyzed ‘Ouch…’
Topo ‘Curiosity ay… ah well you never know till you tried ay… I’ll just rest here for abit’
A few minutes later Rexn catches up to Topo and bursts into laughter
Rexn ‘That is by far the funniest thing I have ever witnessed in my entire life, you good sir are extremely stupid.’
Topo ‘Shut the fuck up you gay bitch, how long have I been out for?’
Rexn starts to cry
Topo ‘What the fuck?’
Rexn cries some more…
Topo ‘Dude… stop crying dammit your making me feel guilty, why do you get so offended by words?’
Rexn ‘Sniff sniff I can’t help the way I talk… there is nothing gay about me! You may think such things but I truly am not!
Topo ‘Alright, alright… give it a rest for fuck sake, your doing my head in ya gimp, tell me how long have I been out for?’
Topo ‘Keep on spying on me please from a distance; I can’t have you distracting me all the time it would be unwise yes?’
Rexn ‘Sniff* I suppose so, oh and I’ve been here a few hours.’
Topo ‘ HOURS?! Shit… ‘
Rexn ‘Drink this’
Rexn pours some elixir into Topo’s mouth
Topo ‘This shit aint bad, heh nice one Rexn though I am still a little numb. Sure I can keep going for now.’
Rexn ‘I shall let you continue on for now, but be warned blissful one that you must not cause trouble for Orsen, just destroy what is needed to be destroyed. Nothing else ok?’
Topo ‘Yeah, yeah cya later then’
Rexn ‘Good luck!’
Topo rushes off again towards the base and finally comes to the place the hatch is located.
After searching for 30 minutes around this area Topo finally comes across a secret hatch underneath a bunch of leafs.
Topo ‘Not exactly secret if you ask me… this shit was too easy to find though that’s no surprise when you have a map hahaha! suppose no one comes out here though so must be ok’
Topo ‘Right, let’s get in and find Dran. That guy needs to be warned.’
Topo opens the hatch and gently lowers himself into the dark space
Topo ‘Hmm its too hard in here, there must be lights somewhere surely’

Episode 15 – Infiltration!

Topo puts his hands on the wall to guide himself around the dark room until he eventually comes across a door, when he opens the door it appears the place is still pitch black and continues to guide himself through the corridor.
Topo ‘What am I to do in this place seriously’
Topo carries on touching the walls around in the hope the finding some sort of light switch
Topo begins to get pissed off
Topo ‘Fuck sake this is ridiculous! Im going to hit something soon’
Topo searches for another 15 minutes in the hopes of finding a door or switch but looses his cool
Topo ‘I am barely even started with this mission and I’m already fucked off with it’
Topo sits down and starts to hit the wall softly
Topo ‘Piece…  Of…  Shit’
Topo starts to hit the wall faster and harder (SCOOOOOOOOOTER)
Topo starts increases his speed and power in his fists to the point of breaking it…
Topo jumps to his feet and begins to charge his fists throwing them into the wall at full pelt smashing it open unveiling a room full of robots.
Topo ‘Rippers?’
Topo ‘Errr Hi! How are you guys doing?’
The rippers charge up, hundreds of them maybe thousands activate inside this room and begin to charge up their guns
Topo ‘Holy shit. I am truly fucked. Heh better go out with style ay?’
Rexn ‘My lord, what have you done…’
Topo ‘Rexn? What the fuck man you’ll get killed get out of here dude’
Rexn ‘Barely…’
Rexn turns his body to liquid, there is a strange smell coming from Rexn the same smell as the potion Lomi created
Topo ‘You smell like shit!’
Rexn ‘Hahaha! I do indeed, but that’s Lomi’s fault he wanted me to do a few experiements with him a few years ago and this is the result. I was never born with any sort of power but he created a device within me giving me the ability to manipulate moisture in the area and as this place is very damp it seems I’ll have all the liquid I need.’
Topo ‘Im not a fan of human experiments, infact I was never not a fan I just don’t give a fuck.’
Topo ‘Lets waste this fools before they fully charge up them vicious saw blades’
Rexn ‘Sure.’
Rexn extracts all the moisture from the walls and ceiling and turns it into a ball hurling it towards the machines fucking them up completely, electricity starts to fly out of the rippers and engulfs the room and also pouring into the other room
Topo dives out of the way ‘Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!’
Rexn ‘I hate electricity!! NOOOOOOOO!!!’
Rexn quickly turns back to his normal form as it restricts his movement and dives out of the way too, a massive explosion is created from all the rippers blowing up creating a huge hole in the ceiling and the floor.
Topo ‘Psycho!’
Rexn ‘That was a lot of fun but would you mind getting this massive rock off my leg? It hurting me very much!’
Topo lifts the rock off Rexn’s leg
Topo ‘Happy even during painful moments, your one weird bastard you know that?’
Rexn ‘Well the situation doesn’t look very happy from my view’
Topo turns around and looks through the hole in the floor
Topo ‘Wha…’
Topo ‘No you don’t bitch!’
Topo jumps down punching the guy in the head knocking him out cold
Topo ‘Shut the fuck up a minute’
Topo knocks the scientist out too.
Guard #2 ‘We won’t cause any trouble I promise, what do you want?’
Topo ‘What did I just say to the scientist? I want some peace of quiet mother fucker!’
Topo grabs the second guard and chucks him at a strange looking capsule full of green liquid, breaking it open causing all the liquid to spray on the ground
Topo ‘Woah that looks very corrosive I better get out of here.’
Rexn ‘No need to worry dear chap!’
Rexn once again turns to his liquid form and moves all the acid to one corner
Topo ‘Your pretty useful after all’
Rexn blushes
Rexn ‘Sorry its just no one ever appreciates me really for my skills!’
Topo ‘Yeah well that’s all fine and dandy but don’t show your emotions around me keep them inside, It’s a sign of weakness you see’
Rexn sulks
Rexn mumbles to himself
Topo ‘You done with the bitching now? Come on man let’s get moving there are probably loads more gaurds on the way now we need to keep it going’
Rexn ‘Certainly, let us finish this tedious task’
Topo checks the schematics and cant figure it out due to half the first floor now being completely fucked up
Topo ‘I cant read this shit now, makes no sense this room has 2 walls missing haha’
Rexn signs
Rexn ‘That’s not something to laugh about Topo, let me have a look at it’
Rexn notices something straight away
Rexn ‘Its upside down you stupid idiot!’
Topo ‘Oh yeah’
Topo laughs loudly
????? ‘I heard something in here prepare yourself
Topo ‘Shit…’
Rexn ‘You’re a magnet for trouble are you not?’
Topo ‘No shit Sherlock’
Rexn ‘What is Sherlock?’
Topo ‘It means you’re a wanker now let’s dash these peeps’
Rexn turns into liquid ready for a battle

