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Disable a script with switches?

I was wondering how I could disable a whole script until I turned on a switch so it will run.

For instance, I have a platformer script that I only want activated when the player is transfered to a certain area. ;D Thanks anyone who can help...I am having trouble trying to do it with $game_switches[#] = false...etc.




I'm thinking maybe you could turn it off and on by saying under each class

class Blah blah blah
if $game_switches[xx] == true

end # end of "if branch"
end # end of "class"

Have you tried doing this for each class under the script?

Edit: Oh wait this is game maker.. Shit I goofed



I am afraid that turning a script on and off at runtime is impossible in the general case. (I.e. it's impossible to make a script which can do that for any arbitrary script)

Luckily you just have to get it working for your specific case.
How to do it depends on the script, so I highly suggest you post the platform script (or a link to it) and tell us which other scripts you use.

The best case would be if you would post a demo with all the scripts present. (I understand if you don't want to do that)

Scripts do not work like "parallel process". All they make have a logical sequence.

What I mean by this is that, if there is a system you want not to work in a certain instant, you must restrain it by its "starting point".

See an example:
You paste in your script editor one that makes the button A call an special menu.
To make A call this menu the script certainly "aliased"(that would mean like "added functions") to the update method of the Scene_Map script.

So, if you want this menu to be called only if a certain switch is triggered on, you should search this alias update on the place the script you pasted edited the Scene_Map. There, you should make your editions:
if $game_switches 

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