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Dragon quest 1 character

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3_32: Thought something looked weird, i was able to click on the picture and make it bigger but i suppose some could not, photobucket was down at the time so i went to imageshack instead, heres a better one.

After seeing that my character looked too simple ( this was before i posted) i thought to myself, how many colors does mack use for the rtp characters and i found that some armored characters have up to 7 or 8 colors going for the armor itself so i used more myself hoping to match the rtp a little more, still need some more practice but i think it's not bad:)
http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u132 ... -DQ1Mc.png[/img]

MPerry5103: Cool, i'd love to see it if you still have it, this here is a different template (oh no not another one! XD) that i may post if it looks good in the end, not in a mood to sprite much these days (one of the reasons i'm not working on the Facile rtp right now) but i want to keep practicing anyway, it was not intended but it's about the same height as the rtp.

(Double click pic to see full size)
http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u132 ... arison.png
Venetia":cxghh0re said:
Hey, now this is how small-scale sprites should be done! He looks great! :D

Holy crap, I did not even notice it was small, I thought it was a Kaiser...sheesh, that's even more impressive!
Didn't expect so many replies hehe, i'm glad no one sees a prob with it or the colors then,
and going by your comments i suppose my template spriting has gotten better XD.

I guess i spent too much time with the smaller characters and got used to using 4 or 5 colors max, and yes the purple is strange :D actually i will soon change it to a more blueish color though, too purple i think, thank you for the comments guys.
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