Episode 16 – Unwanted Trouble

The massive metal doors open, behind them is Lieutenant Brunko, his superior officer and a small army ready to lay down the law on Topo and Rexn
Topo ‘YOU!’
Brunko ‘Fuck, It’s the crazy man…’
?????? ‘This is the guy you spoke of?’
Brunko ‘This man is crazy, he almost killed me!’
Topo ‘Hey man I lost control it’s not my fault… though it was insanely fun!’
Brunko ‘Insane is a nice way to put it, but im completely fresh now and I have back up you are truly FUCKED my friend if you manage to get out of this I will mind boggled for sure’
Rexn ‘Brunko, how pleasant to see you again dear chap’
Brunko ‘You teamed up with this queer?’
Topo laughs
Topo  ‘HAHAHA! That’s what I thought at first but he’s alright, take that back you fat cunt’
Brunko ‘This is my superior officer Jalencia she will crush you’
Topo ‘She’s pretty hot, you ever shagged her? That’s a great pair of tits you have there’
Jalencia ‘That’s very sweet of you to say, but unfortunately for you my body is for no man or women, I swore to protect everything on this sector and never get involved with anyone, I’m a soulless being with no emotions. I remember the last guy that told me he loved me ended up dead.’
Topo ‘You’re my dream girl… I like it rough, but then I like to kick peoples heads in too, don’t think for one fucking second you stand a chance against me and Rexn, this time I’ll will make sure to finish you Brunko’
Brunko ‘Heh.’
Jalencia’s eyes turn black, she takes off her gloves and smashes them together creating a shockwave that smashes in the walls creating huge dents in the metal
The soldiers run off down the corridor
Rexn ‘Hmmm’
Topo ‘Not bad bitch, but like that shit is ever going to help you its not even accurate. Completely missed us you retard.’
Rexn taps Topo on the shoulder and whispers in his ear ‘I am quite sure that was intentional, it seems she controlled them waves with her mind…’
Topo whispers in Rexn’s ear ‘Shut the fuck up’
Rexn starts to sulk AGAIN.
Topo ‘I don’t have time for this’
Topo hears two more voices above him coming from the hatch, they both pop their head over the edge of the collapsed ceiling
Lomi ‘You baboon!’
Axtrex ‘Fucking retard’
Topo dips his head in shame
Topo ‘Fuck you alright, It wasn’t even me! Rexn did it you cunts!’
Rexn ‘Its true… I blew up the rippers and they kind of… Well exploded?’
Lomi and Atrex’s mouths drop
Jalencia ‘What is this? A REUNION?’
Brunko whispers to Jalencia ‘If these guys are as strong as Topo we may have trouble fighting all four…’
Jalencia ‘You run off and protect Dran I’ll stay here and fight these fools’
Brunko ‘Yes Maim!’
Brunko runs off into the hallway
Topo ‘Where the fuck is he going?’
Jalencia ‘You four against me! Let’s have it here and now’
Atrex and Lomi jump down
Lomi ‘Jalencia what a pleasure it is to finally fight you, I don’t think you remember me I am Lomitos I dated your daughter in school’
Topo ‘The fuck…’
Rexn ‘That was random…’
Atrex ‘Lomi is that true haha?’
Jalencia ‘I don’t have a daughter.’
Lomi ‘I know you don’t was just checking’
The group look at each other and wonder what the hell is going on
Jalencia ‘Its like a kids school in here, let’s see if you jokes can handle this!’
Jalencia smashes her hands repeatably together creating loads of shockwaves that crash into the group, walls and floor
Atrex gets knocked into the acid and burns his skin badly
Atrex ‘FUCK’
Atrex gets out of the acid as fast as possible but sustains massive burns to his arms and legs
Atrex ‘Rexn clear that shit up already’
Rexn ‘Sorry!’
Rexn gathers the acid up and plunges it towards Jalencia
Topo runs underneath the acid ball in hopes and punching Jalencia
Lomi creates a wind wall around Topo and the acid ball to protect it from splitting up
Atrex retreats but summons a fiery demon to assist the group
Atrex ‘Im retreating guys I cant fight like this its too much pain for me… Urgh’
Topo ‘You only just got here you pussy’
Lomi ‘Take this potion it and rest for awhile upstairs’
Lomi chucks Atrex the potion
Lomi shots several wind spikes at Jalencia’s feet in hopes of disabling her movement
Jalencia shots a beam with black smoke pouring out of its sides towards Topo but the wind wall takes the beating and shatters on the ground
The acid ball smashes into Jalencia and melts away her skin revealing a metal shell, before Topo can see it he punches Jalencia in the face damaging his hand but thankfully crushes one of her ears
The wind spikes crash into Jalencias feet but break upon impact.
Jalencia grabs Topo by the neck and chucks him at Lomi aswell as clapping her hands together creating more shockwaves, sweeping everyones legs causing them to hit their heads off the ground.

