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Direct Saving into last Save

Normally saving invokes Scene_Save requesting where it requests where you wishes to save, and if you choose a slot then it saves your game.

If anyone could make it in such way that if you already have saved your game, it doesn't show the dialog anymore and instead directly saves into the slot.

please try to use $game_temp.last_file_index for the reconition of the last used savegame and $game_system.save_count to reconize if you have saved before.
okay, i managed myself and decided to share the code ;)
# ** Scene_Save addition
#  Build Date - 2005-12-23
#  Version 0.1 - alexanderpas - 2005-12-23
#  This class performs load screen processing.
class Scene_Save < Scene_File
  def main
    if ($game_system.save_count != 0)

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