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Dive Direct Archive(Currently still Scrive, New Version released!!)

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Dive Direct Archive!
By: Last Resort Entertainment

Current Dive Direct Archive version: 1.2 - Will not be released for some time sorry for the inconvenience.
Current Scrive version: 3.2.3 Released: Thursday, June 26th 2008, that's today!
Current Sprive version: 1.1 - Will not be released for some time sorry for the inconvenience.

Program Info :
What is Dive Direct Archive?
Dive is a archive for both scripts and sprites but isntead of both programs compiled into one window you are given a program selector to choose what archive you want to view. As of now only Scrive is up to download because we dont have very many sprites in the program So instead I decided to release the newest Scrive Version which is 3.2.3. Anywho below is a prievew of each program in dive and some info and more on them.


Are you tired of searching and searching for a script for RMXP? Well now you don't! Scrive! is set to change all that ... Scrive! is a different way of finding scripts because its a script archive. Whats a script arcvhive you may ask? Well its a program full of scripts for you to search for and copy right into your games, no more looking on the net for hours or though 100 of forum pages. With scrive the scripts are right there

Vote for the scripts!
Upon the release of scrive v3.0 i will be putting up a voting system so you can vote for each script in Scrive. (SOON YOU WILL BE ABLE TO DO THIS YOURSELF IN THE PROGRAM!!) Why do you need to vote? Well Scrive 3.0 has a  feature with a rating for each script. Instead of having me rate the scripts myself I decided to let you vote!

Here is a list of all the scripts in the program so far:

1 Person DBS
Advanced Title Screen
Analog Movement
Anti Lag
Auto Save
Battle Report
Ccoa's UMS
Character Select
Cheat Input
Chrono Trigger
Crafting System
DeM0nFiRe's HUD_01
End Credits
Final Fantasy 4-6 Menu
Final Fantasy Menu
Fishing Script
Gameover to Inn
Isometric View
Inn and Savepoint System
Simple HUD
Large Party
Lock Pick
Me's Visual Equipment
Mr. Mo's ABS
Multi Player
On Map Party Changer
Options Menu
Party Changer
Pixelmovement Script
Prexus's ABS
Quit Menu
Ring Menu
Skill Mana System
Skip Title
VX Party Changer
World Map Teleporter

Adding Scripts
For those scripters who are worried about the user not giving credit i have taken care of this. When the user hits save or copy a message will come up saying Please do not forget to credit the owner of this script! Check out Scripters/Spriters Spoiler for more info

Scripters, Scrive needs more Scripts! Check out the Note to Scripters/Spriters Spoiler to find out how to add your scripts to Scrive!


Sprive info:
Sometimes it is hard to find the Sprites you need for your game, making a request will help but even then you may find yourself even more screwed. Sprive is here to help, sprive is a Sprite Archive that allows you to search for Sprites and save them to your hardrive for easy use in your game of course not without credits first! Sprive makes sure you give credit to the author so please do it if you plan on using this program! So no more searching rmxp.org for hours on end for sprites just use this easy to use program and find them in seconds with the sprite type selector!!

Adding Sprites
Spriters, Sprive needs more Scripts! Check out the Note to Scripters/Spriters Spoiler to find out how to add your sprites to Scrive!

For those spriters who are worried about the user not giving credit i have taken care of this. When the user hits save or copy a message will come up saying Please do not forget to credit the owner of this script! Check out Scripters/Spriters Spoiler for more info...

Screenshots(currently only screenshot of scrive and the program selector)(Scrive screenshot updated):

New Features and more
Features and more in version 3.2:

New!! Engine selector: Allows you to select the engine you are looking for to find a script(maybe sprite option added later) so
that if you want a VX script its simple as 123!

New!! (When Dive Is released) Type selector: Now you can choose what type of sprite you want in Sprive, although you haven't tried out Sprive yet I thought I would let you know what I add as I make it!

New!! (When Dive Is released) - Add scripts in the program. Now scripters can add scripts in the program themselves simply by
clicking the add script button and feeling out the appropriate information your submission will then be reviewed and released in
the next version of Dive!!

Skins - Say goodbye to the lame old blue skin and normal buttons in the old scrive and hello to the new and improved black
skin! This makes Scrive look loads better :D and you can change the color of the skin to your liking!

Tutor - Need help understanding what something is in the program or just like having a little random guy standing in the corner?
This allows you to do just that :d.