Episode 17-22

Episode 17 – Avoiding Pain

Jalencia ‘Hahaha, this is a reinforced Vortex XII, Khorium Metal Shell, not even the Soul Reaper could damage this armour.
The group moan due to the pain but as always Topo has to add his opinion to the matter
Topo ‘Shut the fuck up stupid bitch’
The group laughs
Lomi ‘Heh. You got spunk Topo, I think I am beginning to like you… not that we’re going to survive this anyway’
Topo ‘Giving up? Don’t be a pussy lets mirk this whore! Her tits are not even real man she’s a stupid robot’
Lomi ‘She is human that shell is only a millimeter thick you know’
Topo ‘WHAT!? That hurt my knuckles man… and only that thick damn…’
Rexn jumps to his feet and secretly gathers the moisture around Jalencia creating a puddle of water around Jalencia
Rexn ‘As I expected that shell removes all feeling from your body… That would be most unpleasant for me, I like touching things…’
Lomi and Topo look at Rexn with a strange look
Topo ‘Look I know I am the most confident person in the entire universe but I gotta be honest here this bitch is insane and that shell aint gonna break, you need to distract her while I destroy the formula’
Lomi ‘Topo is right we must distract her for the time being, though I do have a way to break that shell but that would require a distraction for me too’
Rexn ‘That’s easy I’ll cover her eyes with my water’
Before the group could finish their plan Jalencia sends more shockwaves towards the party hurling them towards the walls damaging them further
Topo ‘Urgh.. If I get hurt anymore there is no way I can beat Brunko if I encounter him again… We gotta think fast this shit is messed up right now’
Lomi ‘Rexn do it now… Gather as much water as possible and blind her sights for a few seconds while I pour this over her, this jar is XXIII, Vortex Coated Jar for super strong substances this will kill and burn anything that sniffs it or touches it.’
Topo ‘Do you pull this shit out of your arse? Seriously man I don’t get you sometimes.’
Lomi ‘Im very resourceful!’
Topo ‘Orsen said this place wouldn’t be so defended… what a load of bullshit that was…’
Lomi ‘Well once we heard the explosion we knew you fucked up... but that was Rexn hahaha that was very surprising really.’
Rexn gathers all the moisture and crashes all of it into Jalencia, Lomi charges towards Jalencia and dives through the water unleashing the most corrosive acid known to human kind all over Jalencia’s body.
Lomi’s gets out as fast as possible
The group rush upstairs, Topo grabs Atrex and rush up the ladder to fresh air.
The group shit themselves completely oblivious and unaware of how powerful the acid is… It starts to corrode the forrest and the ground around it
Jalencia’s scream can be heard for miles, the group is scared it might attract massive attention from the armed forces in the area
The group keep running as fast as they can for a few miles and suddenly stop
Lomi ‘That’s enough people let’s wait now’
Topo ‘What the hell was that shit man? Its turned everything purple’
Lomi ‘Its serious shit my friend, took me about 20 years to get it that powerful’
Rexn You saved us all Lomi, I cannot thank you enough dear friend’
Lomi ‘Not so fast… We need to head back in a few hours. It will certainly be cleared up by then.. It burns up and evaporates fast.’
Topo ‘Heh, wonder if Brunko is dead…’
Lomi ‘Most likely unless he got far away… it’s a pretty big base there is probably a few more holes in it now.’
The group laughs
Atrex ‘Cheers for your help Topo’
Topo ‘Meh don’t mention it, even I was shit scared of that lethal acid’
The group sit down and rest up against a few logs
Topo ‘How long you lot known each other... how the hell did you lot get together?’
Atrex ‘I’ll answer this one… basically about 10 years ago we all met inside a prison and eventually came to a conclusion that when we escape from that bullshit place we were going to fight against the bastards that put us there. They tested us with their twisted machines and experiments to see how much we could endure… We are all enhanced versions of normal human beings. Given special abilities except Lomi of course he’s the one that helped us escape he was once a scientist… A private one that only tested himself and his poisonous substances… You could call him a master alchemist’
Topo ‘Cool stuff, but that doesn’t explain why the fuck your working for that idiot Orsen…’
Lomi ‘Orsen is a mysterious man you know he’s very secretive but he has the means and resources to help us succeed in what we are doing.’
Topo ‘Well I don’t plan to stay here with you guys once I get my ship and cash I am out of here.’
Rexn ‘That’s too bad Topo I really like you.’
Topo ‘There you go again with your gay remarks keep them to yourself for fuck sake’
Rexn sulks
Topo ‘…’
Lomi ‘He cant help being that way you know.. a lot of the experiments I helped Rexn out with changed him in many ways including his emotional issues and speech, not that he can complain its a lot better now than it was.’
Topo ‘Well while this ridiculous acid clears up I am going to get some shut eye’
Atrex ‘Let’s give it a few hours then shall we? We better hide out the way though we’re too vulnerable here that’s for sure…’
Lomi ‘Agreed let us rest other there under the rocks’
The group agrees and rests their eyes for awhile.

