the last time i tried to draw a comic strip i had to have been 9 years old, and i've NEVER attempted to write anything funny. so this material of mine is completely amateur.
i been thinking it might make this decent webcomic, but maybe it's just not amusing..? :l
i dont know, i tried both of these jokes across my friend, and he thought they were pretty funny (keep in mind i just kinda used them casually, and not like HAY LISTEN TO THIS JOKE AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK to get a natural/honest response), but i guess i'd like to see what a few more people think. :}
the main themes in it are (planned to) be video games, drugs, and pop culture / the media.. but mostly video games. the drugs are only there because they're potheads.
I'd imagine i should explain these characters first.. the human-looking guy is half moose. the other thing is half duck, half turtle. they're both part of a pre-development project i've been planning for some time now, and i just really started to like both of them, so i put them to use here.
i may need to set up this one, but i'll explain it afterwards..
this one doesn't need to be set up.
i have a few more 'scripts' (i.e., dialog) prepared, as well.. but i'm too tired to draw them up at the moment, so let me know if you thought these were okay? =D
btw if anyone knows anything about the anatomy of western styled comic strips, and i'm just doing something wrong/bad, i'd love to know. :B
i been thinking it might make this decent webcomic, but maybe it's just not amusing..? :l
i dont know, i tried both of these jokes across my friend, and he thought they were pretty funny (keep in mind i just kinda used them casually, and not like HAY LISTEN TO THIS JOKE AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK to get a natural/honest response), but i guess i'd like to see what a few more people think. :}
the main themes in it are (planned to) be video games, drugs, and pop culture / the media.. but mostly video games. the drugs are only there because they're potheads.
I'd imagine i should explain these characters first.. the human-looking guy is half moose. the other thing is half duck, half turtle. they're both part of a pre-development project i've been planning for some time now, and i just really started to like both of them, so i put them to use here.
i may need to set up this one, but i'll explain it afterwards..[/img]
to anyone who didn't get it, it's about nintendo's seemingly indestructible consoles/accessories. the joke really loses it's spark if you didn't get that bit beforehand.
to anyone who didn't get it, it's about nintendo's seemingly indestructible consoles/accessories. the joke really loses it's spark if you didn't get that bit beforehand.
this one doesn't need to be set up.[/img]
if you don't get it, maybe i'm just doing something wrong. this one was drawn in a slight hurry.
if you don't get it, maybe i'm just doing something wrong. this one was drawn in a slight hurry.
i have a few more 'scripts' (i.e., dialog) prepared, as well.. but i'm too tired to draw them up at the moment, so let me know if you thought these were okay? =D
btw if anyone knows anything about the anatomy of western styled comic strips, and i'm just doing something wrong/bad, i'd love to know. :B