Autosave state - This will save the window(and settings) exactly they same way as when you closed the program! That way you dont  have to turn off the tutor again, make show info always show again etc.

More Scripts - I added about 15-20 more scripts since the last release there are a fair amount of scripts now but still not
enough, help us get more by filling out the add scripts form.

For scripters! - A new wonderful feature for you. When a user clicks copy or save a message will pop up saying "Dont forget to
credit the author: (Authors name here)" as a reminder to the user to credit credit credit!

Other Features:
Rating. This feature is a great feature. Its a rating of the script based on a what you guys rated it on the site. (see how to
rate scripts under the voting for scripts section.)

The Script Call. This feature tells you what you need to call to activate the script!

Show info. This feature is activated by a button. When you press it it will show or the info such as author, type etc then when
you click it again it will show/hide the info! On default this is set to show on scripters request.


Download: (Current download is scrive version 3.2.3 not Dive Direct archive yet for those reasons stated under what is dive)
You can download it here:  http://scrive.110mb.com/Scrive%203.2.3.zip

Note to scripters/spriters (credit warning screenshots inside):
So spriters what I need from you is any sprites you feel comfortable with putting in this program! Breeze tmeplate, rtp, VX sprite, Recolor whatever you want t o put in is fine :D. If you would like to use any of your sprites in this program it will help very much!! Just pm me or post here with a link or something to the sprites you will allow me to use :D along with the Type, original authors name(if not you and as long as you have originals permission), and the engine it is meant for. There are also several pop ups that warn the user to give credit etc(see screenshots of those below)

Also I do need scripts for the program as well both XP and VX(VX a bit more though) if you want to add your script to this great program please PM me or reply to this message with a link or the script itself with:
Your name(Author of Script): 
Script Name:
Call Function(If any)
Sdk Required: Yes/No
Website(If any):
Demo(If Any):
or what not or you can use this form here: http://www.emailmeform.com/fid.php?form ... et=%22_new

Also for anything that has multiple scripts to be used in the program we can not place all script in them as of now so its best to make a description of it like this:

Name of script

Script introduction/information
Script setup

You can see the examples of something like this if you click on mr. mos abs.

For those scripters/spriters who are worried about the user not giving credit i have taken care of this. When the user hits save or copy a message will come up saying Please do not forget to credit the owner of this script!

Here is both the credit screen when you close the program and the pop up when you hit save and more(doesn't have an authors name as I have no resources to click on yet)!

http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/1103/12069954xh7.png[/img] - A huge warning

http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/7462/58189751yh9.png[/img] - A credit Warning

http://img106.imageshack.us/img106/1361/63313560il4.png[/img] - Credits

System Requirements:
Any really

Any really

Free hard disk space
6 MB recommended

Operating Systems
Windows Vista (32- and 64-bit), Windows XP (Home and Pro), Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Pro, May work on windows 95(hasn't been tested)

.netframework 2.0 or 3.5(3.5 loads 2.0 plus 3.5)
Before you can load or open the program you must have loaded
.net framework which is located here http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/deta ... laylang=en. You should already have it loaded if you keep microsoft automatic updates on as .netframework is a major thing to have for some programs to run :D

Credits and Copyright Info:
Scrive is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Scrive is also licensed under an actual U.S. program patent please do not copy the name scrive or copy its design!.
Copyright J Last Resort Entertainment© 2008
Copyright Scrive© 2008

Last Resort Entertainment Would like to credit the following people for letting us use there wonderful scripts:

Credit to Woratana for letting us use most of his scripts in the program making his the first vx scripts!
Credit to Raziel for letting us use many of his scripts in this program
Credits to Aevulopapo for lettign us use his world map script!
Credits to Mr_Smith for gameover to inn!
Credits to BudsieBuds for the Cheatinput Script
Credit to Ccoa for the awesome UMS
Credit to Wachunga for the end credits script
Credit to Mr. Mo for the ABS
Credit to Prexus for his ABS
Credit to Dargor for Party changer, Lock Picking system and all his scripts!
Credit to XRXS for the ring menu along with  for the edit and Dubealex dor show player location.
Credit to all the RMXP Users who helped make the SDK!!
Credit to Selwyn for the widescreen script
Credit to luis for his great Multi Player Script!
Credit to f0tz!baerchen for the Pixel Movement Script
Credit to MGCaladtogel for Isometric View!
Credit to DeM0nFiRe for his HUD!
Credits to Seph for all his great scripts in the testbed!
Credits to all the people who had scripts that these scripters used to help make there scripts!!
Credit to all the other people whos name were unknown but there scripts were added to
the program! And to whoever else that has script in here and who helped me make the program!
Credits to members of http://rpgmakerforums.ipbfree.com/index.php?act=idx for there support :D

Keep up the good work guys and we hope to see more of your scripts in Scrive soon!!