Episode 18 – Dran

The group is awakened by a loud thud
Topo pops his head around the side of the tree, eyes gleaming wide open in total astonishment
Topo ‘That’s fucking huge!’
Rexn ‘Mummy, mummy where are you?’
Topo slaps Rexn causing him to break out of his terrible dream
Rexn ‘Who? What? Where?’
Topo ‘Rexn check that out man, it’s gigantic what is it?’
Lomi ‘That’s a ship of course, they’re probably moving the Blissful Kreen as we speak we need to get back to the laboratories before they can move it. It should certainly be safer now to enter’
Atrex ‘Safer? Dude that thing was hyper corroded everything around it…’
Topo ‘Let’s get moving anyway, I want to see if Brunko survived’
The group get to their feet and start running towards the laboratory.
After ten minutes or so they arrive at the base
Lomi smiles ‘Well this place certainly looks different’
Rexn ‘Sicko…’
Lomi ‘I’m a genious no one could muster up something as powerful!’
Topo ‘Well if I infested twenty years of my fucking life on something I would of made that shit too no doubt’
Lomi ‘You don’t have the patience or the knowledge…’
Topo ‘That’s not the point spastic! Anyway let’s get the fuck on with this the place even more fucked up now, stealth mission my arse! Hahaha’
The group sighs at Topo
Topo ‘Now the map definitely does not make sense and no its not upside down this time…’
Rexn ‘Well this is pleasant, certainly makes a change to all the dirty gray they had, I quite like this purple colour gives the place a nice aura about it don’t you think?’
Group ‘Shut the fuck up’
Rexn starts to cry
Atrex ‘Let’s head inside then guys, we’ll keep searching it seems they are too scared to come in just yet might still be examining this fucked up acid’
Lomi ‘No doubt, they are suspicious people that’s for sure… we need to locate this formula fast let’s split up’
Rexn ‘Not very wise Lomi… there might be trouble…’
Lomi ‘That’s something we will have to risk ok? There is no other option as soon as they find out this stuff is now harmless there will be trouble then that’s for sure… me and Atrex will go right, you and Topo go left as soon as you locate the formula destroy it! … One more thing, make absolutely sure you do not touch the liquid or you’ll probably end up with mental issues’
Atrex ‘Not that it will make any difference to Topo hehe’
Topo ‘Shut up ya fucking gimp, Rexn let’s get going I’m sure we beat these losers to the formula’
Topo thinks to himself ‘Where are you Dran… I hope your not dead, I need you alive’
The group split up in different directions
Topo ‘Let’s speed this shit up shall we? Rexn get a move on I got a feeling this place aint so stable anymore… well look for yourself the ceiling is falling apart’
Rexn ‘Lomi should never have used that acid... It was too dangerous in my opinion.’
Topo ‘Well who gives a fuck its done now, build a bridge and get over it will ya’
Topo and Rexn come across a room with a few people inside.
Topo opens the door and yells ‘Stick ya mother fucking hands in the air bitches, where is the fucking Blissful Kreen?’
Scientist #1 ‘Err…’
Scientist #2 ‘It’s gone…’
Topo ‘The fuck do you mean its gone?’
Scientist #1 ‘We had a breach; some extreme form of acidic compression leaked into our base and simply melted it away…’
Topo ‘So your telling me its destroyed?’
Scientist #2 ‘That’s right… Its gone, thirty years of work down the pooper. I cannot believe this has happened’
Scientist #1 ‘Who are you?’
Topo ‘Who gives a fuck who I am, where is Dran?’
Scientist #1 ‘Dran is… hmm’
Topo ‘Speak up then!’
Scientist #1 ‘He’s in that room over there, but please don’t hurt him’
Rexn ‘Who is Dran Topo?’
Topo ‘Don’t worry about it’
Scientist #1 ‘Please he is very important to our research, he has a very corrupt brother that killed his father, we know he is in this area!’
Topo ‘I need you to do me a favour Rexn, I need you to go find Lomi and Atrex and tell them the formula is destroyed and that I’ll meet them back at the base’
Rexn ‘Ok. Be careful Topo I don’t want to see you get hurt!’
Topo ‘…just piss off and tell them already?’
Rexn runs off sulking
Topo ‘Listen the fuck up alright, I am hear under secrecy to escort Dran back to sector 12.’
Scientists #2 ‘He’ll never go back there… that’s where..’
Topo ‘His father got killed yes I know’
Scientists #2 ‘Well that’s true but not why he wont go back… It’s actually because he fears someone from sector 12, I don’t know the full details but I can assure you he will not go’
Topo ‘Well I’ll fucking well make him go, the bitch will go if he likes it or not… tell me is there any transport around here?’
Scientist #1 ‘Ask Dran he has his own private transport’
Topo ‘As you have been helpful I wont hurt you this time, but I suggest quitting this shit job and get a normal one alright? Bad career prospects and shit especially the fact that I could of came in here and ripped your heads off ok?’
Scientist 1&2 ‘Agreed!’
The scientists run off out of the room
Topo enters the next room
Topo ‘Hello Dran, your coming with me’

