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DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB SE


Just a nameless weakling

This plugin's available for commercial use

Lets users add SE to be played when battlers become able to act

Games using this plugin
None so far

 * @param battler_can_act_se_file

 * @desc Sets the filename of the se to be played when battlers become able to

 *       act as battler_can_act_se_file

 *       It'll only be used on battlers having no effective

 *       <patb can act se: file, vol, pitch, pan> notetags

 *       If battler_can_act_se_file doesn't return an existing se filename,

 *       the default will be not playing se when battlers become able to act

 * @default Bell3


 * @param battler_can_act_se_vol

 * @desc Sets the volume of the se to be played when battlers become able to

 *       act as battler_can_act_se_vol

 *       It'll only be used on battlers having no effective

 *       <patb can act se: file, vol, pitch, pan> notetags

 *       battler_can_act_se_vol must return a Number between 0 and 100

 * @default 80


 * @param battler_can_act_se_pitch

 * @desc Sets the pitch of the se to be played when battlers become able to

 *       act as battler_can_act_se_pitch

 *       It'll only be used on battlers having no effective                   

 *       <patb can act se: file, vol, pitch, pan> notetags          

 *       battler_can_act_se_pitch must return a Number between 50 and 150

 * @default 100


 * @param battler_can_act_se_pan

 * @desc Sets the pan of the se to be played when battlers become able to

 *       act as battler_can_act_se_pan

 *       It'll only be used on battlers having no effective                   

 *       <patb can act se: file, vol, pitch, pan> notetags          

 *       battler_can_act_se_pan must return a Number between -100 and 100

 * @default 0

 *    # Actor/Class/Weapon/Armor/Enemy/State Notetags:                        

 *      State notetags take the highest priority, followed by enemy, weapon,  

 *      armor, class and actor                                                

 *      1. <patb can act se: file, vol, pitch, pan>                         

 *         - Sets the filename, volume, pitch and pan of the se to be played  

 *           when the battler becomes able to act as file, vol, pitch and pan 

 *           respectively                                                     

 *         - The 1st notetag that's being read by the battler will be used    

Plugin Calls
 *    # Configuration manipulations                                           

 *      1. $gameSystem.patb.param                                             

 *         - Returns the value of param listed in the plugin manager          

 *      2. $gameSystem.patb.param = val                                       

 *         - Sets the value of param listed in the plugin manager as val      

 *         - All $gameSystem.patb.param changes will be saved                 

 *    # State manipulations                                                   

 *      1. meta.patb_can_act_se                                               

 *         - Returns the filename, volume, pitch and pan in                   

 *           <patb can act se: file, vol, pitch, pan> in the form of        

 *           [file, vol, pitch, pan]                                          

 *      2. meta.patb_can_act_se = [file, vol, pitch, pan]                     

 *         - Sets the filename, volume, pitch and pan in                      

 *           <patb can act se: file, vol, pitch, pan> as                    

 *           file, vol, pitch and pan                                         

 *         - All meta.patb_can_act_se changes can be saved if                 

 *           DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used                                


1. DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Core
1. Little Javascript coding proficiency to fully utilize this plugin

Terms Of Use

You shall keep this plugin's Plugin Info part's contents intact
You shalln't claim that this plugin's written by anyone other than DoubleX or his aliases
None of the above applies to DoubleX or his/her aliases

 *      v1.00b(GMT 1300 31-8-2016):                                           

 *      1. In sync with the latest DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Core version  

 *      v1.00a(GMT 0800 23-1-2016):                                           

 *      1. Fixed not loading this plugin's notetag bug                        

 *      2. Increased this plugin's compactness                                

 *      3. 1st completed version of this plugin finished                      

 *      v0.00b(GMT 0700 29-11-2015):                                          

 *      1. Increased this plugin's compactness and readability               

 *      v0.00a(GMT 0400 28-11-2015):                                          

 *      1. 1st testing version of this plugin finished                        

Download Link
DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB SE


Just a nameless weakling

Added this video:
 *      v1.00a(GMT 0800 23-1-2016):                                           

 *      1. Fixed not loading this plugin's notetag bug                        

 *      2. Increased this plugin's compactness                                

 *      3. 1st completed version of this plugin finished                      


Just a nameless weakling

 *      v1.00b(GMT 1300 31-8-2016):                                           

 *      1. In sync with the latest DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Core version  

Thank you for viewing

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