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Different Poison Does Different Damage



As we know, poison does 10% of the user's MaxHP every turn.

But say I want to do...

Light poison - 5%
Poison - 10%
Heavy Poison - 20%

Is there anyway I can configure the amount of damage poison does for round?



While that information is very important, I'm afraid I wasn't as clear as I thought :( So I apologize.

What I want is a way to do this...

State 1 - 5% damage
State 2 - 10% damage
State 3 - 20% damage

Different states do different poison damage. Again, apologies for not being clear. And apologies if you did answer my question correctly but I just don't get it for some reason. :(
This should be a quickie

A Bit more powerful than what you asked

module Poison_Setup
  # * Posion Damage Formulas
  #   - syntax: state_id => string
  #   - Note: see Game_Battler 1 for variables for (stat) based damage
  Formula = {
  # * Default Formula (10% Max Hp)
  Formula.default = 'self.maxhp / 10'
  # * Variance
  #   - syntax: state_id => variance
  Variance = {
  # * Default Variance
  Variance.default = 15

class Game_Battler
  # * Application of Slip Damage Effects
  def slip_damage_effect
    # Declare State ID a local variable
    state_id = 0
    # Run Through and if slip damage break
    @states.each {|state_id| break if $data_states[state_id].slip_damage}
    # Set damage
    self.damage = eval(Poison_Setup::Formula[state_id]).to_i
    # Dispersion
    if self.damage.abs > 0
      variance = Poison_Setup::Variance[state_id].to_i
      amp = [self.damage.abs * variance / 100, 1].max
      self.damage += rand(amp+1) + rand(amp+1) - amp
    # Subtract damage from HP
    self.hp -= self.damage
    # End Method
    return true

But It only does this for the highest rated poison status effect if you want it for every poison status that would be a bit more complicated (multiple damage displaying at once).

Untested but it should work, let me know if you have any trouble

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