Episode 19 – Escape to Sector 12

Dran ‘Who are you?’
Topo ‘I am here to take you back to Sector 12. Don’t fuck with me on this one you have no choice’
Dran ‘I simply cannot go there! There is a man after me no one knows his name in fact your probably working for him… he wants my remedy for the atmosphere’
Topo ‘I don’t give a flying fuck what he wants I got orders to protect you, so don’t worry yourself about it, now come with me there are many people from other organizations here that wanted the Blissful Kreen formula but I think Orsen has a hidden agenda’
Dran ‘Its about time he did something I was getting worried I’d be stuck in this dump forever.’
Topo ‘Keep your feelings to yourself! We gotta get the fuck out of here, he killed his father and he probably wants you get aswell…’
Dran ‘You don’t understand do you? He does not want me dead in fact he wants me alive, I have been searching for him awhile now…’
Topo ‘Yet again, I don’t care…’
Topo grabs Dran by the arm and drags him along the floor totally ignoring everything he says
Dran ‘Orsen is a merciless bastard understand me… if you take me away from him he will do everything in his power to make your life a misery, he’ll kill people you love’
Dran ‘He wants me to help him close down this operation and that’s what I have been working on for a long time, my father was all for the operation that’s how I got into this place from the beginning. I can stop this operation! I can destroy any hopes of escaping from this dream world’
Topo ‘Taking away peoples hopes is a bad move, you selfish fucks don’t understand shit do you…’
Dran ‘Your blind if you think escaping this place will help, you seem happy with your current situation though’
Topo ‘Not really, I got three other guys from Orsen’s organization somewhere in this building and will probably stop me from taking you back to my boss’
Dran ‘Really? Let me guess Rexn? Atrex? Lomi? Zedicus? Gorki? Yuli? Come on tell me their names!’
Topo ‘What the fuck say them names again…’
Dran  ‘Rexn? Atrex? Lomi? Zedicus? Gorki…’
Topo ‘Yeah those two Zedicus and Gorki they work for Orsen too?’
Dran ‘No doubt they’re elite special forces well ex special forces anyway its their ship outside’
Topo ‘Fuck… I thought it looked familiar, dammit I thought that was military’
Topo ‘This makes no fucking sense what so ever… you got posted here or what? Orsen is just a few miles into the forest it’s barely far at all and yet you had no idea about each others whereabouts’
Dran ‘That’s not entirely true, I do have a tracking beacon on me and I sent him the schematics from a secret location so he probably does know I am here after all’
The pair reach the room with the huge hole, Topo chucks Dran upstairs and follows after
Dran ‘OUCH! Why did you throw me that bloody well hurt!’
Topo ‘Look at my face… does it give you the impression I give a fuck?’
Dran ‘You are working for that man on sector 12 are you not?’
Topo ‘Funnily enough I do not even know who he is but I am sure your going to tell me once we get out of here, I told the other’s id be going back to their base but it seems I wont be after all, clever shit huh?’
Dran ‘Zedicus and Gorki will be tracking me no doubt, they probably realise we’re above the base right now…’
Topo ‘Where is the fucking transport?’
Dran ‘On that ship…’
Topo pushes a tree and causes it to fall over ‘Fucking damn this shit, I am royally fucked I know it… I can’t win this shit. My motivation has just gone out of the window…’
No doubt Jalencia and Brunko have escaped…’
Topo ‘I doubt that… Lomi used the acid that caused this entire fuck up on her… throw it all over her’
Dran ‘Woah… Not a smart move if I do say so myself she is a machine after all, she’s physically died about fifty times… they keep rebuilding her with human implants, its quite grose its strange how she looks so nice really…’
Topo ‘So her tits were fake then…’
Dran ‘Wha?’
Topo ‘Nevermind, we’re going on that ship and escaping’
Dran ‘I wont help you, just so you know your going to have to do this on your own, going back to sector 12 is not on my list of things to do before I die’
Topo carries Dran over his shoulder and charges towards the ship, launching himself into the docking bay, loads of workers turn and look at Topo
Workers ‘Who are you?’
Topo puts down Dran and says ‘Your worst fucking nightmare.’
Topo charges up his fists and his entire body with pure rage and scatters around the room punching, kicking and tossing all the workers around the room, a big explosion ensues and blasts open a door to the docking bay
Topo breaths heavily as if he is out of breath
Topo grabs Dran and rushes inside the docking bay, the entire group including Zedicus and Gorki stand there.
Zedicus ‘Look what the cat dragged in and he did all the work for us, Dran come over here’
Topo smacks Dran in the mouth and causes him to fall on the floor in pain
Topo ‘Lomi you little bullshitter ‘that’s a military ship’ my fucking are it was backstabbing cunt’
Lomi ‘Topo your not even one of us and you seek respect from us? It simply is not going to happen, we took the liberty of locating your brother on sector 12 and we’ll be paying him a visit soon that’s for sure’
Topo ‘Mother fuc…’
Lomi interrupts with a loud cough ‘You shouldn’t of mentioned your brother to us... very big mistake indeed.’
Topo ‘Make one hundred percent sure that this cunt right here will die by my hands and you will never get what you need from him, the Blissful Kreen is destroyed… Suppose you already know that though, probably set this whole shit up didn’t ya?’
Gorki ‘This guys a loser let’s pummel him quickly I am getting bored’
Topo ‘Always the big fat cunt that makes the group look stupid, Gorki just go in that corner sit down and shut your fucking mouth you useless piece of crap’
Gorki gets mad ‘IM BIG BONED!’
Zedicus ‘Gorki leave it, he’s not going anywhere… we’ll make a deal with you. I realise your quite fast and yes you would indeed kill Dran before we get near him but if you leave him here I will give a ship that’s what Orsen promised you yes?’
Topo ‘Haha, you don’t get it do you he is coming with me if you like it or not. I will use all my power to stop you.’
Rexn winks at Topo
Topo looks at Rexn with confusion wondering what he has planned ‘Is Rexn seriously considering helping me?’

