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DRaw Monster

Hey i have decided on making my own monsters after a disscussion on another topic bout ripping monsters and i feel i wanna do something good with ma game making it my own! so i jus drew this for one of the many monsters in ma game it is jus a draft one i jus wondering what yuou lot think to it

i am getting a writing tablet soon so i will able to put them onto photoshop alot better and colour them alot easier

http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c78/c ... onster.jpg[/IMG]
It reminds me of the RTP- beast "098-Monster10" looks pretty similar ;D
But nevertheless, good work. Let's wait for the colored version.
Is it a bug?



Please resize images before posting them on the board. If its meant to be a battler there's no reason to post an image larger than 640x480, and thats even pushing it.

I would hope you're planning on adding more legs if it's meant to be a centipede. Right now its an octapede. I would also like to see more detail if you can manage.
it was the size how i scanned it i need to resize it later, i am getting a graphics pad so that will allow me to make easier ajusmetns and add colour!
I think you did a great job taking your drawing into sprite form. Everything looks great, though you may want to reconsider the neon-esque pallet and use caution so as not to start pillow shading.

(That website has several well written tutorials on spriting and using techniques that help guide you away from pillow-shading.)
kool, thanks....i think the way i coloured it it makes it look better and more rounded giving its some depth

neon green and red only there to say POISONOUS!
Carnage said:
kool, thanks....i think the way i coloured it it makes it look better and more rounded giving its some depth

neon green and red only there to say POISONOUS!

The neon colors do make him pop much more. I'd associate them with poison before I would a faulty pallet. You should definately make more of these drawing to sprite converted enemies.
i see whatcha mean about pillow shading thanks for the help but i have tried to avoid that having one side the left side darker then the right.....do you see?
Carnage said:
i see whatcha mean about pillow shading thanks for the help but i have tried to avoid that having one side the left side darker then the right.....do you see?

Yeah, it's good shading, just lacking highlights in the appropriate places but it's not done so their's plenty of time for that.
Just depends on where your light source is at, if the left side is darker then it would follow your light source is coming from the right. So the Right side of the monster should have the main highlights. Their might be some light ones on the left.
This is a very shitty visual aid I've prepared in MS Paint.
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b18/I ... xample.png[/IMG]

Your source of light for this image (what's illuminating your sprite *The sun, etc.*) Is to the left of the sprite. I say this because you made the right side of the sprite darker. That would entail that the source of light does not reach the entire left side leaving larger portions darker. Say if the light source was directly above your creature, the you would want to place the highlight directly on the top of his body, and have the shadows underneath him. I'm not good at explaining these things too well but did that make any sense?
ya it does....so i need to make one seta legs really light the other real dark....

plus im stuck on how to do the eyes.....
Carnage said:
ya it does....so i need to make one seta legs really light the other real dark....

plus im stuck on how to do the eyes.....

You need to make one side of him (the part that your imagined light source cannot reach) darker with shadow. Then another side brighter and shaped more with highlights. This applies for the entire sprite.

Look at things for reference for the eyes. Go to http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page Search for pictures of centipedes and other insects that would resemble that creature and see how their eyes are in real life.

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