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Dragonball Z Scripts Requets



An abs that fits the legacy of goku games, I will give resources so you can edit a script or make one
and also id like to use my own hud if you can code that in a script that would help me out alot.


A world map script that turns my world map well map into 3d like the log games.

A good ally system pretty much to go in the abs but I only want 2 allys not 3.

Message system, so it was like rm2k3 where I could use facesets/have transparent text and use my own textbox.

Abs again, like the log games where I press shift I can switch to another attack and the attack image changes. Melee like the log games again where I press "Z" he does a melee attack I keep pressing "Z" he does like 2 other melee attacks instead of a regular punch it'll help when ya see resources.

And of course a beam system with the ki button "X" is being held you see the character charge up his attack then he fires the longer I hold the X button the longer the beam just keeps on going and going and going.

I will send the Buus fury or Log 2 rom to you and of course the rmxp resources I use.

My msn is admin@dbzrevelations.mihopa.com and post/add me to your msn saying you will help me!

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