Episode 20 – Escape to Sector 12 part 2

Zedicus ‘Your pretty lucky to escape us at the station but this time you certainly will not escape.’
Atrex ‘I was beginning to like you too, but you have to die now man. Thanks for doing out dirty work an all heh.’
Topo ‘Die? Hah… as if that’s going to happen like you said Im one lucky guy Zedicus’
Topo looks to his left and notices a ship he can escape in, even the hatch is open ‘Perfect.’
Rexn ‘let’s all calm down a minute, let’s all freshen up a bit too? There is no need to be so hot headed everyone we can settle this in a cool manner’
Rexn ‘Topo you may have insulted me excessive times, you may have hurt my feelings too but I owe you for opening my eyes really… I am glad I met you and hope this can all be sorted eventually’
Rexn gathers all the power he can possibly muster and covers half of the room in water and compresses it tightly rendering everyone’s movement
Atrex and Lomi ‘WHAT THE FUCK REXN?’
Zedicus ‘You traitor what the fuck is this?!’
Gorki ‘I am going to break your face Rexn’
Topo ‘Thank you Rexn, I’ll be sure to repay your kindness man. You fuckers wait you will get what’s coming to you, I’ll be back’
Zedicus ‘Say Hi to your brother for me… Orsen is already on his way there…’
Topo grabs Dran and leaps into the ship, Topo punches Dran a few times in the stomach so he is winded and unable to move properly.
The ships hatches go down and the burners are activated. The ships door opens wide and a burst of light comes into the docking bay as if you were ascending to heaven itself, relief for some but the only thing on Topo’s mind is getting back to help his brother.
Rexn releases his magic upon the water and sits down awaiting his punishment
The group turn to Rexn in disbelief
Lomi ‘After all I have done for you this is how you repay me?’
Rexn ‘Im sorry, I did not want a good man to die for nothing… especially not for such a cause. Open your eyes you lot. This is bad trouble!’
Zedicus ‘Well now your going to die you fucking traitor’
Lomi ‘Wait!’
Zedicus ‘You have a problem too Lomi?’
Gorki ‘Yeah got a problem Lomi?’
Lomi ‘I am afraid I do, Rexn is my friend and responsibility I’ll will punish him my own way…’
Atrex ‘Indeed. Lomi helped me and Rexn plentiful and you bastards will respect his wishes either way’
Rexn ‘thank you guys, I am truly sorry about this… something bad is going to happen on sector 12 I can feel it… ‘
Lomi ‘I remember the fight between Brunko and Topo he completely lost it… I cannot imagine what will happen if Orsen does anything to his brother.’
Zedicus ‘I would like to see that very much… I never got a taste of his true strength it seems. You punish Rexn good for this outrageous act of treachery’
Rexn becomes sad and lonely
Lomi ‘Let’s get this ship moving to sector 12 it’s a lot slower but we should be able to get there soon I hope… for Orsen and Dran’s sake’
Topo’s Ship -
Topo ‘Wake up you pussy.’
Dran ‘Im in pain man… what the hell did you do that for…’
Topo ‘Is it not obvious? So you don’t escape ya retard’
Dran ‘Pfft…’
Topo ‘..but understand this… that pain is nothing to what you will receive if Orsen has done anything to my brother.’
Dran ‘I told you he was merciless and right now I do not care for my death, my life feels worthless now’
Topo ‘Too bad!’
Topo cranks up the speed to full and blasts his way towards sector 12 it should take a day to get there
Topo ‘Get some rest your going to need it’
Dran ‘This is messed up… how did I get in this situation’
Topo ‘When your mumy gave birth to you, now use the cabin at the back and get some sleep before I put you to sleep myself’
Dran ‘That would be a better idea put me out of my misery!’
Topo puts on auto pilot gets puts an insanely angry look on his face and stares at Dran
Dran ‘OK OK! Im going…’
Topo returns to the pilot seat
Topo is too focused to get any sleep and hits the control panel in anger
Topo ‘Hurry up! Fucking ship… Go faster dammit!’
Topo ‘I wonder how long ago Orsen left for sector 12…’
Orsen’s Ship -
Orsen ‘I sincerely hope they didn’t screw this one up, my brother’s safety is absolutely paramount!’
Orsen ‘Succeeding in this mission is my only goal I can’t afford for them to screw up… why do I regret them dealing with such an important task… should of dealt with it myself really.’
Orsen ‘I must find out who Topo is working for too, Yuli could you open some communication to Zedicus for me? I must find out what is going on…’
Yuli ‘Give me one moment.’
Yuli tries to contact Zedicus’ ship but is unable to due to Topo’s damage inside the shuttle
Yuli ‘Strange there is nothing on the other line… this can only be caused by damage not lack of reception, its as if the ship doesn’t exist what so ever…’
Orsen ‘Damn. He couldn’t have possibly destroyed the ship its way too big plus there are five of them too, not a chance’
Yuli ‘Well there is a strong possibility that he may have damaged it during a fight who knows… someone in such a desperate situation such as himself would do anything to survive, from the report I received he seems to be dangerous’
Orsen ‘Zedicus alone could take him… but him taking five people? That’s not possible Yuli, Brunko is no that strong and yet he struggled with him.’
Yuli ‘We should push the speed of this shuttle, if he has escaped then he will be coming at us at fullspeed.’
Orsen ‘Your right, let’s hurry and locate his brother…’

