Drago del Fato
I havent been posting for quite some time and I must say that this site is looking great and there are soo many people here. You rock!
...but let's get to the point... ;D
Have ever heard something like this from yourself, friend, cousin, etc.
"Man, I've got this awesome story for manga, but there is a problem. I can't draw!"
Well, I've heard it from my friend and I told him. Just write dude. Even in text format, you will learn how to draw...eventually...
And guess what? He listened to me! Started writing and wrote 20 episodes 'till now!
And while he was writing, I came every week to check up a bit on his episodes and they're cool!
(he really knows how to write a story)
I thought, how about i make a program that reads his text files and plays some BGM while program reads the lines.
And I made Manga Reader.
He was so excited about it! He said that program rocks.
After a while I also made an episode of a manga. He said it's a good story but...I don't know.
I uploaded it together with manga reader and I hope that you'll like it (I wanted to upload his episode but I don't have a permission from him, cuz I haven't asked him about it)
Now I want to hear what you have to say about it.
This is the link of my manga uploaded on Megaupload.
Manga reader's abilities:
- can play Background music(BGM) while showing lines of text, for a better view of the story!
- can play ambient (Ambient) music like rain, nature, underwater, etc.
- can play sounds (SFX)
- change colors of texts
- use emotions like drop, warning, silence(...), etc.
- allow use of faces.
- more...
I hope you'll like it. :-\
I havent been posting for quite some time and I must say that this site is looking great and there are soo many people here. You rock!
...but let's get to the point... ;D
Have ever heard something like this from yourself, friend, cousin, etc.
"Man, I've got this awesome story for manga, but there is a problem. I can't draw!"
Well, I've heard it from my friend and I told him. Just write dude. Even in text format, you will learn how to draw...eventually...
And guess what? He listened to me! Started writing and wrote 20 episodes 'till now!
And while he was writing, I came every week to check up a bit on his episodes and they're cool!
(he really knows how to write a story)
I thought, how about i make a program that reads his text files and plays some BGM while program reads the lines.
And I made Manga Reader.
He was so excited about it! He said that program rocks.
After a while I also made an episode of a manga. He said it's a good story but...I don't know.
I uploaded it together with manga reader and I hope that you'll like it (I wanted to upload his episode but I don't have a permission from him, cuz I haven't asked him about it)
Now I want to hear what you have to say about it.
This is the link of my manga uploaded on Megaupload.
Manga reader's abilities:
- can play Background music(BGM) while showing lines of text, for a better view of the story!
- can play ambient (Ambient) music like rain, nature, underwater, etc.
- can play sounds (SFX)
- change colors of texts
- use emotions like drop, warning, silence(...), etc.
- allow use of faces.
- more...
I hope you'll like it. :-\