It's good but I have some suggestion.
1. Add Tutorial section like in the Rm2kTool.
2. Could you make it so it doesn't requirements .NET. I don't think that everybody have .NET or fast internet to download it.
I really don't like this idea. It would work if you got everyone's permission for this, but even then. People will more or less take a script from it with copy and paste with no credit to the scripter. I am not sure whether this will turn out as a good or bad thing...
I don't know. If all scripts contain the proper header, (like most SDK'd scripts), it shouldn't be a problem. If the person using the script is an ass and doesn't include the proper credits, its their fault, no?

Secondly, does this program use a database, or are the scripts stored internally? (.EXE file, .DLL file) If so, maybe see if you can make a database thing with SQLite. Its free, no? And that would also make it so people could inject their own scripts.

Again on the topic of authors and credits, instead of the show information button, relocate the author, etc. information so it ALWAYS shows. That way, there will be "no" mistakes. Lastly, scripts that the author is unknown should NOT be included.

Also, if the script has more than one author, or has been modified, it should show more information. Like, Original Author: blah, Script rewrite(or whatever you want to name it): bleh. The second author is the one that released the script, modified.

Just my thoughts, you should take the author credibility really seriously. Remember, one thing can make or break a program!
I asked everyone there permission before using there scripts, dont worry! Also some people i asked like trickster and SephirothSpawn have such great scripts but i asked them about there scripts and they never replied back, so i gues its a no lol.

T0tal king - I am thinking about adding a browser that you camn use in the program, so its easy access to the websites...

Master InuYasha - The scripts are in .txt file and the program opens them that way. I and many people wish i could do that idea about having the scripts connect to a database but i am not that experienced in vb yet! Maybe you or you know someone who could help to make that true :D. I will do that, the original version 1.0 always had the author and info shoiwng but the place where it was at made the program look not so good. I will have them always show don't worry!

SephirothSpawn - If i do the idea with the browser i can have it so when ppl click the script it will also redirect the browser to the website. Also i could include a credit thing that will say if you use the script please credit.... That way they can credit. Doing that is no different then having the person come on rmxp and seeing who to credit then doing it or not.

Lastly Ripaz - there is no way to make it not use .net because unfortunently the program uses it to run the program. Stupid vb lol!! IF i can learn another language maybe i could, but for now i cant.
I think it needs an horizontal scroll bar. The second screen can give error with the second line in the RGSS if the '======' aren't at the same line that the first line '#======...'.

And if you colour the code (green to comments, red for numbers and strings, blue for special words, etc) that 'thing' can be really useful.

But the need of .net it's a problem.
I think that this program should be very portable.
Have you ever tried wxWidgets? It's a great C++ GUI kit which has nearly, if not everything, you need for this (lists, texts and Scintilla (Syntax highlighting). It's very easy to use, and quite recommended.
Sorry for the double post but i will be posting a new version soon and it will look completely different. It will look just like rpg maker xp :D. The Scripts will show up in the area where the map would be and the script selection will be where the map names are located. Screen shots will also be placed where the tileset will show! So get ready for scrive version 2.1.0
Alright guys, so i took some advice from many people and stuff and now I have made a completely new version of the program to look more like rmxp as well(the config of it). Here is a screenshot of version 3.0 its not a great screenshot but its good enough :D: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/ind ... ll=1&id=73[/img]
Nif you used version 2.0 you will see a complete difference!! For those who haven't used version 2 here is version 2:
http://img114.imageshack.us/img114/4778/example2cy9.png[/img] you can see version 3 changed a lot! Any who so enjoy version 3.0. More scripts will be added so don't worry, i expect about 5-6 scripts a week will be added so a lot of scripts will be in it pretty quickly!!
I think this is a good thing, cause i have hell finding scripts on this or any other board, i do a search i cant find it, then i end up asking anyways.
With this i can search much more easly.
Please continue with this.. it would be very usefull for people like me.
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