Episode 21 – The choice

All three ships rush towards sector 12 all praying and hoping everything will be ok, many hours later Orsen enters the atmosphere of sector 12 and lands near Arcanas Garden’s, Topo is almost at sector 12 with Zedicus’ ship following slowly behind.
Orsen and Yuli land their ship inside the gardens without any regards for the other people slightly burning one of the civilians.
Civilian ‘Son of a…’
Yuli ‘Save it.’
Civilian ‘Bah fuck off’
Orsen ‘I see where Topo get’s his attitude from now’
Yuli smirks
Yuli ‘Hold on a second Orsen, there is a transmission coming through’
Orsen ‘Well connect then!’
Yuli ‘certainly’
Yuli opens communication to Zedicus’ ship
Yuli ‘Yuli speaking.’
Zedicus ‘Yuli, we have a problem… Rexn betrayed us and helped Topo escape with Dran…’
Orsen ‘…your kidding me right?’
Zedicus ‘I’m afraid not. He is probably there already or near sector 12 for sure.’
Orsen ‘What did you do with Rexn?’
Zedicus ‘He’s fine… Lomi won’t let us touch him.’
Orsen ‘Typical... though he shall get punished for this outrageous act… I cannot believe this utter bullshit, well what’s done is done we need to locate Topo’s brother immediately hurry and get here as fast as possible.’
Zedicus ‘Zedicus out.’
Communication with Zedicus’ ship finishes, the pair abandon their ship and rush off into the town.
Yuli ‘According to the data we received he is should be at home… block number 67, house number 493’
Orsen ‘That’s accurate?’
Yuli ‘Very.’
Orsen ‘Let’s hurry then’
The screen changes to Topo and Dran’s ship
Topo enters the atmosphere of sector 12 and smashes his ship into the town center, grabs Dran and hurrys into the town.
Topo massively hyped and ready for anything drags Dran through the busy streets and traffic scrapping him up badly, Dran whines in pain but Topo simply tells him ‘Shut your moaning up, I don’t have time for your fucking whining now’
Ten minutes later Topo arrives at his brothers house, Dran looks half dead and is not moving ‘Ren are you in there? I need you to come out now Ren, this is very important’
Orsen opens the door and leads Ren outside into the street, Yuli follows behind him
Dran is behind Topo and out of sight from Orsen…
Orsen ‘Where is my brother?’
Topo ‘Ren, you ok man?’
Ren ‘Do I look ok?’
Topo ‘Stay calm, this will be sorted soon’
Orsen ‘I’ll only ask once more… Where is my brother Topo?’
Topo ‘Answer me this… why did you come for my brother?’
Orsen ‘Its simple… you were going to screw me over, you wanted Dran all along didn’t you? Your working for the one person I am trying to find, you will tell me where he is or your brother will die here today’
Topo ‘I don’t even know who my fucking employer is… he sends a drone everytime’
Orsen ‘Like I haven’t heard that one before…’
Ren ‘Heh. Should of stayed in school Topo. I always told you that, bet you regret it now…’
Orsen smacks Ren ‘Be quiet fool! WHERE IS MY BROTHER TOPO?!’
The civilians get worried and causally run off to avoid getting involved
Topo ‘He’s here.. ‘
Topo steps to the side.
Orsen looks shocked and instantly assumes Topo has killed his brother and slices Ren’s body in several places hurling him towards Topo the civilians go wild and run for their life’s.
Topo ‘Ren? …’
Topo walks up to Ren and kneels down… ‘Ren?’
Blood gushes from Ren’s throat
Topo ‘Brother… ?’
Ren splurts blood out from his mouth ‘Brother.. I must tell you *splurt* the truth’
Ren ‘Topo you can’t become angry… you suffer from *splurt* amnesic rage, you don’t remember anything… *splurt* you do!’
Topo is too angry to listen but one thing stops him for a second.
Ren ‘Father died too you know… because of your illness… this amnesic rage is a powerful thing’
Topo stands there in disbelief and suddenly calms down ‘What… did you just… say?’
Ren ‘It’s true… *splurt*
Topo ‘NO! This cant be true…he died in a fire!’
Ren ‘ *splurt* im a goner, please do me one *splurt* favour… don’t get mad’
Topo ‘That’s one thing I cannot do. I’m going to shatter him and everyone he loves into pieces’
Ren ‘Seek… seek… *splurt*’
Topo ‘Come on Ren you say it… one last breath’
Ren ‘*splurt* Seek .. Omnis, he *splurt* is the one… that stopped…’
Ren’s eyes close as he begins to go into a deep sleep
Topo kneels down ‘RIP brother, I love you. Omnis will be found. Tell father I am sorry and I’ll see you guys soon, farewell for now Ren, but now I must avenge you’
Topo grabs Dran smashing his fist through his skull
Topo ‘Brother… Father…. Life can go on….’
Topo becomes enraged just like his brother said he would, totally losing control of his body and mind.
Final Episode

Episode 22 – Amnesic Rage

Orsen ‘Let’s fucking go!’
Orsen blasts himself towards Topo with massive speed attempting to punch him but Topo grabs Orsen’s hand and crushes it, in retaliation Topo impales his hand into Orsen sending red electric rays out from the back of Orsen’s body causing massive pain and damage his body is thrown into a building causing it to collapse.
Topo’s pressure on the ground is so intense it crushes the concrete floor with his foot prints, his eyes glow red and the immense steam pours out of his body, totally ablaze with red electric and fire, Topo really has gained significant powers from the sheer horror and ordeal he faced moments ago
Yuli tries to retreat from fear of Topo but is caught effortlessly from his infinite speed, she receives a fatal blow to the spine paralyzing her completely, Topo is not finished with her and grabs her by the neck chucking her into the air and punching her back down to the ground, nothing could save her from such a gruesome death.
A blue beam crashes out of the building and hits Topo crashing him into the floor and scratching his body up.
Orsen ‘Too much… power… I cannot… win this…’
Orsen moves the rubble with his one working hand and coughs continuously saliva and blood comes out of his mouth.
Orsen puts his head and see’s Topo charging up some massive attack…
Topo creates a humongous ball of fire, electricity and pure energy throwing it towards Orsen
Orsen ‘Dran was alive… I was careless… I am sorry brother… I have failed you and father…’
The energy ball hits the house Orsen is in and causes an annihilating explosion and totally obliterates the half of the town center, a massive crater is formed where it landed Yuli and Orsen have been turned to dust and Zedicus’ ship is about to land.
Zedicus’ Ship -
Lomi ‘My lord… did  Topo do that?’
Gorki, Rex and Atrex are totally gob smacked
Zedicus ‘Such power in such an angry person this is unreal… there is no way Orsen or Yuli survived something like that. We can’t help them... we must abandon them there is nothing we can do!’
Lomi ‘I never imagined Topo to be so powerful, but we do not know for sure if this is Topo’s doing… it certainly isn’t Orsen or Yuli’
Zedicus ‘Your right, we can only assume it was Topo but for now we must leave I can see the crater from space… ‘
Lomi ‘I want to check it out ‘
Zedicus ‘There is no way that is going to happen, Im turning this ship around we must head for sector 39 for now… we have no other choice at the moment. If you want to die Lomi be my guest take a shuttle but there is no way I am landing there…’
Lomi ‘Let’s stay here and examine the sector from space’
Zedicus ‘That’s fine by me…’
Sector 12 Leaders -
Governor ‘My city is being destroyed by this mad man! I want him stopped right now!’
Defence secretary ‘You can’t simply stop him! He’s a killing machine now… we don’t know when he will calm down.
Human Resource Spokesman ‘The civilians need to be evacuated right away… thousands have died already to one of his attacks we cannot stand and wait for another!’
General ‘This is beyond anything I have seen, my soldiers are not trained for such combat situations, maybe Dono can handle this?’
Governor ‘TEAM DONO!? Are you mad? They’re just like Topo they will destroy my fucking city even more you moron, they’re mindless barbarians and have no trust in anyone but themselves I will not let them out and that is final…’
Defence Secretary ‘We may have no choice Governor, they can stop Topo’
Governor ‘this is messed up, I’m going crazy here myself! I know this will backfire if Dono are freed we wont be able to get them under control again, they will be lose and free to do what they want’
Civilian Protection Spokesman ‘Use the armed forces to get everyone to safety then send Dono after Topo it’s the only way of stopping him, the General is right…’
Governor ‘so be it… let’s get this moving and under way, double time people let’s put this guy down! Looks like we will have to leave this sector… There is no way it will survive this…’
Defence Secretary ‘A report just came in… it seems he went mad because his brother was killed in front of his own eyes, I remember when he went mad at his father for beating Ren, now that was a furious battle, I am sure we can recover from this if we recovered from that. Let them freaks kill each other’
Topo continues going on a rampage destroying homes and huge structures resulting in thousands of more deaths, shortly after the release of Team Dono sector 12 is evacuated and all the government officials are escorted away. After ten hours the sector is deserted and only Topo and Team Dono remain
The sector begins to look like judgement day has landed, Team Dono consists of three members much like Topo, their strength is based on their anger and hatred and circumstances though Team Dono never recovered from amnesic rage, Topo did thanks to Omnis but he is certainly not around anymore who knows what will happen to this sector once they meet this is surely the end for sector 12.
Zedicus’ Ship
Zedicus ‘Look at all those ships… they must be evacuating’
Lomi ‘My god what has happened, its chaos…’
Zedicus ‘Such power, I am so glad he never became this strong at the Trenix station…’
Lomi ‘You met Topo before he came to sector 27?’
Zedicus ‘Me and Gorki did yes… he was trying to steal supplies for his journey to sector 27 it seems, I stopped him with my frost enhancements but he still managed to steal some of my fuel’
Lomi ‘Heh. He does amuse me but this is completely out of control I could never imagine this… only the death of his brother could make him become this psycho.’
Rexn starts hitting his head off the haul of the ship but the group drag him to the floor and calm him down.
Lomi ‘Its Orsen’s fault… it was his idea to go after Topo’s brother he did this not you…’
Zedicus ‘He’s right Rexn, you may have helped him escape but you certainly did not cause this destruction.’
Lomi ‘May the people of sector 12 rest in peace, god bless you all.’

The screen looks down upon sector 12, explosions are still happening and many people have lost their lifes to Topo’s amnesic rage, the screen fades to black slowly what will happen to Topo? What will happen to Lomi and his crew will they sit their and watch the events unfold or will they rush to sector 39? Did Topo’s Employer escape the destruction? Will Topo recover and search for Omnis? Will the people of sector 12 find salvation? What happened between Topo and his Father? Whats the true reason Orsen killed his Father? Why is Topo gifted or cursed with this Amnesic Rage? Who are Dono and what will become of them once they collide with Topo? Many questions to be answered in the seasons to come…

Season 1 Finished –



My main complaint with this story...

Orsen ‘Enough chatter this ends now, your operation is now mine, your resources will be put to better use and your experiments will be forgotten in time… Farewell Father… It saddens me to have to do this but you lost control, even said it yourself you’re a danger to this universe.’

The dialogue has absolutely no flow to it, partially due to your incredibly conservative use of punctuation. "Enough chatter. This ends now!" sounds much better and is truer to how the words would actually sound when spoken than "Enough chatter this ends nowcomma."

It's really just unreadable to me right now. I tend to give dialogue a voice when I read it (and even mutter under my breath as I type, so I guess you could say I'm a very auditorily-inclined dude,) and to me it's like listening to an incredibly awkward puppet show. It might not seem fair, but I hope it's alright if I hold off on critiquing your text behemoth when you have punctuation and stuff set up in a way that's more comfortable to read.

What I can say, though, is that your dialogue is very over-the-top melodramatic. It seems like people talk for minutes about what they're going to do before they actually do it. If I were going to kill my father, I'd get it over with instead of explaining my motives to him at great length beforehand.

Basically, my advice is to note how people actually act and speak, and then write accordingly.

Also, I fail to see how this is an "anime" script. I assumed that anime was a term for Japanese animation, and this script is neither. It's the same issue I have with people calling their art "manga" -- you're not Japanese, so stop pretending that you are.
When did I say I was Japanese?

If I want to call it an Anime I bloody well will.
If I want my characters to talk before they end someones life then I bloody well will.

If you failed to read the first post then you would have missed the part about -

I am finding it extremely hard to make the battles as descriptive as possible to give you that extra image inside your heads, also hoping that you can imagine that fights and the characters emotional situations throughout the story, any critique that doesn't involve a spell check is greatly appreciated, completion of the story and a full review would be appreciated at a much higher level.

By all means add your own voices but don't pretend they are intended by me or that I want to be an isolated group, known as the Asians who have absolutely no fucking intention of mixing with other races, I tell you something about them and thats the fact they're arrogant, self centered arseholes who sometimes won't even allow you to enter a shop if you're not from Japanese origin, honestly do not give a rats arse if they invented Anime I enjoy it at my own accord.

or if you put colons and double spacing Wicked Blud.
OK bub... it seems pretty obvious you can't take criticism.
Given that that's the purpose of this subforum, I don't really see much good in keeping this open. Feel free to post your writings again later after you've calmed down and gotten the ability to accept critiques for what they are - an attempt to help.
Please don't just post this again, or you'll end up with a tempban for rule evasion.

we don't delete/lock upon request, so don't ask. if you want your threads deleted on a whim then donate and get a sponsorship



Wow. :x

Also no racisms. I understand that Japanese culture sometimes discriminates against other races, but that doesn't give you free reign to start bashing the entire country.

It wasn't a matter of me failing to read the OP, by the way. I understand that you didn't want me picking apart your actual writing, but your lack of proper punctuation had such an impact on the story itself that I think it had to be brought to your attention.
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